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*May.12, 2000*
Personalized Mouse Pad:
Peggy Pavkovich-Ca.
Contest Sponsors:
Welshware UnLtd.
Mugg Shots by Dotty
ENDS: May 26, 2000

Register to WIN $19,500!
Our WebCam:
Peek in while we're working!
Find: Ski conditions, weather advisories, resort information,shopping information and more!
New Mexico
New York
Find: Information and news on Prospecting, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Biking, Archery, Trails, National and State Parks and a great deal more!
American Hawaii Cruises
Women's Fishing Online
Sugar Pine Railroad
The Ghan Railway
Salmon River Outfitters
Narokorokoyawa Island, Fiji
Old Colony and Newport RR
Hatch River Expeditions
The East Moreno Ranch
Cripple Creek Casinos
Free Shop
Sports 'n More
LL Bean
Ladies diamond band
GARMIN Fishfinder 240
Swarovski-3-9x42 Scope
Camper Canoe
Self-Powered Lantern
Xi Computer 700K Mtower
19" Monitor@MonitorsDirect
Logitech QuickCam Express
PDC 640 Digital Camera
Acer ReWriter-CRW 6206A
Welshware UnLtd.
Mugg Shots by Dotty
Angels on Earth
Submit your favorite WEBCAM site to The Mountaingnome and we'll put it right here!
Davis Station-Antarctica
Mt. Alyeska-Alaska

Copyright © 1999-2000
The MountainGnome
All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1529-6520

EDITORS NOTES...........20.May.2000 |
Software Contest - Ends 05/26/2000!
Mouse Pad Contest - Ends 05/26/2000!
If you don't receive your weekly issue by Sunday, you can check the Latest Issue Link at any of The MountainGnome pages, or you can e-mail NoIssue@mountaingnome.com
At The MountainGnome, we now accept Credit Cards for all of our ads or products, through...PayPal.com!!
It's Easy...Convenient and Secure!!
New virus more destructive than "Love":
(CNET) - A new virus on the loose could make the Love Bug
pale by comparison. Antivirus firms monitoring the new
outbreak say only a handful of instances so far have been
reported to them. But they caution that the virus has the
potential to spread rapidly and cause even more damage than
its recent predecessor. "Everything on the computer is destroyed," said Vincent
Weafer, director of Symantec's antivirus research center. More...
Now ya'll look in th Computer Section below for a full version FREE Anti-Virus download!
Snapshot Spy Software!
Imagine! Secretly monitor every move someone makes on your computer. You can
monitor children, employees, spouses, or anyone who uses your computer with
or without your knowledge! With Snapshot Spy software you can monitor your
PC without anyone knowing your watching. Snapshot Spy records every move and
allows you to play back just like a VCR!
- Diapers and politicians need to be changed . . . often for the same reasons...
Hey!! Fathers Day is just around the corner....what to get dear ole' Dad????? How about a new black powder rifle, for them thar days when windows Blue Screens on his computater continuously??!! Errr....jus' kiddin'....but maybe a new black powder rifle fer huntin' would be nice(hint...hint)! Or maybe a new fangled computater....ain't got that much to spend?? Well, how 'bout a copy of LINUX to settle his nerves...errr, ya might have someone install it fer him, cuz he might just go bezerk! Ya know what? Might just be safer all around, to take him out to dinner...now wasn't that easy?! Or ya could buy him a copy of SNAPSHOT SPY fer his very own!!
Hydroponics Harvest.....by: Bob Jones Thu. 18 May 2000 |
Davis Station Antarctica:
Well the highlight of this past week has been APPI's (personal and work
assessments). Bob and Ray completed the task with no-one appearing too
scarred from their encounter. The box of tissues that was provided wasn't
required, but Brad's gift was accepted willingly.
The hydroponics team have been ecstatic with harvests exceeding
expectation. Dennis pollinating. Quite a lot of hard work was put in to the re-fit of the
building, and the recent greenery on all our plates has demonstrated that
it was all worthwhile. We have been treated to many fresh dishes,
everything from salads to Asian stir-fries. Another event that treated our
taste buds was Friday drinks in the surgery. It was Rob Sharp's belated
birthday party, chef Mick Briscoe cooking up a poppy-seed and orange cake
to compliment the smoked venison, King Island
cheeses and Moet champagne from Rob's private stash.
