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*May.26, 2000*
Al Buniff - Hawaii
R.A. Gillis - Ontario, Canada
Personalized Mouse Pad:
Jennifer Rippy - N. Carolina
Contest Sponsors:
Welshware UnLtd.
Mugg Shots by Dotty
Software Ends:06/09/00
Mouse Pad Ends:06/23/00

Check out all the great FREE stuff you can get!! Free Samples and more....
Our WebCam:
Peek in while we're working!
Find: Ski conditions, weather advisories, resort information,shopping information and more!
New Mexico
New York
Find: Information and news on Prospecting, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Biking, Archery, Trails, National and State Parks and a great deal more!
Milliron2 Outfitting
Capulin Nation Monument
Naugatuck Railroad
American Hawaii Cruises
Women's Fishing Online
Sugar Pine Railroad
The Ghan Railway
Salmon River Outfitters
Narokorokoyawa Island, Fiji
Old Colony and Newport RR
Hatch River Expeditions
The East Moreno Ranch
Cripple Creek Casinos
Free Shop
Sports 'n More
LL Bean
WildLife Lamps
Ladies diamond band
GARMIN Fishfinder 240
Swarovski-3-9x42 Scope
Camper Canoe
Self-Powered Lantern
Xi Computer 700K Mtower
19" Monitor@MonitorsDirect
Logitech QuickCam Express
PDC 640 Digital Camera
Acer ReWriter-CRW 6206A
Welshware UnLtd.
Mugg Shots by Dotty
Angels on Earth
Submit your favorite WEBCAM site to The Mountaingnome and we'll put it right here!
Davis Station-Antarctica
Mt. Alyeska-Alaska

Copyright © 1999-2000
The MountainGnome
All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1529-6520

GNOMEDOME NOTES.....29.May.2000 |
Snapshot Spy Software!
Imagine! Secretly monitor every move someone makes on your computer. You can
monitor children, employees, spouses, or anyone who uses your computer with
or without your knowledge! With Snapshot Spy software you can monitor your
PC without anyone knowing your watching. Snapshot Spy records every move and
allows you to play back just like a VCR!
The MountainGnome Giveaway Contests - Ends 06/23/2000!
If you don't receive your weekly issue by Sunday, you can check the Latest Issue Link at any of The MountainGnome pages, or you can e-mail NoIssue@mountaingnome.com
With Fathers Day fast approaching, here's a site for the kids to personalize something fer dear ole' dad!
Kid's Domain Father's Day:
Site features coloring pages, cards, gift
ideas, games, etc. . .
- Ignorant people in preppy clothes are more dangerous to America than oil embargoes...
A version of the widely distributed Windows virus ILOVEYOU
has been discovered circulating among Linux users. The virus
works on the honor system. First you mail it to everyone you
know. Then the recipient has to delete a bunch of random files: (Ain't that a beaut?!)
Sundogs.........by: Bob Jones Wed. 24 May 2000 |
Davis Station Antarctica:
Greetings from Davis.
A very busy week Workwise. However, field trips, a Mafia night and nice
sunsets made the week.
Rob Pile has rewired the incinerator after a burn out; Brendan Hill and
Wally Owen are preparing all the walls for painting in the plumbing
workshop; Brad French is pulling his hair out trying to solve the
electrical stability problems in the powerhouse; Andrew Reid is busy with
routine plumbing maintenance as well as keeping an eye on hydroponics and
Dennis Cooper is overseeing all the jobs as well as trying to understand
dropping flow meter readings.
Mechanics, Nic Jones and Brett Hill are servicing all the plant with the
latest vehicles in the workshop being "Red Baron", the K12 Hagglunds and
"White Ant", the D6 tractor. Brett also replaced the bearings on the
walking machine in the gym. Peter Thompson is undertaking a stock take in
the MPH, whilst Rob Sharp conducted the monthly medicals and organised some
training for the theatre nurses and anaesthetic assistants. The Radio
Techs are upgrading the Vista ANARESAT system but managed to corrupt some
PIN numbers in the process. The problem was quickly identified and
With the good weather and stable sea-ice conditions several parties are
utilising the few hours of daylight to visit the huts and to do some
exploring. George Klich and Andrew Reid visited Bandits and Brookes huts
while Darron Lehmann, Darren Harpur and Frederic Jobin visited Watts hut
and explored Trajer ridge, lake Druzhby and Ellis fjord. Robin Tihema's
party was curtailed yet again by a blizzard.
The Social Committee organised a Mafia night on Saturday. Many came
dressed in black with guns and white ties but there was a "bottom of the
harbour" victim also present. Mick Briscoe again excelled with a fine
choice of Italian dishes for dinner. Frederic Jobin finished his week of
slushy duties and we already miss his twisted bumper bar stickers. One
that attracted my attention was "Mac, when will they learn". We now have
to contend with Jack Gilbert's taste in music.
