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Find: Information and news on Prospecting, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Biking, Archery, Trails, National and State Parks and a great deal more!
Oktoberfest-Laveta, Co.
White Pass & Yukon Railway
Timberland Outfitters
The Alaska Railroad
White Pine Deer Farm
Boone & Scenic Valley RR
Black Hills Fishing
Seminole Gulf Railway
Women's Fishing Online
Cripple Creek Casinos
Ram-Line Replacement Stocks
The Clamper
StarGazer GT
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Skeeter New ZX Fishing Boats
Rifle/Inline Sight System
Meet all The MountainGnome Winners at the WINNERS CIRCLE
*Sept.29, 2000*
Jacki Hartnett-?
- ?
Personalized Mouse Pad:
Mike Cutler-?
Contest Sponsors:
Welshware UnLtd.
Mugg Shots by Dotty
Software Ends:10/27/00
Mouse Pad Ends:10/27/00

Welshware UnLtd.
Mugg Shots by Dotty
Angels on Earth
Skeeter Fishing Boats
Blazer Boats
Outdoor Edge
HIVIZ Sight Systems
Maui Software
Yankee Clipper III
Submit your favorite WEBCAM site to The Mountaingnome and we'll put it right here!
Davis Station-Antarctica
Mt. Alyeska-Alaska

Copyright © 1999-2000
The MountainGnome
All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1529-6520

THE GNOMES' GHOME..........29.Sept.2000 |
* All Hallows Eve Approaches! *
Note from Army Officer leaving the service:
Q: Why did you decide to leave the service early?
A: When I entered the service, it was illegal to be a homosexual.
During my time of service, it became neutral.
I'm leaving before it becomes mandatory!!
Folks this was not, and is not a joke. This question was put to a great number of officers, who are leaving the services early, due to this abominable situation!
Now there are a great deal of people out there who say that homosexuality is normal!! Well, if that were true, then the population of this planet would be 1!!
Mugg Shots by Dotty
Have your picture or favorite photo put on a Mug, T-Shirt, Baseball Cap, Mouse Pad, Etc.. Check out Dottys' Shop and browse the great personalized gifts that you can give to Your Special Someone!
A guide to outdoor equipment~clothing~health & beauty~gifts for any occassion~ A Great Holiday Shopping Guide! Check often for the addition of new stores!
The MountainGnome Giveaway Contests:
Ends 10/27/2000! Or whenever I get back from hunting!
- Mail your packages early so the post office can lose them in time for Christmas....
Laveta, Colorado.....October 7th!!! Hey, The MountainGnome crew is gonna be there! Lots of fun in store for all!
Huntin' Season Approaches:
For this clan, hunting season not only means hunting, it's special in alot of other ways. The closeness, no tv's and radios, the talks in the evenings, the talks on the trail, enjoying each others company and the beauty of the outdoors!
Jon and Bobby are gettin' camo practice for the season. Bob(5) is a real vet, as he has hunted with us for his third year. Last year Jonathan got a really good cow elk, the morning of the second day of the season! The year before, Stan got a nice 4/5 point bull elk! The most important thing was, we all enjoyed the company of each other and had a really great time walkin' in the mountains. This year we'll take some pics of the thrills of the huntin' camp!
- There is a difference between a tax collector and a taxidermist -- the taxidermist leaves the hide...
Talk About Dumb....
Rochester, New York
The Club
John Schieman, 37, thought the best time to steal a car would be when its owner was getting
out. As his would-be-victim, Robin Van Bortle, 32, was attaching The Club, to her steering
wheel, Schieman made his move. Startled, the astute woman reacted by beating Schieman over
the head with the antitheft device. The budding criminal was charged with robbery, assault, and
grand larceny. -- The Mountain Man
Ridin' the Rails: White Pass & Yukon Route Scenic Railway
Against all odds, this iron trail was born of the 1898
Klondike Gold Rush and built through some of the
North's most ruggedly beautiful terrain. Today, it's a
comfortable ride in refurbished train cars following the
original route of the hopeful stampeders of 1898.
Check the latest Train Excursions!
Happy Railroadin' Partners.....have fun and enjoy!!! No better way to enjoy wildlife....nature....and just down right relaxin'!
- The problem in the Garden of Eden was Not the Apple on the Tree...It was the Pair on the Ground!
Outdoor Adventure: Timberland Outfitters:
Welcome to Timberland Outfitters and a
true Montana Outdoors Experience.
We are dedicated to providing our clients
with a safe and enjoyable outdoors
adventure. We pride ourselves in
building a lasting relationship with our
clients so as to ensure a pleasant and
successful experience as well as to
develop a long term friendship. Let us
show you some Montana hospitality!
is important to us. We invite our clients to take this opportunity to make
Timberland Outfitters your family hunting get away. Of course, we would
have to approve these hunts in order to assure compatibility. Family is what
has built Timberland Outfitters to what it is now, and therefore we know the
importance of family relationships. Let us be your family destination.
