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*May.12, 2000*
Personalized Mouse Pad:
Peggy Pavkovich-Ca.
Contest Sponsors:
Welshware UnLtd.
Mugg Shots by Dotty
ENDS: May 26, 2000

Register to WIN $19,500!
Our WebCam:
Peek in while we're working!
Find: Ski conditions, weather advisories, resort information,shopping information and more!
New Mexico
New York
Find: Information and news on Prospecting, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Biking, Archery, Trails, National and State Parks and a great deal more!
The Ghan Railway
Salmon River Outfitters
Narokorokoyawa Island, Fiji
Old Colony and Newport RR
Hatch River Expeditions
Conway Scenic Railroad
The East Moreno Ranch:
Cape Cod Central RR
The Bar ZX Ranch
Cass Scenic RR
Witch Bay Camp
Cripple Creek Casinos
Free Shop
Sports 'n More
LL Bean
GARMIN Fishfinder 240
Swarovski-3-9x42 Scope
Camper Canoe
Self-Powered Lantern
Xi Computer 700K Mtower
19" Monitor@MonitorsDirect
Logitech QuickCam Express
PDC 640 Digital Camera
Acer ReWriter-CRW 6206A
Welshware UnLtd.
Mugg Shots by Dotty
Angels on Earth
Submit your favorite WEBCAM site to The Mountaingnome and we'll put it right here!
Davis Station-Antarctica
Mt. Alyeska-Alaska

Copyright © 1999-2000
The MountainGnome
All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1529-6520

MOUNTAIN NOTES 14.May.2000 |
To All of You Great Gals out there:
Software Contest - Ends 05/26/2000!
Mouse Pad Contest - Ends 05/26/2000!
If you don't receive your weekly issue by Sunday, you can check the Latest Issue Link at any of The MountainGnome pages, or you can e-mail NoIssue@mountaingnome.com
At The MountainGnome, we now accept Credit Cards for all of our ads or products, through...PayPal.com!!
It's Easy...Convenient and Secure!!
Snapshot Spy Software!
Imagine! Secretly monitor every move someone makes on your computer. You can
monitor children, employees, spouses, or anyone who uses your computer with
or without your knowledge! With Snapshot Spy software you can monitor your
PC without anyone knowing your watching. Snapshot Spy records every move and
allows you to play back just like a VCR!
- Definition of gun control: Use both hands!
The MuggShot Gang:
Okay, so I needed a couple of models for The MountainGnome products....and I'm cheap.....and these models were free! Kimberly, is not only a pretty sales....errrr...person, she's also a pretty mom of two great kids!! Now don't they look precious in their MGnome T-Shirts?! You can get yours at Mugg Shots by Dotty!
Kim was over last sunday helpin' all of us Mgnomies celebrate Jonathan's Sixteenth Birthday. It certainly was a good time to get them to pose...huh? Here's a picture of brother and sister posin' fer dear ole' dad. We've got a real great clan here! Hey....no kiddin'....I didn't even have to threaten them!
Buggy Alternator.....by: Bob Jones Thu. 11 May 2000 |
Davis Station Antarctica:
Alternator fails at Davis.
An alternator which produces power and supplies the station, tripped out on
a down to earth fault and smoke from the short activated the very sensitive
Vesda system in the main power house, triggering the station fire alarm on
Saturday morning. The electricians determined the failure was due to an
insulation breakdown in the stator while the mechanics removed the faulty
unit and painted the replacement alternator and fitted it.
In other news this week Peter Thompson has taken 2 groups for quad (4 wheel
motor bikes) training on the sea-ice, introducing us to walking the quads
through thick snow and at the same time showing everyone the entrance to
Ellis fjord between Warriner and Redfearn Islands and familiarising all
with Ellis Narrows. The sea-ice surface conditions are every rough at the
moment causing quad drivers to spend more time on the pegs than in their
seats. Hopefully the surface conditions will become smoother with time.