We have enjoyed some nice atmospheric effects with a solar pillar and sun
dogs last Thursday; a bright orange sky lasting hours after sunset on
Saturday and a big moon slowly setting into a pink sky.
Blizzing On Wednesday.
Wally Owen and Mick Briscoe bottling a brew.
Ray Bajinskis and Darren Harpur at the Mafia night.
Quading on Long fjord.
Sun dogs. The sun is behind the signpost and the westerly
dog behind Anchorage island. The easterly dog is obscured by the building.
Cheers from Davis.
Information relating to Davis Station is at:
All content and photos are property and Copyright of the Australian Antarctic Division.
Hey Davis.....have a great week and a safe one! As soon as my garden shows signs of life...I'll send ya some pics.
- Bad politicians are sent to Washington by good people who don’t vote...
Talk About Dumb..
A man on a bicycle approached three well-dressed men with what appeared to be a 9 mm semiautomatic
handgun. As the man demanded money, the three gentlemen--off-duty federal agents--drew their weapons
and fired more than 20 shots. Along with the would-be robber, three cars, a truck, two homes, and an office
building suffered bullet wounds. The injured suspect's weapon turned out to be a pellet gun. (Ya reckon' he fooled them fellars?!)
-- The Mountain Man
Ridin' the Rails: Naugatuck Railroad:
They operate between Thomaston and the
Waterville section of Waterbury, crossing
Thomaston Dam enroute. The 18-mile roundtrip
between Waterbury and Thomaston takes you past the industrial heritage of the area,
through the beauty of the Mattatuck State Forest and the Litchfield Hills. The route
follows the scenic Naugatuck River, crossing it three times.
Happy Railroadin' Partners.....have fun and enjoy!!! No better way to enjoy wildlife....nature....and just down right relaxin'!
- The single most exciting thing you encounter in government is competence, because it’s so rare...
Outdoor Adventure: Capulin Nation Monument, new Mexico:
Folks, me and The MountainGnome crew are takin' ya to Capulin Volcano! This volcano erupted about 60,000 years ago. It's a beautiful walk into and around the top of this volcano. From the top, you can see four states:New Mexico, Colorado, Texas and Oklahoma. For more information, click on the link above. Take the tour below!
- I was thinking about how people read the Bible a whole lot more when
they get older. Then it dawned on me - they were cramming for their
Summer Adventure: Fishing Wyoming!
Milliron2 Outfitting
We offer several choices for guided fly fishing trips. Fish from drift boats
or float tubes on the Big Horn River, or take a day hike and fish the clear
mountain streams of the Big Horn Mountains. It is common to catch
15-20 fish or more a day from these pristine mountain streams.
Survival Tip:Build or seek shelter:
Protect yourself from the rain, wind, and excessive sun. It
may take several hours to build shelter and collect fuel wood, so do it early while you still
have energy. It is important to be as comfortable as possible, but when it is daylight, make
sure you are visible to searchers in helicopters or planes.
Until next time: Be Safe ~ Be Happy!!
Great Buy: WildLife Lamps
Bring the image of the outdoors to your den, living room or bedroom with
one or more of our decorative cattail lamps. These solid oak lamps come
with a handpainted figurine surrounded by cattails that extend up the lamp.
PRICE: $99.99
Show Off: Yessiree, show off that Classic Car ya restored....or send us a car tip...or maybe a great car site! E-mail all them goodies to cars@mountaingnome.com
Auto Hobby Digest
AutoHobbyDigest brings you unique feature
articles, auto tech and feature autos.
Inside you'll find articles of general
auto interest as well as a special on the
1964 Oldsmobile Cutlass and Auto-
HobbyDigest's long standing favorite: North
Georgia's Antique Salvage Yards. . .
Dura Lube Air Freshener · Fill out the online survey for a free
Dura Lube Air Freshener.
Healthy Fish Keeping:
Site offers a wealth of information covering all
aspects of fish health and fish keeping. There
are comprehensive guides to fish disease diag-
nosis and treatment, including movies and photos,
as well as in-depth articles on water quality
and filtration. There is even a dedicated koi
health section for koi nuts. . .
- (Hillary,
unexpectedly walking in and seeing Monica on her knees.) " Well don't just stand there! help Monica find it Bill!"
Save $1.00 on Kingsford Charcoal:
You want a buck off your favorite charcoal?
Take a minute and fill out all the optional
fields and we'll mail you a $1 coupon for
Kingsford charcoal. US only.
(Limit one coupon per household.)
W97M/Resume.a@mm is a variant of the
W97M/Melissa family with a very dangerous payload.