Pacific Trekking--pactrek.COM Quality outdoor clothing made in Canada.
There are 3 tried and tested ways to make sure your wilderness water is safely disinfected: Boiling, Halogenation, and Filtration. You should pick the one that best suits your needs and is appropriate to your activity.
As for chemicals that kill water-borne pathogens, both chlorine and the iodine in Potable Aqua have been proven relatively effective, given enough of the chemical and enough time. Halogenation is effected by water temperature(the warmer, the better), the pH of the water and the turbidity of the water. For best results, strain out particles by pouring through a clean T-shirt or bandana before adding Potable Aqua. Halogens are generally more convenient and faster than boiling the water(when you consider lighting the stove or building the fire), but they cost a bit more and can't be guaranteed to work as well as other means of water disinfection.
Chlorine and iodine for instance, have not been proven fatal to Cryptosporidium. Halogens also tend to leave the water tasting crummy, a phenomenon reversible by adding flavoring(such as energy drink powders), or, if using iodine, an iodine -taste-removing product, such as Potable Aqua with P.A.Plus, after the disinfection process has been completed. If you add anything to the water prior to complete disinfection, the added substances may disrupt the disinfection process. A simple rule is: Follow the directions on the label!
Next Issue: Filtration - Don't miss it!
Until next time: Be Safe ~ Be Happy!!
Springfield M6 Scout
Improved, updated version of
USAF M6 Survival Rifle.
Versatility of an O & U
combo. Specially designed
trigger guard. Storage area
in buttstock. Breaks down
in less than 5 seconds.
Barrel: 6 groove rifle full
choke, smooth bore
shotgun, 3" chamber.
Folding stock easily
detaches. Drilled & tapped
for scope.
In Stock:
Regular Price: $ 269.99
Show Off: Yessiree, show off that Classic Car ya restored....or send us a car tip...or maybe a great car site! E-mail all them goodies to
CAR SHOW: Laveta, Colorado.........October 7th!!
An online encyclopedia of classic and
vintage cars. Descriptions are provided
for more than 1500 different models of
cars and 200 manufacturers. Each descrip-
tion comes with pictures, statistics
and related links. . .
SPONSOR: Welshware UnLtd.
Looking for some great freeware/shareware programs?? Get them at Welshware UnLtd. Quality....Care.....Fantastic Programming....The Price Is Right....Every Time!!
- The mosquito to people ratio in the US is 42,000 to 1....(That Sucks!)
Boston, MA -- The staff of
is pleased to announce the unveiling of a
website dedicated to manual transmissions.
Unique in the world of automotive websites, will provide a virtual
community for the 15 percent of car owners in
the United States who drive a vehicle with a
manual transmission.
For more information,
visit, email or call 617.680.
Bites and Stings of Medically Important
Venomous Arthropods:
Discusses spiders, scorpions, bees, wasps,
and ants capable of causing morbidity and
mortality in humans when bitten or stung. . .
- Never knock on Death's door: Ring the doorbell and run (he hates that)....
Many Americans have a very definite idea about how the Internal Revenue Service
behaves. And in many respects, they are correct. Testimony before the Senate
Committee in October of 1997 revealed, for the first time for many Americans, just
how the IRS tries to intimidate and bully you.
Folks, think about the above statement and then browse over to this great site, with information and answers to your questions, on income tax and more. As a people, we need to get our heads out of the sand and start exploring the information contained within these pages. As far as I am concerned, I've rated the above site as NO. 1!!
Submit your articles to
- The meaning of the Huron-Iroquis Indian word kanata, from which Canada derives its name, is "small village".
Will another LIAR replace the existing one?:
MIA Having posted a little tickler in last week's Digest
about Al Gore's "141 days in Vietnam," The Federalist Editorial Board
was inundated with inquiries from Vietnam vets. Most went
something like this: "Gore claimed in his convention speech: 'I enlisted
in the Army because I knew if I didn't go, someone else in the small
town of Carthage, Tennessee would have to go in my place.'
Since he wasn't KIA [Killed in Action] or wounded, how was it that his
Army tour was far shorter than all the rest of us?" Our astute veteran readers took the bait!
Gore's campaign launched a multimillion-dollar ad campaign this week to
tell his "life story." The ads will include references to his "service" in
Vietnam --however brief. Gore spent less than five months of a typical
twelve-month tour in Vietnam. He spent every minute of his "tour" as a
"rear-echelon...." (call any combat veteran and they can complete that
phrase for you).