Saturday dinner revisited Mick's Ala-Carte restaurant, "The Adelie Room".
Once again, full table service was provided, this time by the plumbing
team of Dennis Cooper and Andy Reid. A hearty thanks to them, especially
for washing their hands thoroughly before touching any food. Since
Saturday night, our new slushy Fred, has been decorating the mess with
words of wisdom in the form of twisted bumper stickers. "Knowledge is
power, power corrupts. Study hard, be evil" is just one such gem. The
challenge at each meal is to pick the new addition.
Field travel is at a peak, as soon as one group returns, another is on it's
way out. Combining work with play, Peter Thompson, Dennis Cooper and Bob
Jones visited the northern huts, to check gen-sets and deliver and install
windproof grey-water drum funnels, engineered and handcrafted by Dennis.
We all appreciate his effort as there are few things worse than being
covered in filthy sinkwater on a cold windy day. Jack Gilbert, Robin
Tihema and Rob Sharp have also gone out, collecting lake and weather data
from Deep Lake, near Brookes Hut. Of
course, the large station limits allow visits to Gardner and Anchorage
Islands as a quick break and a good view of the icebergs.
The multi-skilled carpentry team has once again put their talents to good
use and they have begun the mammoth task of painting the workshops. The
years have taken their toll on the walls and ceilings, with a thick film of
dirt covering everything. Much effort has been put in cleaning this and
the results so far are remarkable.
The social committee has grown with the realisation that midwinter is less
than 5 weeks away. Planning has begun, but a few more parties will be
squeezed in before then.
Till next week, Davis.
Information relating to Davis Station is at:
All content and photos are property and Copyright of the Australian Antarctic Division.
To Bob and all the folks at Davis....until next time.....have fun...be safe..eat hardy! My dadblame garden don't look that good!!!
- I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, unless we are
celebrities or politicians.
Talk About Dumb..
A man convicted of robbery worked out a deal to pay $9600 in damages rather than serving a prison
sentence. He gave the court a check--a forged check. He was sentenced to ten years.
-- The Mountain Man
Ridin' the Rails: Yosemite Mountain Sugar Pine Railroad:
An exciting 4-mile railroad excursion at Yosemite Park's
south gate on highway 41. Ride into history where
powerful locomotives once hauled massive log trains
through the Sierra mountains. Where mighty lumberjacks
felled the timber and flumes carried lumber to the distant
valley below. The Sierra National Forest's majestic
woods provide the backdrop for the narrow gauge
journey back in time.
Happy Railroadin' Partners.....have fun and enjoy!!! No better way to enjoy wildlife....nature....and just down right relaxin'!
- Politicians are those who deal with the problems, which would not
exist, if they didn't exist.
Outdoor Adventure: Women's Fishing Online:
Women's Salmon Derby
By: Lyla Foggia
Date: 05/06/2000
The Women's Salmon Derby at Painter's Lodge in
Campbell River in British Columbia occurs each
June. Here's your complete guide to the next
event on June 16-19, including how to register,
what it will cost, and what takes place during the
three-day weekend......More.....
Find Out What lures 100
women there
every year!
- Man: "Hey, come on, we're both here at this bar for the same
- Woman: "Yeah! Let's pick up some chicks!"
Summer Adventure: American Hawaii Cruises:
Where the magic of the islands and the allure
of the sea create an unforgettable Hawaiian
Your ship, the S.S.Independence, is the only
ocean-going passenger vessel to cruise these
islands year-round. Each week they visit five
ports on four beautiful islands–– Oahu,
Kauai, Maui and Hawaii, "The Big Island."
Only by cruise ship can you experience so much–– with so little effort!
After sailing at night, you'll awake refreshed and ready to explore
majestic waterfalls, emerald rain forests, secluded beaches, coral reefs,
quaint towns and historic landmarks.
Survival Tip:The most common mistake:
Don’t be fooled by thinking that it could never
happen to me. By being prepared, you can enjoy your trip outdoors regardless of what
nature throws at you!
Until next time: Be Safe ~ Be Happy!!
Great Buy: Ashford.com
Ladies 14 karat
yellow gold and diamond band:
Can a diamond be considered hunting gear? You bet it can guys! Face it....Spring is here and LOVE is in the air.