A group comprising the doctor, chef and radio technical officer travelled
to all the huts checking the medical supplies; hut radios, batteries and HF
radio selcalls and food stocks. Friday drinks were in the CrowBar whilst
bottling a brew. With the chef in the field, stand-in cooks did a superb
job with some highlights being Robin's Saturday night Asian banquet;
George's crepes, apple pikelets and French toast for Sunday morning tea;
Wally's onion and vinegar salad, Madras beef curry and his trademark dish
of apple pie and finally Nico and Brett's chicken provinciale.
Last Thursday we could hear emperor penguins trumpeting on the sea-ice and
then 4 appeared out of the gloom and walked up to the station. After a few
photographs had been taken they continued on their way.
On Tuesday it was a very cold minus 27C with winds from the ESE at 20
knots. The sky was clear and at sunrise at 11am the eastern sky tuned pink
and this colour extended into the west lighting up the icebergs in front of
the station. On Wednesday the barometer dropped all day and from mid
morning the wind increased in strength with blowing snow. The temperature
rose to minus 11C. A striking contrast from one day to the next.
On Wednesday we celebrated Rob Sharp's birthday. As I write this, the guys
are getting ready for dinner with some wearing their maroon jerseys and
drinking 4X (Queensland supporters), whilst the Blues supporters (New South
Wales) are quietly confident that their side will win.
Cheers from Davis.
Information relating to Davis Station is at:
All content and photos are property and Copyright of the Australian Antarctic Division.
To Bob and all the folks at Davis....until next time.....have fun...be safe. Also, a hardy "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to Rob Sharp!!!
The difference between a prostitute, a girlfriend, and a wife?
- The prostitute says "That'll be $100."
- The girlfriend says "Oh, baby! I love you, I love you, I love you!"
- The wife says "Beige. Yeah. Beige. I'll paint the ceiling beige."
Talk About Dumb..
A lady was observed putting a credit card into her floppy drive and
pulling it out very quickly. When inquired as to what she was doing,
she said she was shopping on the Internet and they asked for a credit card
number, so she's using the ATM "thingy".(Hmmmmmm.....think I'll try that!)
-- The Mountain Man
Ridin' the Rails: The Ghan
"A journey to the Heart of Australia"!
From its early days as a rather irregular service, the
legendary Ghan has evolved into one of the world's
most comfortable and impressive rail journeys. The
Ghan is an unforgettable travel experience
connecting Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide with
Alice Springs in the Northern Territory. The Ghan
travels once a week from Melbourne Victoria or
Sydney New South Wales and Alice Springs in the
Northern Territory, stopping off at picturesque
Adelaide along the way.
The Ghan will take you through ancient mountain ranges, over the red-baked earth of the Simpson Desert
and past oceans of sandhills. You will travel under a brilliant outback sunset and experience the wonder of
the Southern sky.
Happy Railroadin' Partners.....have fun and enjoy!!! No better way to enjoy wildlife....nature....and just down right relaxin'!
- If you let other people do it for you, they will do it to you.
Outdoor Adventure: Salmon River Outfitters
Salmon River Outfitters offers a uniquely civilized wilderness experience. Their dedication to fine
food, passenger comfort and impeccable service distinguishes them from other outfitters in Idaho and
elsewhere. More than 20 national and international publications, including Travel & Leisure,
Gourmet, Mirabella, and the New York Times, have recommended SRO as the ultimate
wilderness vacation.
The Salmon is the longest (400 miles) undammed river in the United States, where they raft for
6-days/80 miles through roadless wilderness. Its high-water flow creates the most exciting waves in
Idaho, allowing them to use oar-rafts, paddle-boats and inflatable kayaks.
- The Eisenhower interstate system requires that one mile in every five
must be straight. These straight sections are usable as airstrips in times
of war or other emergencies.
Summer Adventure: Narokorokoyawa Island, Fiji
"Fiji is the way Hawaii wishes it still were. Narokorokoyawa in the Yasawa
Islands is where the Fijians first landed, and nobody lives there now because
it's sacred. First you have to go to Waya Island, share a kava drink with the
chief and ask his permission." After taking a seaplane to Narokorokoyawa,
"we left offerings for the gods and enjoyed being alone on an incredible
white-sand beach." Information: Captain Cook Cruises, 800-682-6025.
