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*Aug.25, 2000*
Dolores Martinez - Hawaii
Vidius Archer - ?
Personalized Mouse Pad:
Marcia Cloninger - Ohio
Contest Sponsors:
Welshware UnLtd.
Mugg Shots by Dotty
Software Ends:09/29/00
Mouse Pad Ends:09/29/00

Check out all the great FREE stuff you can get!! Free Samples and more....
Our WebCam:
Peek in while we're working!
Find: Ski conditions, weather advisories, resort information,shopping information and more!
New Mexico
New York
Find: Information and news on Prospecting, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Biking, Archery, Trails, National and State Parks and a great deal more!
Boone & Scenic Valley RR
Black Hills Fishing
Pregnant? Women's Issues
Seminole Gulf Railway
Shroud of Turin
Cimarron, NM
Hi Mountain Jerky
The St. James Hotel
The Highway of Legends
Women's Fishing Online
Cripple Creek Casinos
Free Shop
Sports 'n More
LL Bean
The Clamper
StarGazer GT
Blazer Boats
The Kodi-Pak
Skeeter New ZX Fishing Boats
Rifle/Inline Sight System
Platinum ZX Spinning Reel
Tesoro's Metal Detector
WildLife Lamps
Ladies diamond band
GARMIN Fishfinder 240
Welshware UnLtd.
Mugg Shots by Dotty
Angels on Earth
Skeeter Fishing Boats
Blazer Boats
Outdoor Edge
HIVIZ Sight Systems
Maui Software
Yankee Clipper III
Submit your favorite WEBCAM site to The Mountaingnome and we'll put it right here!
Davis Station-Antarctica
Mt. Alyeska-Alaska

Copyright © 1999-2000
The MountainGnome
All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1529-6520

GNOMEDOME NOTES.....09.Sept.2000 |
* In Memory: *
Frances Jean Koziol(Pastuszynski)
September 12, 1950 - September 9, 1995
"My Reason For Happiness"
You’ve created
something wonderful in my life,
something beautiful
that was never there
before I married you.
Being with you has given new meaning
to each sunrise we share
and each new day we welcome
And, in all our love
and our closeness,
I’ve found something within -
a confidence, a strength
I never knew without you...
You are my inspiration,
my reason for happiness.
You are my wife -
and my joy forever....
"The Watcher"
From Children: Stanley(29), James(27), Kimberly(25) and Jonathan(16)
She always leaned to watch for us,
Anxious if we were late.
In winter by the window,
In summer by the gate.
And though we mocked her tenderly,
Who had such foolish care,
The long way home would seem more safe,
Because she waited there.
Her thoughts were so full of us,
She never could forget!
And so we think that where she is,
She must be watching yet.
Waiting till we came home to her,
Anxious if we were late...
Watching from Heaven’s window,
Leaning from Heaven’s gate.
So if you have a mother,
Cherish her with care,
For you’ll never know the heart-ache,
Until she isn’t there.
Folks, all I ever hear, is the saying...."Time heals all wounds". Well, I'm here to tell ya, in a physical sense that may be true. But the emotional scars from losing a special loved one, are there forever! I don't believe that there is an hour in the waking hours, that some thought of her doesn't come to mind. She will be cherished, loved and remebered by all of us, forever!
Not only does Hawaii have some of the greatest beaches, beautiful weather and gals....It has some of the greatest shareware programs available by:
Maui Software! Maui Software has received top awards from ZDNET, Danworld, Supershareware and more! Looking for some great shareware software?? Shop at the Beach, at Maui Software!! The MountainGnome does!
Sponsored by: Welshware UnLtd.
To the first 15 readers, who sign up a friend as a new subscriber, we're gonna give a free copy of NoaXs V2.6.3!! Use Recommend-It, in the side bar, to refer a friend to The MountainGnome. If your friend subscribes, Welshware UnLtd., will give you a fully registered copy of NoaXs V2.6.3!
The MountainGnome Giveaway Contests:
Ends 09/29/2000!
- Help, I've fallen and I can't... Hey, nice carpet!
Truck as big as a House:
This is for all you folks who love trucks! One of the mines I was a mechanic at in Northwestern Colorado, Colowyo Coal Co., had some pretty good size equipment to do the job. This is one of the mechanics, Mel King, read to bring the 180 ton haul truck in for service. Here, Mel King, Charlie and myself have the truck in the shop, ready to service it. We worked the graveyard shift, which was always pretty quiet, but at times, difficult to stay alert! Needless to say, these bad boys moved alot of coal, every hour of every day!
See ya next time for more fun!
- A blue whale's heart is about the size of Volkswagen Beetle.
Davis Station, Antarctica......Latest News! |
The Latest Davis Station, Antarctica News!!
Information relating to Davis Station is at:
All content and photos are property and Copyright of the Australian Antarctic Division.
To Bob and the Davis Crew.....Keep Safe....Warm.....and Thanks for Sharing!!