This ring features seven (7) marquise cut
diamonds weighing approximately
1.25 carats. A timeless classic
at a classic Ashford.com price.
Show Off: Yessiree, show off that Classic Car ya restored....or send us a car tip...or maybe a great car site! E-mail all them goodies to cars@mountaingnome.com
Old Bleu
Site features information concerning
the restoration of a 1937 Ford Pickup
Truck. . .
Abzorb Products · Fill in an online form to obtain a free sample
(small 3 inch by 4 inch) and additional information about the
Abzorb Oil Mat, Abzorb Garage Mat or any other Mat products.
Reel Orbit:
ReelOrbit.com is a free content portal on the
Internet focused on space and space-related
technologies. Its focus is on news, technology,
education, space research & development, and
entertainment. . .
- Only in America . . . do we use the word "politics" to describe the
process so well: "Poli" in Latin meaning "many" and "tics"
meaning "bloodsucking creatures."
Smell the coffee - FREE Coffee Samples
from your friends at NesCafe.
- Democrat: Give us your money. We'll solve your problems.
- Republican: Give us your money. We'll ignore your problems.
- Libertarian: Keep your money. Solve your own problems.
Moms, Families Rally for Gun Control
(Reuters) - Wearing pink and white T-shirts showing flowers
growing out of gun barrels, tens of thousands of protesters
joined the ``Million Mom March'' in Washington on Sunday to
demand Congress pass "common sense gun control'' and try
to stem rampant gun violence. Throngs of mothers, aunts,
sisters, grandmothers, children and more than a sprinkling of fathers gave up the
traditional flowers and brunches to spend Mother's Day on the National Mall.
Folks, How in the HELL can you pass a law for COMMON SENSE?! Ifn' ya ain't got it....Ya Ain't Got IT!! I understand the wanting and need to curb the crime and violence in this land, but the government can't do it for us! It has to start in the home!
Folks, there are no laws and no government that can stem the violence in this country. You're a fool if you think they can!
The problem isn't guns....it's families and upbringing. People in general refuse to take responsibility
for their own actions. They are always blaming it on someone or something else. Murder~killing~violence....these acts come from within the heart of the person committing these acts!
Everyone knows right from wrong....only a fool would believe differently.
It is pure ignorance, to think that you can ban guns from law abiding persons, and think that the killing is going to go away!
If killing and violence and murder are rooted from within, then that person is going to commit these acts, one way or another(gun/knife/bat/club/vehicle).
Shall we ban tableware~automobiles~trees~etc., as anything can be used as a weapon of destruction!
When a child, maybe even yours, commits an act of violence with a gun, the gun isn't at fault....ask yourself...."how much time have I spent with this child, teaching him/her, moral values/family values/social values?".
Do you even talk to your kids? The average time, conversing with a child today is less than 10 minutes a day! That damned gun doesn't have a brain,
but our creator gave everyone of us a brain, and told us WE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR ACTIONS!
Australia banned all guns.....Fact: Crime is up 66%! Why? Because honest citizens can't defend themselves against armed criminals!
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell ya, criminals still have guns....those with murder/hatred and contempt for society, still kill.....they're not subject to the law....GET IT?!
Drugs~Immorality~Violence and Crime are rampant in our own government and governments around the world....they can't even put a dent in drug trafficking,
and you're depending on them to do the right thing! What a joke! Only YOU can have an impact on any of these problems!
Murderers~Drug Pushers~Dope Addicts~Alcoholics, present and past, all had parents! Don't lay the blame off on someone else or society as a whole. As a parent, if you've done your very best, and the child still turns to violence and crime, then you know in your heart, that you've done all that can be done!!
Submit your articles to newsarticle@mountaingnome.com
- Marge, the reason we have elected officials is so we don't have
to think! - Homer Simpson
Total Effects Skin Cream FREE Sample
Look for the Good Side Effects:
No doubt you're well-versed in pregnancy complaints -- general
discomfort, swollen ankles, heartburn, and too many trips to the
bathroom. But try not to ignore pregnancy's plusses -- your hair may
be thicker and more lustrous during pregnancy, you may feel more
sexual drive and pleasure, or you may simply glow. When you're
grumpily shopping for a larger pair of shoes to accommodate those
swollen feet, try to think about some of the positive changes, too.