Survival Tip:Stay where you are:
Stop as soon as it is apparent that you have become separated
from your group, are lost or in trouble. People who carry on after becoming lost usually
get further from roads and trails, and further from people who are looking for them.
Until next time: Be Safe ~ Be Happy!!
Great Buy: The GARMIN Fishfinder 240
You should see what you're missing. The GARMIN Fishfinder 240 is not
only easy to use, its high-resolution display makes the information easy to
see. The 240-by-240 pixel high-definition display gives you a clear picture of
fish, thermoclines, structure and bottom surface. By using various shades
of gray, the Fishfinder 240 paints a beautiful picture, leaving little to
Price: $289.00
Show Off: Yessiree, show off that Classic Car ya restored....or send us a car tip...or maybe a great car site! E-mail all them goodies to cars@mountaingnome.com
is the place for anyone
who appreciates classic cars, from
the merely curious to passionate col-
lectors and restorers. We are the
LARGEST destination website for those
who respect the quality and styling of
classic automobiles and the heritage
they represent. Classicar.com is your
"key" to the internet for buying,
selling, or just talking about anything
to do with classic automobiles, from
the Model A to the Z10. . .
Military.com - Free T-Shirt
Register and refer three friends..
Travel Planner Magazine
In order to qualify for your FREE One Year Subscription
to travel planner magazine, you must complete this form.
Free subscriptions are limited to Continental U.S.
residents only. . .
- Start a movement...eat a prune.
Association for the Support of Children with Cancer (ASK)
Since 1975, ASK has provided unique social,
emotional, spiritual and financial support
to Virginia's children with cancer and their
families. ASK receives contributions from
individuals, corporations, foundations, and
organizations, and provides many types of
opportunities to assist in eliminating the
cancers that attack children. . .
USA Today: The accidental virus
A 23-year-old Filipino man this
week said he just may have
unleashed last week's "love bug" -
the most destructive computer virus
to date - upon us accidentally. No,
he didn't cry "DOH!" Nor did he
apologize. The man, former
computer student Onel A. de
Guzman, really didn't say much of
anything. Aside from replying "It is
possible," when asked if he might
have accidentally unleashed the
virus, and acknowledging that
"youthful exuberance" may have
contributed to its release, de Guzman didn't do much at a news conference
this week other than sweat and cover his face, according to news reports.
He didn't admit to writing the virus. However, de Guzman and several
college friends are considered "possible suspects" in the case. De Guzman's
college thesis project - a program designed to steal passwords from other
computer users - can't be helping his cause: Whomever wrote the "love bug"
virus designed it to steal passwords as it spread.
Submit your articles to newsarticle@mountaingnome.com
- Beauty is only a light switch away.....
Site created to help parents with
feeding questions for their young
babies. . .
How Long Is Labor?:
Although pregnancy books and childbirth classes divide labor neatly
into three stages, every woman's experience is different. Labor and
delivery averages 14 hours for first-time mothers, though for plenty
of women the process lasts more than 20 hours, and for a lucky few
it's much quicker. Subsequent deliveries average around eight hours.
Labor is divided into three stages: First stage, which consists of
early, active, and transitional phases; second stage, when you
actually deliver your baby; and third stage, when you deliver the
NOTE: Always follow the advice of your Physician!
Feeding Equipment Must-Haves:
When it's clear your baby is getting enough milk but wants something
more, it may be time to introduce him to the world of solid foods.
You'll want some baby-friendly feeding supplies to help you and your
baby in the transition to "real" food and drink.
The plastic-coated small-bowled spoons designed for babies are a
gentle way to introduce foods and are easier on your baby's tender
gums. (Then again, you may find that a demitasse or iced-tea spoon
works just as well.) Some companies offer temperature-safe spoons,
which change color when food is too hot to serve your baby. You'll see
funky ergonomically designed baby utensils too, but you can pass on
those for now; these are really designed to help babies who are
feeding themselves rather than being spoon-fed by a parent. For more
equipment ideas, see BabyCenter's article on feeding supplies.
NOTE! Always check with and follow the advice of your physician!!
