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Find: Information and news on Prospecting, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Biking, Archery, Trails, National and State Parks and a great deal more!
Ski Wolf Creek
LC & S Railroad
Ski Utah Package
Aeronautical Adventures
Cripple Creek Casinos
Geargetown Loop Train
Durango/Silverton Train
Free Shop
Sports 'n More
American Wilderness
PDC 640 Digital Camera
Acer ReWriter-CRW 6206A
GET YOUR WEB SITE LISTED in the Partners Links section by downloading the code and inserting it on your Web site. The more New Pals you send our way, the better your chances for getting linked here! Everyone will have an equal opportunity! Links are rotated on a regular basis!
Welshware un-Ltd.

MOUNTAIN NOTES 11.Feb.2000 |
Well, the Super Bowl is in the past and my heartbeat is finally back to normal! Those ole' Titans sure did make for an exciting ending, huh?!
I sure am sorry for the late issue, but we've been working hard to bring you a weekly contest here at The MountainGnome. Well, Carl Harrison, owner of Welshware un-Ltd., emailed me a short while ago, and just made our dreams, a reality!
New Contest!:
Great News! Welshware un-Ltd. ~ the makers of QuickClean2000, EzyMassMailer, TheNet, LockTight and Random PC Magic, is our new sponsor for a weekly contest, here at The MountainGnome! Each week, for a limited time, there will be 2 winners. One winner will receive a fully registered copy of QuickClean2000 with life time updates, and another winner will receive a fully registered copy of EzyMassMailer.
**Winners announced on Saturday morning, on The MountainGnome Home Page!
Contest Ends: 02-18-2000
Press Here To: Enter Contest!
Next Week: Valentines Day!
Remember to show and tell that loved one how much you care, every single day! Sometimes, in this life, tomorrow is to late! "I Love You", say it ~ mean it ~ live it!
In Wales, wooden love spoons were carved and given as gifts on Feb.
14. Heart, keys and keyholes were favorite decorations, which meant "you
unlock my heart!".
Hold on there folks, I've just been interrupted with some news that we just had a new birth here. Here's Bobby and Jonathan holding our new lamb, just a few hours old! Dadgummit, he's a cutie, eh?!
Here's a couple of real characters that add some fun to The MountainGnome, my daughter Kim and my son-in-law John! John contributes alot of the humerous stories and sich, and well, Kim just contributes being purtty:o)) Thanks, guys!
Partners, we want ya'll to git envolved too! Send your stories~pitures or maybe a program that you found that would be of interest to all! So send them dadgum articles toThe MountainGnome.
Hey, yall might win a Prize fer the best story or picture!
Everything in your computer goes Goofy
Software Feature:
Diskeeper 5.0 - The only "Set It and Forget It" ® network
defragmenter that maximizes your system performance on
Windows NT or a mixed Windows 95/98/NT/2000 environment.
Exclusive breakthrough
technology: Frag Guard ®. Prevents fragmentation on your most
critical and most frequently accessed files - the Master File
Table and Paging Files. This is worth checking out.
Talk About Dumb..
Texas authorities, responding to a store robbery, seized a man who was
fleeing naked. When asked about his choice of attire, he said he'd
stripped after the job because he figured his clothes would make him
identifiable. . .(Ooooooohhhhh.....brilliant, huh?!)
Free Wallpaper!
For all you outdoor and firearms is one of our own custom wallpapers by Mountaingnomie Stan K.
-- The Mountain Man
Welcome to Wolf Creek!
You are in for a treat at one of Colorado's oldest and finest ski resorts. Partner's, yer gonna find plenty of friendly
employees and abundant, light powder snow.
Wolf Creek is a high alpine ski resort, 10,300 feet at the base and 11,904 feet at the summit.
Sunscreen and sunglasses are necessary in the high altitude sun. The weather conditions can change
rapidly so be prepared with extra clothing and goggles. Clothing need not be elaborate, or even
designed for skiing, but a wool hat, warm gloves or mittens, and underclothing are musts. Recognize
your own limitations. If you get tired or cold, stop in at one of the fine restaurants and git warmed up, along with some warm grub!
Re-formats your hard drive into a 3.5 inch floppy, then discards it through windows
Well, time to do some railroadin'! Ya know I just love riding the rails! Folks, there's an old saying that goes, "all ya see on the Interstate!". Come on, lit's go fer another train ride. Hop aboard!
Leadville - highest incorporated city in the USA - is the
departure point for the Leadville, Colorado and Southern
Railroad. The train leaves from Leadville’s century-old
depot and travels over the old Colorado & Southern high
line, following the headwaters of the Arkansas River up to a
spectacular view of Fremont Pass. Then it’s down to the
French Gulch water tower to view Mt. Elbert, Colorado’s
highest peak.
Whether you’re here to enjoy the splendor of Colorado’s
high country or to discover the colorful history of one of
Colorado’s richest mining districts, this train ride is sure to
delight you!
