True New Mexico Christmas
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Maine Made Christmas
Christmas Tree Tradition
Willamette Shore Trolley
Zihuatanejo Ixtapa: Mexico
Holiday Valley Resort:N.Y.
Silver Country: Montana
Sites 4 moms
Mountain Top Outfitters
Ski Silver Mountain
Ski Lake Louise-Canada
Wilderness Pursuits
The Crooked River RR
Lindale USA
!SOLUTIONS!-NO 1040's:
Snowman Snowing Scene
Balsam Buddy Snowman
Home For The Holiday
Balsam Buddy Penguin
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Santa Telephone
Traditional Balsam Wreath
Three-Part Sleep System
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*Nov.23, 2000*
Benny Keller - Ga.
Personalized Mouse Pad:
Dan Jacober - Molalla, Or.
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Mugg Shots by Dotty

Welshware UnLtd.
Mugg Shots by Dotty
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HIVIZ Sight Systems
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Copyright © 1999-2000
The MountainGnome
All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1529-6520

THE GNOMES' GHOME..........01.Dec.2000 |

The Christmas Tree Tradition:
Long before the spread of Christianity, pagans clung
firmly to the belief that the forests would turn green in
spring only if people paid homage to the evergreen
throughout the winter. Evergreens, they were
convinced, contained mystical powers that enabled the
tree to stay green year-round. Unable to persuade the
people of northern Europe otherwise, Christian
missionaries adopted the practice of bringing
evergreens indoors in winter. Read more....
Providing high quality decorations and collectibles at a great value. Visit today and enhance your holidays!
- Never get into fights with ugly people, they have nothing to lose......
A True New Mexico Christmas::
A cute Christmas Story, based on the tale:
"Twas The Night Before Christmas"
- This is great....Thanks Helen!!
Al Gore's new here
NEW: Off-Road Scramblin'
We have a new section for off-road readers!! Got questions.....ask Cindy?!
Talk About Dumb....Lower Bail
Norristown, Pennsylvania
Accused of selling drugs, Howard Jones's attorney sought to lower his client's bail from
$150,000 insisting that Jones would not think about fleeing. At that very instant, Jones sprinted
out of the front door of the courtroom. He was caught fifty minutes later and his bail was raised
to $500,000.
-- The Mountain Man
Ridin' the Rails: Willamette Shore Trolley:
Lake Oswego, Oregon
The Willamette Shore Trolley
is operated by the Oregon
Electric Railway Historical
Society. The line takes you on
a beautiful journey along the
Willamette River in a authentic
antique trolley car. Sites along
the way are:
- The 1,396 foot Elk Rock Tunnel. With an "S" curve between its portals,
the mid section of the tunnel is in total darkness.
- Travel over several trestles, including the 686 foot Riverwood Trestle.
- Tremendous views of the Willamette River.
- Beautiful homes and mansions line the right of way.
- Authentic street running along Moody Street.
- The Lake Oswego end of the line has shops and restaurants As well as
the River Place end in Portland.
- The Portland end is a short walk or bus ride to all of downtown
Portland attractions.
The one way trip is 45 minutes long. Allow 2 hours for round trip
Happy Railroadin' Partners.....have fun and enjoy!!! No better way to enjoy wildlife....nature....and just down right relaxin'!
- If a train station is where the train stops, what is a work station?
Outdoor Adventure: Zihuatanejo Ixtapa Paradise: Mexico
Experience the thrill of an unforgettable vacation!
Great place to figure out how to use a voting ballot! For the rest of us with a brain, a place to relax and have fun!!
Zihuatanejo's bay offers safe haven from storms and is a favorite with boaters of all
types. Within the bay are 5 main beaches: La Playa Principal (located in front of the
town itself), Playa La Madera (a 5 minute walk from town), Playa La Ropa (5 minutes
from town by car or about a 20 minute walk), Playa Las Gatas (at the extreme southern
end of the bay; accessible by water taxi from the pier or a footpath along the rocky coast
from La Ropa, there is no road), and Playa Contramar (at the northern end of the bay:
accessible by boat or footpath). Not only do we have some of the most beautiful
Mexican beaches, but some of the most beautiful beaches in the world!
There's also plenty of other activities: Fishing, snorkeling, scuba, mountain biking, surfing, golfing.....BINGO
- You never learn to pray until your kids learn to drive.....
The Ski Lodge:Holiday Valley Resort:New York
As Western New York's premier destination
ski resort, Holiday Valley offers lodging on
the slopes and in the nearby Village of
Ellicottville. The new Inn at Holiday Valley,
named one of Snow Country Magazine's top
rated hotels, is at the base of the Sunrise lift
for ski-in, ski-out convenience. The fun-loving
Village of Ellicottville, with an ample supply
of restaurants, shops and after ski fun,
makes a trip to Holiday Valley a memorable
one. For information call: (716) 699-2345 For
Lodging Reservations call: (716) 699-2345 or
email at
Pacific Trekking--pactrek.COM Quality outdoor clothing made in Canada.
Survival Tip:
If you find yourself lost in a voting booth, and totally confused by the ballot....
Don't panick and Don't wander off alone! Just go outside....find an 8 year old....and they'll show your dumb ass how to use it!
Until next time: Be Safe ~ Be Happy!!
GREAT BUYS: Snowman Snowing Scene
Snow falls peacefully on the winter scenes as "music box" music
plays. The scenes include detailed designs with dimensional
figures and are framed with a beatifully decorated gilt frame
which includes an easel back or picture wire for hanging.
$39.90 ~ Orders over $75.00~Free Shipping
Maine Made Christmas:
Balsam Buddy Snowman
All our balsam products are harvested and hand made by skilled Maine crafters.
