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Find: Information and news on Prospecting, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Biking, Archery, Trails, National and State Parks and a great deal more!
The Alaska Railroad
White Pine Deer Farm
Boone & Scenic Valley RR
Black Hills Fishing
Seminole Gulf Railway
Shroud of Turin
Women's Fishing Online
Cripple Creek Casinos
Ram-Line Replacement Stocks
The Clamper
StarGazer GT
Blazer Boats
The Kodi-Pak
Skeeter New ZX Fishing Boats
Rifle/Inline Sight System
Meet all The MountainGnome Winners at the WINNERS CIRCLE
*Aug.25, 2000*
Dolores Martinez - Hawaii
Vidius Archer - ?
Personalized Mouse Pad:
Marcia Cloninger - Ohio
Contest Sponsors:
Welshware UnLtd.
Mugg Shots by Dotty
Software Ends:09/29/00
Mouse Pad Ends:09/29/00

Welshware UnLtd.
Mugg Shots by Dotty
Angels on Earth
Skeeter Fishing Boats
Blazer Boats
Outdoor Edge
HIVIZ Sight Systems
Maui Software
Yankee Clipper III
Submit your favorite WEBCAM site to The Mountaingnome and we'll put it right here!
Davis Station-Antarctica
Mt. Alyeska-Alaska

Copyright © 1999-2000
The MountainGnome
All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1529-6520

THE GNOMES' GHOME..........22.Sept.2000 |
* The Beauty of Autumn is upon us! *
Note from the Editor:
I got an awful lot of comforting notes from you folks, and I want to thank you for them. Fran will always be, the most special person and love in my life.
Not only does Hawaii have some of the greatest beaches, beautiful weather and gals....It has some of the greatest shareware programs available by:
Maui Software! Maui Software has received top awards from ZDNET, Danworld, Supershareware and more! Looking for some great shareware software?? Shop at the Beach, at Maui Software!! The MountainGnome does!
In the side bar, you will now find the GNOME SHOPPE. A guide to outdoor equipment~clothing~health & beauty~gifts for any occassion~ A Great Holiday Shopping Guide! Check often for the addition of new stores!
Sponsored by: Welshware UnLtd.
To the first 15 readers, who sign up a friend as a new subscriber, we're gonna give a free copy of NoaXs V2.6.3!! Use Recommend-It, in the side bar, to refer a friend to The MountainGnome. If your friend subscribes, Welshware UnLtd., will give you a fully registered copy of NoaXs V2.6.3!
The MountainGnome Giveaway Contests:
Ends 09/29/2000!
- A television may insult your intelligence, but nothing rubs it in like a computer....
Autmn In The Mountains:
Today we're gonna take ya fer a ride to Bear and Blue Lake, near Cucharas, Colorado. The drive, down The Highway of Legends, is beautiful and scenic, especially when the mountains are brushed with a tinge of Autumn. You can see the San Juan Mountain Range and in the valley below lies a small community.
Leaving The Hwy. of Legends, we travel up the winding dirt road to Blue Lake. As we continue the climb, below we see Blue Lake, nestled in the pines. We manuever many switchbacks, as we make our way up the mountain. Before approaching the top, we can view the majestic mountains and wistful valley below.
From left to right: Bobby, Jonathan and Stan, posing near the stream that supplies Bear Lake, and Blue lake, and in between, many beaver ponds. We rest beside a small stream with a waterfall. We finally approach the crystal clear waters of Bear lake. Look closely and you can see the bottom of the lake! We hiked in the forrest along side the lake towards the dam, the air being crisp and cool. We could see the lake through the trees as we neared the dam. Downstream from the small dam, Bobby crosses the rocky stream, as we venture further on towards a large beaver pond.
We now make our way back through the woods towards the main lake, Bobby leading the way! Again, as we come back to Bear Lake, everyone wants to see who can skip stones the farthest. Jon wins!!
As we wind up our adventure, Stan found a bunch of chipmunks dashing around. Bobby love those critters! Caught a cute chipmunk posing on a log.
That brought an end to our adventure for the day.....the crew was pretty hungry by now! We continued on for a hearty meal about 40 miles west, at The Iron Horse Inn, Walsenburg, Colorado. Well, I'm stuffed~see ya next time for more fun~peace and serenity!
- Why do you press harder on a remote-control when you know the battery is dead?
Talk About Dumb....
A company called "Guns For Hire" stages gunfights for Western movies and other events. One
day, a middle-aged woman called to inquire if they could kill her husband. She was sentenced to
four and a half years.
-- The Mountain Man
Ridin' the Rails: The Alaska Railroad
Passenger Services & Tours:
Welcome to the Alaska Railroad, the last full-service
railroad in the United States. We owe our success of the
past 77 years to the hard work and dedication of our
employees and the loyalty of our customers.