Well, Mountaineers, ya'll have lots of FUN in Snow Country!!
- DR. JACK KEVORKIAN VIRUS: Deletes all old files!
The Village Doc! provides the premier,
nationwide online source for doctor
referrals, medical information, health
information and education. Free to the
general public, will ad-
vertise and promote a nationwide, com-
prehensive database of the roughly
375,000 practicing physicians in the
United States. . .
APB News:
In a quick-draw battle worthy of the Wild
West, a woman shot and killed an armed rape
suspect who entered her house and
threatened to kill everyone in it.
This gal deserves a rousing cheer from "The MountainGnome"!!!
- *The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached
to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping the males head off.
("Honey, I'm home. What the...."
SPONSOR: Welshware un-Ltd.....TheNet is Shareware (no restrictions for unregistered users).
The World's Number ONE "Award Winning" - "Live"
CAMera and Internet-MultiMedia Package
Ever wonder where the Pledge of Allegiance came from?
It's not in the
Constitution. Betsy Ross didn't write it up after she had finished the
In an odd twist in the separation of church and state, the Pledge was
written by a minister named Francis Bellamy. He submitted his creation
to the magazine Youth's Companion back in 1892. The magazine liked it
and published it. Once in circulation, nearly every school in the
country adopted it. Rumor has it that the Bellamy family is still
living off the royalties.
Folks, if any of ya have an angel story or picture, please send it our way! We will sure publish it and share it with the rest of our readers!
- Young at Heart.... Slightly older in most other places.
Great Buy!...Create your own audio CDs, and play them back on home or car CD player!
Backup you important files to CD!
Make backup copies of your CD!
Create your own photo albums on CD!
Acer CD ReWriter -CRW 6206A:...We just installed one of these newfangled rewriters, here at The Mountaingnome. It makes backing up our system files as easy as eatin' pumpkin pie! There's 'nuf space fer all our suff and more! And partners, I ain't a kiddin' when I tell ya the Price Is Right!! Pick yerself one up today!
TIPS FOR: Moms-To-Be & New Moms |
Diary of a Pregnancy
The journal of one woman's first pregnancy. The site
contains information on trying to conceive, fetal
development pictures, and informative pregnancy links. . .
American Baby Magazine - Free for Six Months :
American Baby Magazine features lively, helpful articles
for new parents on every area of concern. Topics include
safety, childcare, nutrition, nursing, ... and much more!
American Baby Magazine and USA BABY have teamed up to offer
you a FREE 6-issue subscription.
Can Ultrasound Determine Your Baby's Sex?:
Starting at about 18-20 weeks, the fetal sex can be seen on
ultrasound; however, your baby has to cooperate! The baby has to be in
a position to allow visualization of the male or female parts. Even if
a good view of the baby's sex is obtained, there are still no
guarantees. We recommend leaving the tags on all the pink or blue
clothes/toys/equipment you buy or receive until you see the real
NOTE: Always follow the advice of your Physician!
Take Care of Baby Gums :
The best protection for a baby's pearly whites, even before they come
in, is routine dental hygiene. Even before a child sports her first
tooth, it's important to wipe her gums with gauze or a wet washcloth
at least twice a day. Simply wrap the cloth or gauze around your index
finger and rub it gently over your child's gums as you would a
toothbrush. In addition to keeping her gums clean, this sets the stage
for good oral hygiene in the years to come.
- Don't squat with your spurs on.
Linux Note: When downloading a linux .tar/ .gz or .rpm file, It is sometimes necessary to hold down the shift key while clicking on the file you want to download.
New Feature in Windows2000!:
- Helpfully locates and destroys all non-Microsoft software on
your computer...heh heh heh
Sleeping with fire: Why sleep on the cold ground when you can warm it up a little.
- Step 1. Excavate a section of soil around six inches deep and as long and as wide as your body.
- Step 2. Gather all the hot coals from your fire and lay them in the bottom of your excavation.
- Step 3. Fill in the hole and place your bed on top. The hot coals will heat up the soil and keep you
toasty until morning.
(Caution: If the coals aren't buried deep enough you will find out what a roasted
pig feels like.)
Elk Pepper Steak : :
- 1 pound elk sirloin
- 1 cup sliced bell peppers
- 1 sliced red onion
- 1 8oz pack fresh mushrooms
- 1 clove fresh garlic
- 1 tablespoon soy sauce
- ˝ teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
Cut the sirloin into strips. Heat olive oil in a skillet, add garlic, soy sauce, onion, and
elk. Sauté until browned. Add remaining ingredients and simmer, covered until
vegetables are tender, stirring occasionally.
Steamed wild rice, scallop potatoes, fresh green salad are excellent compliments for
this entree.
So until next week, REMEMBER: "Everyone should have a spouse, because there
are a number of things that go wrong that one
can't blame on the government."