McAfee AVERT has given it a risk assessment of
MEDIUM--ON WATCH. This is a worm and it spreads
through email with an attachment in this format:
Subject: Resume - Janet Simons
To: Director of Sales/Marketing,
For more information about this worm, go to
McAfee.com Virus Information Library.
Submit your articles to newsarticle@mountaingnome.com
- Marge, the reason we have elected officials is so we don't have
to think! - Homer Simpson
Baby Bottle Information Center:
Site provides safety tips and answers
to FAQ's for parents concerning baby
bottle usage. . .
Exercise Danger Signs :
When you're pregnant, you need to exercise with care and listen
closely to your body. It'll let you know when you're pushing it to
work too hard and you're entering the danger zone. If your eyesight
gets hazy in the middle of exercising, you may be dehydrated, which
sends your blood pressure plummeting and your heart into overdrive.
Consequently, not enough blood may be getting to your developing
fetus's vital organs. You may also have preeclampsia, a condition
characterized by high blood pressure, fluid retention, and protein in
the urine. Since preeclampsia can severely restrict the flow of blood
to the placenta, it can be quite dangerous for the developing baby.
Fainting is also a big concern. It could mean something as simple as
dehydration, or as serious as major circulatory problems. You may not
be getting enough oxygen to your brain, which means neither is your
baby. If you have either of these symptoms, call your healthcare
provider immediately.
NOTE: Always follow the advice of your Physician!
How to Take Your Baby's Temperature:
The most accurate way to find out your baby's temperature is to use a
digital or glass (mercury) rectal thermometer. Pediatricians generally
recommend digital thermometers because they are easy to read, fast
(most give an accurate temperature reading in 30 seconds to two
minutes), and less likely than glass to break. Both digital and glass
thermometers are readily available in drugstores and are inexpensive
(most are under $10).
NOTE! Always check with and follow the advice of your physician!!
Brought to you today by Babycenter.com
- Spend some time alone every day...
Linux Note: When downloading a linux .tar/ .gz or .rpm file, It is sometimes necessary to hold down the shift key while clicking on the file you want to download.
Ezy Mass Mailer Version 2.0 - Check it out!
Welshware is proud to present NoDelete FREEWARE V1.50 for Windows 95/98 as of
25th May 2000..
Download from:http://www.btinternet.com/~Carl.Harrison/nodelete.exe
There is no update download, any previous versions installed must be first uninstalled
via Control-Panel/Add-Remove programs.
Snapshot Spy:
Folks, have ya ever booted up yer computer, and lo an' behold, things are all screwed up! Are ya wonderin'...who was on it, and maybe deleted important data, or application, or configuration files?! Well, these boys have the answer.....SNAPSHOT SPY! This program remains undetected-only YOU know it's there-and it's recording every dadblame thing that's beein' done on yer computer! The only thing this program don't give is ...Finger Prints of the guilty party! Give these folks time and they'll figure a way to git them too!
No kiddin' folks, this program really does everything it claims to do, and that's unusual in this CyberWorld.
Just look at some of the things possible:
- Snapshot Spy can help curb this and many other problems!
Zone Labs, Inc.
Free Firewall - ZoneAlarm 2.1
Easy to use, Always-On Internet Security.
Combining the safety of a dynamic firewall with total control
over applications' Internet use, ZoneAlarm gives rock-solid
protection against thieves and vandals. ZoneAlarm makes
ironclad Internet security easy-to-use.DOWNLOAD NOW!
Gaby 1.9.7
Get this personal database for Linux.
- Hammers, Screwdrivers, and Scissors: An I-Can-Do-It Book
Often, families have photographs of ancestors in military uniforms,
but they are unable to identify which unit, or even which country, the
ancestors fought for. If you have such pictures, there are several
ways to identify the uniform and unit. Some of these are:
- - Identify the insignia
- - Identify the style and date of the uniform itself
- - Identify the type and date of the photo
- - Identify the medals or ribbons
If you need help identifying military uniforms, check out these sites:
The U.S. Army Military History Institute
The U.S. Air Force Museum
- There is no such thing as government money, only taxpayer
Easy Rolls:
This recipe is like those in recent cookbooks that provide 500 ways to
cook using only three or four ingredients. You get
rolls with good flavor and texture, available in a snap without even
requiring shaping. Note that if you don't have self-rising flour, you
can use two cups all-purpose flour plus one teaspoon baking powder and
one teaspoon salt. Makes 6 to 8.
- 2 cups self-rising flour
- 1-1/2 cups milk
- 6 tablespoons mayonnaise
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Grease muffin cups or line with papers.
Mix all ingredients together. Pour into muffin cups (2/3 full). Bake
20 minutes.
So until next time, REMEMBER: The only reason some people get lost in thought is because it's
unfamiliar territory...
~ Dedicated To The Memory of My Lovely Wife..Francie ~