He was classified as a military journalist after telling recruiters he was a "newspaper trainee" (read "copy boy") for
the New York Times while a student at Harvard. He was assigned as a
noncombatant "information specialist" to the Army's 20th Engineers
Brigade headquarters at Bien Hoa military base near Saigon. Gore's
immediate supervisor in Vietnam has confirmed that his posting there
came with explicit instructions to baby-sit him and make sure he was
never in any danger.
That fact notwithstanding, Gore has claimed to the Washington Post that
he was "shot at" and "spent most of my time in the field." He later told the Baltimore Sun that "[I] pulled my
turn on the perimeter at night and walked through the elephant grass and
I was fired upon." He has since backed off these exaggerated claims. On
May 22, 1971, not five months into his "tour of duty," Gore was given special dispensation and a one-way ticket home to attend
divinity school in Nashville. He dropped out of Vanderbilt shortly thereafter.
As for the seven months cut from Gore's tour of duty in Vietnam, we
suppose "someone else in the small town of Carthage, Tennessee" had
to finish his tour "in his place".
What next from the boy wonder, who created the INTERNET!
Come back next week for MORE.....GORE!!(sounds like a horror show...doesn't it?!)
The Maternity Shoppe -- Clothing-Health-Lotions-Yoga & MORE!
FREE Guidebook: "Mommy I Don't Feel Good"
Flu prevention:
The flu shot is safe to get while you're pregnant, according to the
Centers for Disease Control, which recommends it for women in their
first trimester who will be more than 14 weeks pregnant during the
peak influenza months. Be aware, however, that the flu shot will
protect you only against the more serious strains that tend to land
people in the hospital. The vaccine does not work for the "colds" that
we all get every winter, unfortunately.
Some people feel achy and fatigued when they get the shot, as if they
are getting a mild cold. This is because the vaccine is stimulating
your immune system so that it will recognize these nasty flu types if
you come in contact with them.
NOTE: Always Check with and follow the advice of your Physician!
Should I let my child fall asleep after he's had a serious fall?:
Many parents believe they need to keep their children awake after a
serious fall to prevent a coma. This is an old wives' tale with no
basis in reality. In fact, putting your baby down for a restorative
nap after an emotional trauma like a scary fall can be comforting. You
might consider taking a short one yourself. Of course, it's still
important to check on your child every two hours or so. Look for any
changes in his color or breathing, and wake him if he appears to be in
distress. If he's alert when you wake him up, then it's unlikely he
has suffered a concussion or any other serious injury. If he seems
overly groggy or lethargic, or if you're worried for any reason, trust
your thinking and call your pediatrician for advice. She may want to
give him a quick checkup or suggest waking him every couple of hours
for the first night after his fall, just to be certain he's rousable.
If at any point you're unable to wake your child, take him to the
emergency room.
NOTE! Always check with and follow the advice of your physician!!
Brought to you today by
- Seen on the door to a light-wave lab: "Do not look into laser with remaining good eye."
FREE Cookbook for Kids
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You aim at and shoot down as many prarie dogs you can before you run out of ammo. The game has gory content but if you are not sensitive about that, then you will enjoy this virtual hunting game.
SOFTWARE FEATURE: Desktop Writer for Kids:
Desktop Writer is a powerful word processor designed to be used by children and people who are not very competent
with word processor's. All of the buttons are designed to look attractive and colourful and also made so that a child will understand what they do and how to work
them. Each button brings up a message that tells the child what they are used for. The word processor itself is very colourful. There are also other features such text alignment just like
other word processors.
Download: Desktop Writer for kids
- That's It! I'm Putting You Up For Adoption.....
The Flying Noodle--Gourmet Pastas and Sauces!
The homemade goodness of these pancakes is definitely worth
the effort of getting up a few minutes earlier to make them. Try
serving them with spicy sausage. Serves 2-4.
- 3/4 cup flour
- 2 teaspoons sugar
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/8 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1 cup milk
- 1 egg
- 2 teaspoons butter, melted
- 1 apple, grated
Sift together dry ingredients. Stir in milk, egg, and butter; mix
until well combined. Stir in apple.
Drop by tablespoons onto hot, well-greased griddle. Cook until browned
on both sides.
So until next time, REMEMBER: If you try and don't succeed, cheat. Repeat until caught. Then lie.....
Davis Station, Antarctica......Latest News! |
The Latest Davis Station, Antarctica News & Pictures!!
Information relating to Davis Station is at:
All content and photos are property and Copyright of the Australian Antarctic Division.
To Bob and the Davis Crew.....Keep Safe....Warm.....and Thanks for Sharing!!
- The first volume of recipes was published in A.D. 62 by the Roman Apicius. Titled De re coquinaria, it described the feasts enjoyed by the Emperor Claudius.
~ Dedicated To The Memory of My Lovely Wife..Francie ~