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Welcome to the New Millenium!
Well, we made it into the New Year with no more problems than normal!
Oh sure, there are a few glitches here and there, but aren't there always
some kind of bugs out there, just lurking in the dark for some poor
innocent soul?! Anyway, here's to a prosperous...healthy...and safe New
Year to all of our Customers and Visitors.
The real Y2K bug: flu
The millennium bug has finally hit -- a flu that's packing hospital
emergency rooms nationwide.
Thousands of people suffering from fever, chills and other symptoms are
taking up so many beds from Texas to Rhode Island that hospitals are
turning away non-emergency patients.
Now don't ya'll ferget to send them special stories and pitures to us! Email your story and pitures along with yer name and where yer from, and you'll see it featured here. So, dadburnit, email the The MountainGnome.
Okay, I promised ya we'd feature the Historic Coal town of Bon Carbo, Colorado. Let's take a ride down the road from my cabin to Bon Carbo. There's only a couple of homes left from that old coal mining era. The original Post Office was built somewhere between 1915 and 1918. Things were booming pretty well for the coal mines up until the 1940's, when they started closing down all over, in favor of more profitable ventures. This was the Post Office from about 1973 until June, 1999. These old adobe structures sure do hold a bunch of history in them. Well, here's the new, ultra modern Post Offce that we got in June of 1999. It's alot more modern, but it just ain't got that certain historic flare. Now we really got lucky and caught our Post Master, Tom, on camera :o))
To All Company Employees: Give blood... Play hockey.
Did You Know: A report to President Herbert Hoover on this date in 1931 said four-
million to five-million Americans were out of work. The Great Depression
was underway.
-- The Mountain Man
What say we head up yonder to the Big Blue Skies of Montana. Yep, ya guessed it....Big Sky, Montana! Located high in the Northern Rockies,
Big Sky, Montana has something to
offer for everyone – magnificent
mountains for both skiing and hiking,
endless outdoor activities, trout-laden
rivers and streams, superb dining, and a
variety of shopping, all accented with a
touch of western charm...Hey Folks, It's the Best Game in Town!
Have ya'll ever been Up, Up and Awaay, in a Beautiful Balloon?? Well, you're in fer a dadgum treat! Aeronautical Adventures now offers
Balloon flights over beautiful Big Sky!! How about a Cozy, Romantic Sleigh Ride Dinner afterwards?! The fine folks at Lone Mountain Ranch offer some great family adventure and some real comfortable lodging too.
Well, partners, ya'll have lots of FUN in Snow Country!!
What say we head to Cozumel this week and do some scuba diving...errrr..I mean, you do the scuba diving and I'll watch! Now in case ya don't know, Cozumel is in Mexico...ya know, warm winds, warm water, warm beer, NO SNOW.....yeah, I knew you'd get it:o) There are a number of diving schools and guides for you to check out and enjoy your experience. Heh, if scuba diving ain't yer bag, Cozumel offers jeep and dune buggy tours, great beaches, fishing...check it out and have fun!! Oh yeah, I fergot, ya'll relax too!! !
- Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After marriage, the 'Y' becomes silent.
Free Download: Play an adaptation of the classic arcade game, Ms. Pac-Man.
New Product Announcement: Free Keyboard for You!
The MyWebKey keyboard offers you special features, such as
multimedia and internet access capabilities. This keyboard
will be available in variety of colors that are unlike any
keyboard currently available in the U.S. Don't miss out on
the chance to get your one of a kind keyboard that can only be
received by signing up at the site above. Along with your
registration you will be entered into their special rewards
program that will be make you eligible for thousands of
dollars in free prizes and shopping. . . .
Steven J. Silberberg collects air-sickness bags. He's photographed
them and posted the pictures on his Web site. Now the world need not
wonder what the Air Berlin bag looks like, or travel anywhere to get a
look at the plain brown offerings of Chinese Military Transport. Visit
the site at Air Sickness Bags!
- The only thing wrong with a perfect drive to work is that you end up at work.
By the way...
For how long has it been possible to make a phone call between New York
and London?
Not as long as you'd think. Commercial trans-Atlantic telephone service
between New York and London was inaugurated on this date in 1927. 31 calls
were made the first day.