- "Very funny Scotty, now beam me down my clothes..." - Kirk
Talk About Dumb....
New York:
As a female shopper exited a convenience store, a man grabbed her purse and ran. The
clerk called 911 immediately and the woman was able to give them a detailed description of the
snatcher. Within minutes, the police had apprehended the snatcher. They put him in the car and
drove back to the store. The thief was then taken out of the car and told to stand there for a positive
ID. To which he replied "Yes Officer..that's her. That's the lady I stole the purse from."
-- The Mountain Man
Ridin' the Rails: Boone & Scenic Valley Railroad
Boone, Iowa
Bring the family & friends, pack a picnic
lunch, come early and ride the trolley and
then ""Catch the Train"!
Operating 7 days a week, rain or shine,
Memorial Day weekend through October
Electric trolley and Chinese steam engine
operate on weekends and holidays.
Beautiful, exciting 15 mile round trip
(Wolf Train 22 mile) over two great
bridges and through the Des Moines river
Charters can be arranged. Call the depot.
Free Iowa Railway Museum and static
railroad equipment display.
Historic Depot with snack shop, new
expanded gift shop and rest rooms.
Thomas the Tank Engine. Special Events.
Schedules and Fares.
Happy Railroadin' Partners.....have fun and enjoy!!! No better way to enjoy wildlife....nature....and just down right relaxin'!
- BUFFERS=20 FILES=15 2nd down, 4th quarter, 5 yards to go!
Outdoor Adventure: Black Hills Fishing:
Fishing in the Black Hills of South Dakota is
primarily trout fishing in lakes and small streams.
Most of these are in the Black Hills National Forest
or Custer State Park. The largest lakes are Pactola
Reservoir, Deerfield Lake,and Sheridan Lake.
Some other lakes are Canyon Lake, Horsethief
Lake, Legion Lake, Center Lake, Roubaix Lake,
and Bismarck Lake. Streams in the area include
Rapid Creek, Castle Creek, Spring Creek, Grace
Coolidge Creek, and Spearfish Creek. Fish species
available are mainly rainbow, brown and brook
trout. Limited fishing is available for largemouth
bass, northern pike and other warm water species
in the Black Hills.
Survival Tip:Survival Kit
If you run out of food, don’t eat unless you can
positively identify nutritional wild edibles; the
chance of eating something unhealthy is high.
Remember, it takes three to five days before
hunger becomes a real problem, and much longer
for it to become a life-threatening problem.
We'll have more tips on how to purify water in the wilderness......coming up!!
Until next time: Be Safe ~ Be Happy!!
Looking for a great deal on a NEW or USED camper....Motor Home? Folks, this is the place to go! Deals in all parts of the Country! Here is just one of many!!
1976 APACHE EAGLE SIX HUNDRED pop-up camper
Add No. 15399
Sleeps six, two burner stove, ice box,
dinette. Great 70s interior. Canvas top, 10
foot box. Older model, but in good shape,
interior and exterior. New gearboxes in
Fall 1998 at a cost of over $300. Asking
$750. e-mail at
Show Off: Yessiree, show off that Classic Car ya restored....or send us a car tip...or maybe a great car site! E-mail all them goodies to
An online auto magazine featuring auto
news, car profiles, a calendar of events,
classifieds, and a gallery. . .
SPONSOR: Welshware UnLtd.
Looking for some great freeware/shareware programs?? Get them at Welshware UnLtd. Quality....Care.....Fantastic Programming....The Price Is Right....Every Time!!
Automotive news gathered from various
sources. . .
There are no practical uses for this site, but it's strangely
addictive. To use an already overused phrase--you just have to see it
to believe it. Sodaplay is like an animated set of virtual TinkerToys.
You can build virtual wireframe models using a simple toolkit. Then
you can make your creation bounce, roll, and walk by adding "springs,"
which can be set to move almost like muscles. It's a tedious process,
and it takes some practice to create a workable model, so get ready to
become addicted (or frustrated!). If you aren't that ambitious, then
simply load an existing model, let it wander around and mesmerize you
for a while, and then start to alter it and see what happens. You can
adjust gravity, its shape, and the movement of its springs. And the
best part is after you're done, you don't have to clean up your room.
- If at first you don't succeed, give up, no use being a damn fool....
Ever wonder what yer chances of winning the daily, weekly, monthly, yearly or a prize on the prize machine?! Well, in our personal opinion, here is our thoughts on the subject.
John Candy said it best, in "Planes, Trains and Automobiles!!
"You'd stand a better chance of playing pickup sticks with your butt cheeks!"
Enough said....ya'll get my drift :o)))
Submit your articles to
- When a man talks dirty to a woman, it's sexual harassment.
- When a woman talks dirty to a man, it's $3.95 a minute.
Moms! Take a Chance on the Wishing Well
You could win up to $5,000!
Visit ClubMom's Wishing Well, a place where over
60,000 Moms came and shared their wishes and dreams,
with the hope that their's would come true.
