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Welshware UnLtd. Mugg Shots by Dotty
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Swarovski-3-9x42 Scope Camper Canoe Self-Powered Lantern Xi Computer 700K Mtower 19" Monitor@MonitorsDirect Logitech QuickCam Express PDC 640 Digital Camera Acer ReWriter-CRW 6206A Turbo-Surfer 2000 Net Detective 2000
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If you don't receive your weekly issue by Sunday, you can check the Latest Issue Link at any of The MountainGnome pages, or you can e-mail NoIssue@mountaingnome.com Well, as you can tell, The MountainGnome is back to normal! We hope all of our readers, visitors, friends and family had a Happy~Safe~Blessed Easter. I guess ya'll figured out that I'm behind again.....errr...I'm gonna try to keep up and on time....really I am....no kiddin':-)
Shucks folks, since we decided to show ya some pitures of our contest winners, I thought it only fittin' that we let ya see a couple of our contest sponsors. I got Carl and Dotty to send me their photos, so now we're a gonna expose them!
New Kid on the Block:
Davis Station Antarctica: To Bob and all the folks at Davis....we sure hope you had a great Easter.
Police in Radnor, Pennsylvania, interrogated a suspect by placing a metal colander on his head and connecting it with wires to a photocopy machine. The message "He's lying" was placed in the copier, and police pressed the copy button each time they thought the suspect wasn't telling the truth. Believing the "lie detector" was working, the suspect confessed.
Free Wallpaper!
Ridin' the Rails: Conway Scenic Railroad
Travel with them on one of their nostalgic train rides of varying duration
through the beautiful Mt. Washington Valley and the surrounding White Mountains of
New Hampshire. All train rides are roundtrip and depart from the historic North
Conway station. Whether you choose one of the Valley routes to Conway (55 minutes)
or Bartlett (1 3/4 hour), or the legendary Crawford Notch trip (5-5 1/2 hours), you'll
journey into bygone days in the comfort of one of their open or enclosed restored
passenger cars. The "Notch Train" and "Valley Train" are both powered by diesel
electric locomotives, except for July 4 - Labor Day and late September - mid-October,
when the popular steam locomotive #7470 is scheduled to provide the motive power
for the North Conway to Conway excursion.
The East Moreno Ranch: The East Moreno Ranch Cabin This Authentic cabin was built in the late 1800's and is available for Private Retreats or the Perfect Honeymoon! Elk-trout-golf.....only a part of the adventure!
Partners, lets git into overdrive mode and go to summer fun! There was a time when the cry "Steamboat a Comin'!" would shake the air and stir the soul. Now you can experience the same magical, nostalgic, romantic, patriotic celebration of the American spirit on the legendary Delta Queen, the magnificent Mississippi Queen, and the grand American Queen. The company's newest riverboat, the 161-passenger Columbia Queen, will begin offering 8-night vacations in the Pacific Northwest in spring 2000. Take a 3- to 14-night Steamboatin' vacation to the Heartland of America with The Delta Queen Steamboat Company, proud to be keeping America's Steamboatin' heritage alive since 1890. For reservations and information, call your travel agent or 1-800-215-0805. Survival Tip:Be prepared for your chosen recreation: Being fit enough to go the distance takes physical preparation. Stick to your turnaround time (a general rule of thumb is to allow one thrid of your time for the trip in, and two thirds for the return trip). Take the proper equipment, have a trip plan, use maps, and reference/guide books. Until next time: Be Safe ~ Be Happy!!
Great Buy: Swarovski-3-9x42 Rifle Scope
Show Off: Yessiree, show off that Classic Car ya restored....or send us a car tip...or maybe a great car site! E-mail all them goodies to cars@mountaingnome.com
*Run your air conditioner monthly*
This keeps the compressor seal lubricated
and in good condition.
Free Ketchup Pen from Heinz!
