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Folks, the most preciuos gift that you can give your mate, is Time! Make sure you take time for each other during the busy holiday season. Ask family or friends to take care of the kids, and spend two or three hours alone, doing something you both enjoy! You'll be glad you did. Now don't ya'll ferget to send them special stories and pitures to us! Email your story and pitures along with yer name and where yer from, and you'll see it featured here. So, dadburnit, email the The MountainGnome. Now don't ferget, next week we'll visit historic, Bon Carbo, Colorado!
Here's some free stuff fer the kiddies and older kiddies,Too! This is gonna interest the adults and younguns', today. Let's head up to Cripple Creek, Colorado. Here's a view from atop the Double Eagle Hotel & Casino! This is a neat old western gold mining town, and they're a gonna have some fun and festivities fer New Years Eve! It can get purtty dadblame cold, so don't go to losin'yer shirt in the Casino, but have fun! Hotdang, they're gonna have a fireworks display, up atop ole' Pikes Peak on New Years Eve! Gambling, Festivities, Fun, Dancin', Singin', Sight Seein' and MORE!! To All Company Employees: There are 3 kinds of people: those who can count & those who can't.
Feel like snowmobiling?! My kinda fun, where I can sit down and ride! Steamboat Lake Outfitters
is just North of Steamboat Springs,
Colorado high in the Rocky
Mountains. Positioned directly
between beautiful Steamboat Lake
State Park, and Routt National
Forest, the possibilities are almost
endless. They offer mountain cabins
and guided tours of Northern
Colorado through the wild and
scenic areas of Steamboat Lake
State Park, Routt National Forest, the Continental Divide, and the protected Zirkel
Wilderness Area. Explore what Steamboat Lake Outfitters has to offer!!! The ole' MountainGnome has done alot of great trout fishin' at Steamboat Lake and Hahns Peak Lake. This time of year the ice fishin' is real good and lots of fun! And hey, if ya got more energy, ya'll can do some cross country skiin' up there too! Son, there's some down right purtty scenery and wildlife to take in up there! Fantastic Winter and summer recreation.
Wintergreen Dogsled Lodge: If you've never been dogsledding, your in for some dadgum fun and excitement! You can choose from a beginner expedition to an Arctic expedition!! LODGE-TO-LODGE DOGSLED VACATIONS are suited for persons ages 8 to 80 and require no experience or gear. On these 3- and 4-night, standard and deluxe packages, you'll mush a team of their friendly Eskimos dogs on beautiful wilderness trails each day accompanied by their guide-naturalists, and you'll enjoy gourmet meals and great northwoods cabins each evening. Join them as they celebrate their 20th season! *** Real women don't have hot flashes, they have power surges. ***
Old Mexico....hold on to yore sombrero's...we're a headin' to Cabo San Lucas! Beautiful beaches....boating...great fishing...shopping, shucks, I'm plum tuckered out already, but ya'll continue and have FUN! Did You Know? On this day in 1848, gas lights were installed at the White House for the first time.
Space Station: With the recent failure of the Mars mission, the space program could use a little pick-me-up. We all cheered when John Glenn took to the skies again, but--let's face it--that was more a PR move by NASA than anything of serious scientific merit. The Space Station, on the other hand, that's where the real action is. Whether you're mildly curious about this USA/Russian hookup far up in the sky or a die-hard aficionado(who said dat?) of all things interstellar, you'll find something of interest on this jam-packed site. Presented by Encyberpedia and NASA, Spacestation.com offers true geeks the opportunity to view real-time space station data and gives the rest of us a chance to meet the crew, discover the history of space travel, and view launchings. Who knows? Maybe someday we'll all be up there(except me), checking out Web sites about the planet Earth.
New Virus disguised as Y2K bug patch! The virus, dubbed W95.Babylonia, is "spreading quickly worldwide" on Windows-based computers, said antivirus software company Symantec.
John Hamre, Deputy Secretary of Defense, had this to say about the
impending arrival of January 1, 2000: DENGUE DEATH BRINGS WARNING IN TEXAS: Texans who live near the Mexican border are being cautioned about the risks of dengue fever in the wake of the state's first death from the disease in decades. Texas health officials confirm a girl died from dengue fever earlier this month in South Texas. They believe she contracted the mosquito-borne virus on a visit to Mexico. The girl died from dengue hemorrhagic fever, a variation of the disease marked by internal bleeding. Fifty-one other cases have been confirmed in Texas this year. The dengue virus, which is prevalent in parts of Central America, South America and Asia, is carried mainly by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Health officials say the best way to reduce risk is to eliminate sources of standing water, such as old tires, tin cans, birdbaths and flowerpot bases - all prime mosquito breeding grounds. Symptoms of dengue fever include sudden onset of high fever, severe headache, joint and muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and rash. Folks, let me know yer thoughts or concerns fer Y2K! Also, if ya have any questions about Y2K computer problems that ya'll encountered, E-mail them to My Y2K Thoughts.
Things to do @ any STORE while the spouse is taking his/her sweet time! **Hide in the clothing racks and when people browse through, say things like "pick me! pick me!!"
Naps During Pregnancy: Newborns and Travel:
InDefense: You read about the new virus that looks like a Y2K patch. InDefense is the best Anti-Virus program that I have seen to date! There are no virus definitions to constantly update! Read what all the folks are saying about it! You can download the software and try it for 45 days! I'm using now and it's a Peach of a program!
NO PUNISHMENT: Reassure your children that no one will be angry with them if they get lost. There have been cases where children have hidden from searchers because they were afraid of being punished. HUG A TREE: Teach your children that a tree can be a friend. Tell them if they ever get lost to select a tree near a clearing and stay there. If they are frightened, they can hug and talk to the tree. This will help prevent panic and keep the child in one place, increasing chances of discovery.
Hot Buttered Rum:
WHOA THERE, now don't you Mountaingnomies git carried away! |