. On October 31, they
will pick one lucky Mom and give her $5,000 to help
make her wish come true. Register now for your
chance to win! You're just one (1) Click away:
ClubMom Wish Away Sweepstakes
Pregnant? Women's Issues:
If you are an expectant mother, read up on
how to manage the changes that come with
pregnancy. Download our FREE Summer newsletter,
Women's Health Talk.
For a limited time, get a complimentary copy
of the book, "I Feel Like Me Again" by Nancy
Arnold. Sign up now to receive your FREE copy.
Do I Need a Prenatal Vitamin:
Not all experts agree. The American College of Obstetricians and
Gynecologists, for one, thinks a balanced diet will supply all the
vitamins a woman needs to see her through her pregnancy. But most
healthcare providers will recommend that you take a supplement, from
the time you decide to start trying to get pregnant through your
pregnancy. Why? It's almost impossible to meet your pregnant body's
increased needs for nutrients through diet alone. Your body is making
so much extra blood that you need about 30 to 60 mg of iron every day
(15 to 45 mg more than the RDA of 15 mg), and you need extra folic
acid (up to 800 mcg) starting even before you get pregnant.
NOTE: Always follow Check with and follow the advice of your Physician!
Keep a Cruising Baby Safe:
Once your baby starts cruising, they'll discover things you never knew
existed, prodding at potential danger zones right in front of your
nose. To ensure their safety, get down at their level and see what they
might grab when standing, cruising, or exploring.
Things to watch:
- Dangling electrical cords: Use electrical cord spools and phone cord
shorteners to wind up loose and excess cord lengths. While you're at
it, cap off outlets.
- Tablecloths: Secure them whenever they're under hot or heavy items.
- Pull cords for window blinds: Bind up all cords on window cleats or
ban the blinds.
- Sharp corners: Protect her from sharp table corners with cushioned
edge protectors.
- Garbage pails: Consider the potential hazard of anything you drop
into the garbage. If you use the trash pail to discard batteries,
paper clips, or other dangerous items, make sure it has a
child-resistant cover.
- House plants: Familiarize yourself with dangerous varieties and keep
them out of your baby's reach.
- Unsteady or unstable furniture: Remove it from the room. Secure tippy
lamps behind heavy pieces of furniture. Attach cushioned
corner-and-edge protectors to the sharp corners of file cabinets,
desks, and tables.
NOTE! Always check with and follow the advice of your physician!!
Brought to you today by
- Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy.....
Linux Note: When downloading a linux .tar/ .gz or .rpm file, It is sometimes necessary to hold down the shift key while clicking on the file you want to download.
QuickClean Welshware UnLtd
TheNet Welshware UnLtd
3D Ant Attack is an adventure game that involves a rescuer (you), a rescuee, several large killer ants, and a city. The aim of the game is to find the rescuee
in the city, and lead her to safety, taking care to avoid the vicious ants. Pretty neat 3D movements of the people.
Welcome to the Yankee Clipper III Public BETA test!
Folks, it just keeps gettin' better!! If ya liked Yankee Clipper free version and Yankee clipper II.....then yer gonna Love Yankee Clipper III! This beta version is the free version! The shareware version will be out shortly @ about $14.95. Worth a heck of alot more! Download the fully functional FREE version here:
Folks, check out Joe's site.....he's a really great guy and cares more about YCIII being very popular and better. He couldn't care less about the bucks.
FREE SOFTWARE FEATURE: How old are you? 1.0
Grab this program to calculate the number of minutes you've been
- Fun Four-letter Words to Know and Share.....
If you're researching your German ancestry, you'll want to know the
town or village that your ancestors came from. Often, the information
you find on birth, marriage, and death certificates gives nothing more
than the province of origin. If you're trying to locate the town or
village of a German immigrant, one source to consider is the census.
In 1900, census takers were required to record the number of years a
person had been in the United States and indicate whether that person
was naturalized. For instance, if, in 1900, a German ancestor had been
in the United States for 34 years, that ancestor would have immigrated
in 1866. Once you have the year of immigration, you can look for your
ancestor's name among the passenger lists of ships carrying emigrants
from Germany around that time. These lists will tell you the name of
the port your ancestor came through and, quite possibly, the name of
the town or village of origin. For instance, the Hamburg passenger
lists, which are currently being put online at
contain data about people who immigrated via Hamburg, Germany.
- When upwind of their enemies in battle, the Aztecs would set fire to chiles, using the smoke as tear gas.
"Shy, awkward and in need of a good shave-yet men
still find her irresistible!" The American
CATFISH. Get your FREE catfish recipes at:
These are great while watching football games!
This recipe is a guideline you can use to make a wide variety of
delicious appetizers. The suggested fillings are just
that--suggestions. Feel free to use whatever meat or vegetable
fillings, sweet or savory, suit your fancy. Note that you can freeze
unbaked, filled puffs on a cookie sheet, and then store them in
airtight bags until ready to bake. Serves eight.