Disabled counselor uses Net to ease pain: by Christopher J. Kelly TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER. Joey...the prayers of all go out to you! Submit your articles to newsarticle@mountaingnome.com
yourbabysname.com Baby Naming Help: How your baby's name sounds when it's said aloud is one of the most essential things to think about when choosing a name for your little one. Is it melodious? Harsh? Does it go well with your last name? Often, longer first names work better with shorter last names, and vice versa. Combining a first name that ends in a vowel with a last name that starts with a vowel generally isn't the best choice -- the names tend to run together ("Eva Anderson"). Avoid first names that rhyme with your last name. And please resist puns: A name like "Holly Wood" or "Bud Weiser" will be cute for about five minutes. Then your poor child will be stuck with it for the rest of his or her life. NOTE: Always follow the advice of your Physician! What You Can Do About Your Baby's Asthma: Asthma is a chronic condition with no known cure. But it's a disease that can be successfully managed with medication and by keeping your child away from the things that trigger his attacks. If your child's asthma is persistent and keeps him from sleeping well, his pediatrician may prescribe daily medications to help prevent attacks. However, it's possible that the drugs could also disturb his sleep; if that seems to be happening, talk to your child's pediatrician about changing the dosage, shifting the time your child takes his medication, or switching to a different drug altogether. Some inhaled asthma medications have fewer side effects than those taken orally. NOTE! Always check and follow the advice of your physician!!
Linux Note: When downloading a linux .tar/ .gz or .rpm file, It is sometimes necessary to hold down the shift key while clicking on the file you want to download.
Software Review: QuickClean V5.0 Press Release. Many icons dotted around. Everything is on a basics-up-front, dig deeper for advanced options format. Current QuickClean users will feel comfortable working in the advanced section where most options have remained identical to previous versions, whilst the unknowing user can immediately delve into the hard-basics of QuickClean Total Maintenance via the included Wizards to get the most out of QuickClean as easily and quickly as possible. Defragmentation and Scandisk Wizards (recognises if you have Defrag/Scandisk installed) and will work with almost any other scandisk/defragmentation program too! Again, BETTER and FASTER Cleaning Power! Windows-Object Wizard - Schedule Movies, Bitmaps, MP3s, Word-Documents, HTML, Applications - ANYTHING - at a particular time. Drag-Around-the-screen feature on all "screens" allowing you to move any QuickClean screens around your desktop without the need to click the application-bar and move, just click almost anywhere on a QuickClean screen and drag the screen around. (Handy for when resolution changes have moved the form partly out of view). ALL Programs Optimised, making QuickClean more productive, and easy to use. NEW PROGRAM ADDITION: QuickClean Memory Injector - SWAP used physical into the Swap File, freeing up a desired amount of physical RAM. The memory freed is approximate to the memory requiring to be freed, sometimes it is more and sometimes it is less (depends on the other applications you may be running at the time and their memory requirements). The AutoUpdate package is now part of QuickTray and can be run from the QC Icon in your task-tray. Software Feature: Turbo-Surfer 2000: WANT SOME BLISTERING FAST WEB SPEED? "WE CAN HELP!" The inventor of TURBO SURFER-2000 claimed that it would improve the internet performance of any desktop computer up to 220% instantly. Software Feature: Gibson Research Corporation Folks, Steve Gibson is the president of Gibson Research.....and from what we found out, an extremely talented programmer and developer. Some of his software is unbelievable. Check out the website...you can thank me later:o)) Now, here is Gibson Research Software! Shields Up! Greetings! Without your knowledge or explicit permission, the Windows networking technology which connects your computer to the Internet may be offering some or all of your computer's data to the entire world at this very moment! Shields UP! quickly checks the SECURITY of YOUR computer's connection to the Internet. For the most reliable results you are invited to use our FREE IP Agent: Software Feature: Airlift Rescue Who doesn't remember the game called Choplifter from the early 80's. Airlift Rescue is a remake of Choplifter. You are the pilot of a helicopter and your mission is to rescue 64 hostages.
THE IRISH POTATO FAMINE: In the 1840's, blight hit Ireland's potato crop, the mainstay of the Irish diet. In the next ten years, more than a third of the Irish population either died from plague and famine or immigrated to other countries. Consequently, some Irish surnames died out during the famine or now exist only in foreign countries. You'll find an excellent listing of books about Irish surnames and heraldry at http://www.rootsweb.com/~genclass/208/gen208_10.htm
Melt butter in 9-inch by 13-inch pan. Mix remaining ingredients together well to form batter. Pour over melted butter; DO NOT stir. Place fruit mixture on top of batter; DO NOT stir. Bake 45 to 60 minutes. About 30 minutes before removing from oven, sprinkle top with sugar. So until next time, REMEMBER: "The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost." |