- When God made you, he was having a very good day!
Linux Note: When downloading a linux .tar/ .gz or .rpm file, It is sometimes necessary to hold down the shift key while clicking on the file you want to download.
EzyMassMailer - Updated to V1.99
Snapshot Spy:
Folks, have ya ever booted up yer computer, and lo an' behold, things are all screwed up! Are ya wonderin'...who was on it, and maybe deleted important data, or application, or configuration files?! Well, these boys have the answer.....SNAPSHOT SPY! This program remains undetected-only YOU know it's there-and it's recording every dadblame thing that's beein' done on yer computer! The only thing this program don't give is ...Finger Prints of the guilty party! Give these folks time and they'll figure a way to git them too!
No kiddin' folks, this program really does everything it claims to do, and that's unusual in this CyberWorld.
Just look at some of the things possible:
- Snapshot Spy can help curb this and many other problems!
Press Release:
Welshware Unltd - Press Release
NoDelete V1.41 FREEWARE has been released by Welshware Unltd.
Full install can be downloaded from
Size: 1.4MB
In this version:
EACH file can be protected with any of the 3 protection modes available. protection mode 2 has been enhanced. Protection
mode 3 has been enhanced, allowing you to prevent even reading of files. Tips for files to be protected included in
documentation, such as protecting your Internet/Network settings/Windows System Settings/DOS through Windows and
NoDelete Description:
This Professional-Freeware product, Protects upto 510 files with optional 1 of 3 protection methods can be set for EACH
file: (1) - Read and Modify, no deletion/rename or moving (2) - Read, no modify/deletion/renaming or moving (3) No read or
Copy/modify/deletion/renaming or moving (total protection) Easy-to-use drag'n'drop interface makes this an essential part of
any Windows users software collection. Examples: Protect files in your 'my documents' protect your back-up files. Works on
any File, including running EXE's, Word/Excel Documents - any file. Password-Protect NoDelete to stop people turning off
or modifying your protection. I'm sure you can think of files you wouldn't want deleted/read/modified/renamed/moved. Try,
Keep it, Burn it - its FREE and yours if you want.
Software Feature:
Myrtle Beach Tour
Friendly Software, the developer for MS Golf 1998 and 1999 Editions has created a new golf game called GOLF MAGAZINE Myrtle Beach Tour. This golf
game has it all! It's probably the best golf game ever - including all shareware golf games on the market. The 3D graphics and realistic sound will marvel you
even if you are not an avid golf player.
- Whining, Kicking, and Crying to Get Your Way...
Although it's always best to have hard-paper copies of all your
genealogical records, genealogy software programs offer an easy-to-use
alternative. One of the most popular programs is Family Tree Maker,
which is available for a free 15-day trial.
For a comprehensive list of software programs, go to
These programs generate data files with .ged extensions, such as
Lawrence.ged. The files, called GEDCOMs, make data transfer between
programs much easier. A GEDCOM file is simply a text file with tags
that identify the data entry fields. You can read a GEDCOM file in a
word processing program, although the organization of the data entry
fields won't make much sense. If you receive a GEDCOM file from
someone, it's best to download a free trial version of genealogy
software in order to read it.
- God made moms and it was good, God made little girls and it was
better, God made men, and said two out of three ain't bad!
This recipe is for people who like their fudge to have some texture,
rather than being creamy smooth, but it still melts in your mouth. To
make peanut butter fudge, reduce butter to 1/4 cup, eliminate cocoa,
and stir in 1/2 cup creamy peanut butter after cooking.
- 1/2 c butter
- 2-1/4 c sugar
- 6 tbsp cocoa
- 1 tbsp light corn syrup
- 1 small can (10 tbsp) evaporated milk
Line bottom and sides of an 8" square baking dish with foil. Mix all
ingredients in a large saucepan. Cook and stir to soft-ball stage (236
degrees). Remove from heat. Stir vigorously with a wooden spoon until
fudge begins to thicken and lose its gloss. Pour into pan; score
cutting lines with a serrated knife.
So until next time, REMEMBER: "I've learned-
that the people you care about most in life
are taken from you too soon."