Prilissa is a new Word 97 macro virus, created by a virus vandal with
little imagination but a lot of venom. This copycat virus gets part of
its name from the Melissa virus, because it copies Melissa's use of
the Outlook e-mail program to send itself to people the user knows
(besides spreading via infected document files). The other part of its
name comes from the Pri macro virus, because it copies Pri's ability
to insert random shapes into infected documents.
The virus writer evidently lacked the skill to write a destructive
payload of his own, and copied an old idea by using the system's
FORMAT command, triggered by a command in the autoexec.bat file, to
wipe the hard disk of files on December 25. Such viruses are one
reason for renaming the Format command to something else, like
FORMATAZ.COM or a similar name. Then when a virus tries to use the
Format command, it won't find it.
TIPS FOR: Moms-To-Be & New Moms |
Easing the Pain of Indigestion:
The major doses of estrogen and progesterone your body produces early
in pregnancy relax smooth muscle tissue throughout your body -- and
that includes your gastrointestinal tract. This relaxation slows your
digestive processes, which can cause bloating, indigestion, and a
generally miserable sensation in your gut, especially after a big
meal. Don't eat big meals. Instead, eat several small meals throughout
the day. Take your time eating, and chew thoroughly. Avoid foods that
cause you gastrointestinal distress. The usual suspects are soda,
alcohol (which you should be avoiding anyway; see Alcohol During
Pregnancy), processed meats, and spicy, highly seasoned, fried, and
fatty foods.
NOTE: Always follow the advice of your Physician!
Announce Your Baby's Birth Online:
If you create your own announcements, computer-aided or not, you'll
have to stuff envelopes and spring for postage. Why not take advantage
of technology and create online birth announcements? Choose the design
you like best, then add a photograph and your baby's vital statistics,
and you're ready to go. Within moments the whole world can have
instant access to your announcement. Plus, you can always print out
copies to send to your friends and family who aren't online yet.
- My mind works like lightning. One brilliant flash and it is gone.
- InDefense: You read about the new virus that looks like a Y2K patch. InDefense is the best Anti-Virus program that I have seen to date! There are no virus definitions to constantly update! Read what all the folks are saying about it! You can download the software and try it for 45 days! I'm using now and it's a Peach of a program!
- Cacheman: Cacheman is a utility which tweaks the disk
cache settings and prevents frequent swapping
of the data to disk resulting in an improved
performance and stability.
- YankeeClipper II: Explorer like interface. You use the clipboard every day, but does it save clips between
sessions? Can you chose to have 20/50 clips in the clipboard's history?
Can you create boilerplate (template) files of commonly used clips/text?
Can you combine clipboard entries? I didn't think so. Yankee Clipper
II to the rescue! Put your clipboard on steroids!
100 Hour Emergency Candles! Many uses when your hiking, hunting etc.!
- If it's blue - it's good for you.
- If it's red - use your head.
- If it's white - do not bite.
This is a heavenly lemon spread. It's delicious on English muffins,
toast, or pancakes. Or blend it with an equal amount of whipped cream
and serve as an elegant dessert. Makes about 1-3/4 cups.
- 3/4 c sugar
- grated rind and juice (1/3 c) of 2 lemons
- 1/2 c butter
- 3 eggs, beaten
Put all ingredients in the top of a double boiler, over hot water.
Stir until mixture is well blended and begins to thicken. This takes
only a few minutes; it will continue to thicken as it cools.
Pour into hot, sterilized jars and seal, or into scrupulously cleaned
jars for refrigeration or freezing.
Hoho, sounds like a dang good snack for Super Bowl Sunday!!
Here's another Super Bowl sunday recipe or any other time too!
Mexican Layered Dip
- 2 - 15 0z. cans refried beans
- 1 - 16 oz. container sour cream
- 1 package dry taco-seasoning mix
- 2 avocados, mashed
- 1 head lettuce, shredded
- 2 tomatoes, chopped
- 1 cup black olives, sliced
- 1 cup cheddar cheese, shredded
- 1 cup Monterey Jack cheese, shredded
Place ingredients in the order they are listed on a large platter.
Serve with tortilla chips.
So until next week, remember:Time is the best teacher; Unfortunately it kills all its students.