From the tidewater at Whittier and the Seward to the
heart of the Interior Alaska , our route covers more than
500 miles. Our summer services offers three daily
routes. The Denali Star departs daily from Anchorage
and Fairbanks with stops at Talkeetna and Denali. The
Coastal Classic serves Anchorage and Seward, with
magnificent walls of ice, jagged peaks and gorges along
this route. The Glacier Discovery connects Anchorage
and Whittier, winding along the scenic Turnagain Arm of
the Cook Inlet. In addition to our daily service routes,
The Hurricane Turn offers a unique "flag" service
between Talkeetna and Hurricane Gulch, providing a vital transportation link for rural Alaskans.
Happy Railroadin' Partners.....have fun and enjoy!!! No better way to enjoy wildlife....nature....and just down right relaxin'!
- Why do banks charge you a 'non-sufficient funds fee' on money they already know you don't have?
Outdoor Adventure: White Pine Deer Farm:
Owned and operated by Wayne Pederson and Son's
- White pine deer farm has world class deer from Minnesota and
Saskatchewan Canada.
- These are huge northern whitetail deer, and are bred to produce
superior quality genetics with large antlers and body size.
- Each fawn is taged at birth, we record and moniter their health
- We have a complete handling facility and equipment and do
extracting and processing of semen.
- We do artificial insemination with our does.
- We are whole herd tested TB free test status. We offer Fawns to
Adult Deer and Semen for sale.
Other services we offer are:
- We doArtificial Insemination on Whitetail, Elk, Sheep,and
- We do Extracting and Processing of Semen
- We manufacture Drop Chutes and Blinder Hoods for handling
and medicating deer and exotic animals
- Also Baited Black Bear guided and unguided hunts in Minn.
- ( We have great Muskie fishing in Mn.& Wi)
Pacific Trekking--pactrek.COM Quality outdoor clothing made in Canada.
There are 3 tried and tested ways to make sure your wilderness water is safely disinfected: Boiling, Halogenation, and Filtration. You should pick the one that best suits your needs and is appropriate to your activity.
This Week: Boiling:
The rule is very simple:
Once the water is hot enough to produce one rolling bubble, it is free of organisms that will cause illness, worldwide and up to at 19,000 feet above sea level.
The Reason:
All of the time it takes to bring water to a boil, works toward the death of organisms in the water. By the time water reaches the boiling point, it's safe. Giardia lambli cysts, for instance, die at approximately 122°F(50°C). If you want to feel safer, let the water roll around at a boil for a couple of minutes. Boiling is cheap-the only cost is fuel-and effective, but it consumes time, and it's inconvenient if you run out of water on the trail.
Boiling will NOT neutralize chemical pollutants!
Next Issue: Halogenation - Don't miss it!
Until next time: Be Safe ~ Be Happy!!
GREAT BUY: Ram-Line Replacement Stocks
Impervious to snow, cold, rain, heat and impact, guaranteeing consistent
accura- cy, plus the brute strength of Syn-Tech®. Equipped with recoil pad,
sling studs and crisp checkering. Installs in minutes with a screwdriver – no
gunsmithing needed. Can be shortened up to 2" L.O.P. by removing recoil
pad, cutting the stock and remounting the pad of your choice. Rifle stocks
are available in Black. Comes with Uncle Mike’s studs. Some fitting may be
required on military actions. Weatherby stocks are for magnum calibers and
Japanese actions only.
Shotgun stocks, 12-ga. only, are available in classic matte Black.
Show Off: Yessiree, show off that Classic Car ya restored....or send us a car tip...or maybe a great car site! E-mail all them goodies to
Ford Flathead V8: Hot Rod Engine
Jon's engine is almost ready for the test run. The restoration of the 1953 ford Mainline continues!
Front View...
Rt. side view...
Lt. side view
SPONSOR: Welshware UnLtd.
Looking for some great freeware/shareware programs?? Get them at Welshware UnLtd. Quality....Care.....Fantastic Programming....The Price Is Right....Every Time!!
- The mirror dates back to ancient Egypt.
Friction is the enemy of your engine. Friction causes metal
wear, heat buildup and higher fuel consumption while
robbing your engine of horsepower, torque and overall
efficiency. Friction is typically what degrades performance
and causes an engine to wear out prematurely.
Stop Friction today and get your FREE sample at:
FREE Sample of Microlon Engine Cleaner
This twisted site bills itself as "A Fun Site for Your Dark Side." So
watch out: You might just enjoy seeing a few well-placed tread marks
on the happy icons of American consumerist pop culture. Indeed, Army
Tank seems obsessed with gratuitous stuffed animal violence. Furbies,
Teletubbies, Pokemon, and Purple Dinosaurs all blown to bits for your
guilty viewing pleasure. Even Hawaiian Barbie isn't safe. She was
chopped in half by an axe. Take part in the devilish fun by suggesting
a method of dispatching these critters. With a new execution scheduled
for every week, you have plenty of opportunities for input. Each
execution is chronicled with a script of imagined pre-death dialogs,
graphic photos, and videos. A gallery of past victims preserves each
beloved character, including the Pokemon Pikachu being
ever-so-ironically electrocuted.
- Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool....
Taxes-Legal or Illegal:
Folks, we're looking into some real interesting data on the illegalities of taxes on wages, etc.. It's unfortunate, but a great deal of people in this country have been led to believe that what ever the government does is legal and for the good of all...WRONG! Next week we'll lead you to some information, that should make you start to think, you'll certainly start to wonder anyway! In the mean time, think about this scenario:
Early day protection money or they beat ya up/burn your business,etc, etc.! IRS gangsters: if ya don't pay your TAX protection money, you go to jail, lose your home, business, property and if they can get away with it..send in Janet Reno(Ruby Ridge, Waco)!
Submit your articles to
- For sale: Parachute. Only used once, never opened, small stain...
BABYGNOMES DAYKARE CENTER | -- High Quality Maternity Products!
An online magazine providing information
concerning exercise, health, and nutrition
for women. . .
Don't Skip Meals During Pregnancy:
Don't skip meals while you're pregnant, especially on hectic days when
you're burning extra calories. Be ready for emergencies and keep a
stash of healthy convenient foods on hand. Fresh fruit, low-fat
yogurt, pint cartons of low-fat milk, whole-grain cereal (just pour
some in a baggie and keep it in your car or at your desk for
snacking), and instant oatmeal and soups are good items to keep on
hand so you can eat even when you're short on time. Read about healthy
fixes for junk food cravings so you don't cave into fatty or
empty-calorie snacks. And though you shouldn't rely too heavily on
prenatal vitamins to meet your daily nutrient requirements (or treat
them as a stand-in for a meal), vitamins are good insurance for when
you just can't manage a balanced meal.
NOTE: Always Check with and follow the advice of your Physician!
High altitudes may irritate your baby:
Once your baby is 3 months old, his lungs are developed enough that he
has the same chances of suffering from altitude sickness that you do,
as long as he's otherwise healthy. About 25 percent of people get sick
at high altitudes -- more than a few thousand feet above sea level --
and it's hard to predict who'll be affected and who won't. Also
remember that some cities, such as Denver (which is more than 5,000
feet above sea level), are high enough to cause altitude symptoms. The
best thing to do is to take your baby to see his pediatrician before
you travel to high elevations to make sure he's in good health. For
long trips to high locations, increase your altitude gradually over a
few days if possible.
NOTE! Always check with and follow the advice of your physician!!
Brought to you today by
- On a sign outside a church: "This is a C H _ _ C H ... what's missing?"
FREE Baby's Development Booklet
Linux Note: When downloading a linux .tar/ .gz or .rpm file, It is sometimes necessary to hold down the shift key while clicking on the file you want to download.
QuickClean Welshware UnLtd
TheNet Welshware UnLtd
3D adventure game where you wander around your inherited House and find that it's haunted. The object of this game is to find 9 pumpkins
around the haunted house looking in the basement in the attic and various places all over the house. The graphics in this game are amazing and a good
thing about it is you don't need a 3D videocard. This isn't a violent game - just a little spooky.
SpamEater is an e-mail notification utility that
can automatically remove junk mail before it
reaches your Inbox.
- Pop! Goes the Hamster ... and Other Great Microwave Games....
Indian Harvest :
This site provides some great gourmet gifts......
"Sinfully rich."-But oh, it's so good--you may find that instead of serving 8 people,
this pie serves only 4 (or maybe 2). That's why this recipe makes two
pies. Sounds like a great way to watch football!!!!
- 1 cup butter, at room temperature
- 2 cups sugar
- 1 cup flour
- 1/4 cup bourbon
- 4 eggs
- 2 c black walnuts or pecans, chopped
- 2 cup chocolate chips
- 2 unbaked pie shells
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cream butter and sugar. Add flour; mix
well. Add bourbon, then eggs; beat until fluffy. Fold in walnuts and
chocolate chips.
Pour into pie shells. Bake 25 minutes; do not overcook.
So until next time, REMEMBER: First, God created man. Then he had a better idea....
Davis Station, Antarctica......Latest News! |
The Latest Davis Station, Antarctica News!!
Information relating to Davis Station is at:
All content and photos are property and Copyright of the Australian Antarctic Division.
To Bob and the Davis Crew.....Keep Safe....Warm.....and Thanks for Sharing!!
- Sooner or later, doesn't EVERYONE stop smoking?
~ Dedicated To The Memory of My Lovely Wife..Francie ~