NOTE: Always follow the advice of your Physician!
Is Your Baby's Crib Safe?
If your baby's crib was manufactured in 1985 or later, it will meet
current safety standards. In general, crib slats should be no more
than 2 3/8 inches apart. The headboard or footboard should have no
cutouts that could trap your baby's head, and the crib should not have
corner posts or finials, either. Your baby could snag his clothes on a
bedpost and choke if he can't free himself. Also, make sure the paint
on an older crib isn't lead-based. If it is, you'll need to strip the
old paint and repaint with new, high-quality enamel.
NOTE! Always check with and follow the advice of your physician!!
- A fool and his money are soon in office...
Mother and Baby:
Site provides parenting and childbirth
information for parents. . .
Linux Note: When downloading a linux .tar/ .gz or .rpm file, It is sometimes necessary to hold down the shift key while clicking on the file you want to download.
QuickClean V5.01 second update has been released. You won't be able to update using AutoUpdate because of a problem in the last version so you will have to download this
700k Update file: http://www.btinternet.com/~Carl.Harrison/QC3.exe
Snapshot Spy:
Folks, have ya ever booted up yer computer, and lo an' behold, things are all screwed up! Are ya wonderin'...who was on it, and maybe deleted important data, or application, or configuration files?! Well, these boys have the answer.....SNAPSHOT SPY! This program remains undetected-only YOU know it's there-and it's recording every dadblame thing that's beein' done on yer computer! The only thing this program don't give is ...Finger Prints of the guilty party! Give these folks time and they'll figure a way to git them too!
No kiddin' folks, this program really does everything it claims to do, and that's unusual in this CyberWorld.
Just look at some of the things possible:
- Snapshot Spy can help curb this and many other problems!
Welshware Unltd - Press Release
Welshware has released V1.62 of LockTight, the nagware/freeware File-Encryption program. (Nagware to encourage users
to purchase QuickClean - 2 for one price!)
No restrictions or limitations for un-registered users, program will run forever but registration is encouraged via a WinZip like
nag-requester upon start of the program (and does not repeat until program is exited and re-started, unlike WinZip).
Download from: http://www.btinternet.com/~Carl.Harrison/LockTight.zip
Size: 1.6MB
FREE InoculateIT Personal Edition -- FREE ANTI-VIRUS
InoculateIT Personal Edition (IPE) is easy to use, powerful antivirus for the desktop. Computer Associates
is offering this as a service for PC users in order to significantly limit the damage caused by viruses to PCs.
Space Racer 0.13
Race a fast car in this space-age 3D
racing game.
- The Kids' Guide to Hitchhiking...
One war that is seldom thought about is the War of 1812. This war
between Great Britain and the United States was fought at sea and on
the North American continent from 1812 to 1815. (Francis Scott Key's
"The Star-Spangled Banner" was supposedly inspired by the bombardment
of Fort McHenry.)
If your genealogical research leads you to the War of 1812, you'll
want to check out these sites:
Fort McHenry
Overview of the War of 1812 from a Canadian perspective
- Sign at the Kennedy estate: Visitors will be violated....
Dinner guests will feel very special, when
you present them with their own little cheesecakes, topped with a rich
sauce made from apricot preserves and rum. Serves eight.
- 1-1/2 pounds cream cheese, at room temperature
- 5 eggs, at room temperature
- 1 cup sugar
- 2 tablespoons cream
- 1 tablespoon vanilla
- 16 teaspoons slivered almonds
3 tablespoons dark rum
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Butter eight 4-ounce ramekins.
In a mixing bowl, beat cream cheese and sugar until light and fluffy.
Add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition and scraping
the bowl each time. Add cream and vanilla; mix well.
Put 1 tablespoon preserves and 1 teaspoon almonds in the bottom of
each ramekin. Pour in cheese mixture; sprinkle 1 teaspoon almonds on
top. Place ramekins on a cookie sheet; bake 20 minutes, until set.
Meanwhile, melt 1 cup preserves with rum over low heat. Remove cakes
from oven; top with rum mixture. Cool to room temperature on racks;
then refrigerate several hours, until well chilled.
So until next time, REMEMBER: "I've learned-
that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be
but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
~ Dedicated To The Memory of My Lovely Wife..Francie ~