Bring the beauty and fragrance of Maine balsam into your home.
Balsam Buddy Snowman: $49.00
BB Snowman Kit: $36.00
Historic Wallace, Idaho--ATV Capital of the World.
First, we built the world's largest trail system with over 1000 miles of ATV
trails. Then, Mayor Debbie declared open streets for ATV riders. Pretty
soon there were articles in the New York Times, Washington Post, ATV,
Dirt Wheels and 4 Wheel Action Magazine. And to top it off, within only
three years, Silver Country's Historic Wallace, Idaho was named the ATV
Capital of the World by Dirt Wheels Magazine!
Folks, for great Holiday Gifts at an even greater value, this is the place to stop and SHOP! CD's, DVD's, Books, Video's, Software Games......all this and more at !!
- The Fig Newton was named after Newton, Massachusetts.
TheBushPlan: It’s OurLand!!
- George W. Bush Trusts Local Communities.
- Al Gore Trusts Washington, D.C.
Bush’s Plan says “NO” to Washington, D.C. locking up public lands. Complete article.......
Scientific American: Who Were the First Americans?
Scientific American: Who Were the First Americans?
Site features information on who the first
Americans might have been. If your answer
to the question above was fur-clad mammoth
hunters, guess again. The first people to
settle the New World may have been fisher-
folk and basket weavers. . .
- Proofread carefully to see if you any words out.....
From the editor:
Seniors Not Stupid?:
I saw a person in the newspaper hold a poster with the saying, "Seniors Are Not Stupid". And that is very, very true!
Let's look at this fact: A group of 8 year olds were given the same ballot as the one used in Palm Beach county, Florida.
They used colors instead of names, and these children had no problem with the ballot. So in effect, to those of you adults who could not understand a simple ballot:
You Are Not Stupid....let's just say ...."You Are, Dumber Than A Box Of Rocks!"
And to Jesse Jackson, you might want to lead that tribe of yours, that can't read a ballot, from the welfare line to the classroom! There is no limit to race, color, religion.....if you can't comprehend something as simple as a better take a good look around you, and find an 8 year old to explain it!
The Week In Review:
Submit your Views-Comments-Short Articles to:
- Hey Al....Just because you have one doesn't mean you have to act like one!
Readers Views/Comments:
Store Photos for FREE!
Sites 4 moms......
A site established to help busy moms
save time by profiling the sites that
they are interested in visiting. The
site offers reviews, links, and access
to a free weekly newsletter. . .
Make sure your body's ready for a baby:
Pregnancy is one of the biggest physical changes a woman's body will
ever undergo, so before you start trying, make sure you're in the best
possible condition. Dads-to-be may have some work to do, too: What you
eat, drink, and otherwise ingest can affect the quality of your sperm.
Take our quiz to see if you're physically ready for baby-making, and
be sure to check out BabyCenter's physical and lifestyle readiness
checklists, too.
NOTE: Always Check with and follow the advice of your Physician!
Will cereal help your baby sleep more soundly?
Many tired parents have tried feeding their babies cereal to get them
to sleep better at night. However, there is no evidence that babies
will go to sleep more quickly or sleep more soundly if given cereal --
or any big meal -- just before bed. Babies are programmed to wake up
fairly frequently during the night, not only to eat but also to
socialize and touch base with their parents. Sleeping through the
night (considered to be a five-hour stretch) is a function of central
nervous system maturation and has little to do with whether a baby has
a full tummy.
NOTE! Always check with and follow the advice of your physician!!
Brought to you today by
- "To be sure of hitting the target, shoot first, and call whatever you hit the target."
Baby's Basics -- Babies every needs...well almost!
Download Red Hat Linux.......The Lamborghini of Operating Systems!! Makes Windows look like a Model T!
Linux Note: When downloading a linux .tar/ .gz or .rpm file, It is sometimes necessary to hold down the shift key while clicking on the file you want to download.
EzyMassMailer V2.4.4
Free, easy to use zip file manager that
lets you create new, open existing, add to and extract
from zip files.
LINUX SOFTWARE FEATURE: CompuPic for Linux 4.6:
Edit and manage image and media files in Linux.
BIG SALE!: is celebrating its 3rd Birthday!! All software is now
50% OFF, until January 1, 2001. Visit today!
- The Magic World Inside the Abandoned Refrigerator.....
Gourmet Foods
This irresistible cake features the delicate flavor of mandarin
oranges with boiled caramel icing. The combination is unexpected and
truly wonderful. Serves 16.
- 2 cups flour
- 2 teaspoons baking soda
- 2 cups sugar
- 2 cups drained mandarin oranges
- 2 teaspoons vanilla
- 2 eggs, at room temperature
- 1-1/4 cups brown sugar
- 6 tablespoons butter
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease a 9-inch by 13-inch pan.
Sift together flour, baking soda, and sugar. Stir in oranges, followed
by vanilla and eggs; mix well. Pour into prepared pan. Bake 30
Using a fork, punch holes all over the hot cake, through to bottom of
pan. The cake will fall.
Combine icing ingredients in a saucepan; bring to a boil. Boil three
minutes. Pour evenly over hot cake.
So until next time, REMEMBER: that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.....
Davis Station, Antarctica......Latest News! |
The Latest Davis Station, Antarctica News & Pictures!!
To Bob and the Davis Crew.....Keep Safe....Warm.....and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!
- The original Barbie is from Willows, Wisconsin. Barbie's full name is
Barbie Millicent Roberts.
~ Dedicated To The Memory of My Lovely Wife..Francie ~