True New Mexico Christmas
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Find: Information and news on Prospecting, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Biking, Archery, Trails, National and State Parks and a great deal more!
Free Republic
Silent Night Museum-Austria
Welcome To North-Pole.Net!
Spirit of Washington
Mount Rainier
Wilmar Ranch-St. Helen, MI.
Pebble Creek Ski Area-Idaho
Maine Made Christmas
Christmas Tree Tradition
Willamette Shore Trolley
Lindale USA
!SOLUTIONS!-NO 1040's:
A Rocky Mountain Christmas
Traditional Themed Tree
Snowman Snowing Scene
Snowman Snowing Scene
Balsam Buddy Snowman
Home For The Holiday
Balsam Buddy Penguin
Download Red Hat Linux
Santa Telephone
Traditional Balsam Wreath
Three-Part Sleep System
The new SWATCH is here!
EZ2C Targets
RediChlor Tablets
SafeWater Anywhere Filter
The Kodi-Pak
Rifle/Inline Sight System
Meet all The MountainGnome Winners at the WINNERS CIRCLE
*Nov.23, 2000*
Benny Keller - Ga.
Personalized Mouse Pad:
Dan Jacober - Molalla, Or.
Contest Sponsors:
Welshware UnLtd.
Mugg Shots by Dotty

Welshware UnLtd.
Mugg Shots by Dotty
Angels on Earth
Skeeter Fishing Boats
Blazer Boats
Outdoor Edge
HIVIZ Sight Systems
Maui Software
Yankee Clipper III
Submit your favorite WEBCAM site to The Mountaingnome and we'll put it right here!
Davis Station-Antarctica
Mt. Alyeska-Alaska

Copyright © 1999-2000
The MountainGnome
All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1529-6520

THE GNOMES' GHOME..........16.Dec.2000 |

The MountainGnome celebrated its 1st Anniversary on December 10th!! We lowered our advertising
rates to commemerate our first year in business. If you would like your ad to run in The MountainGnome,
see our new rate schedule HERE!
The Origin of 'Silent Night~Holy Night':
Silent Night Museum: Salzburg, Austria
We are back in the Salzburg of 1792. Near the river Salzach there is a street called the Steingasse where
Anna Schoiber, Joseph Mohr's mother, lived at Nr.9. She shared her living quarters with her mother Maria, her
two daughters (Joseph's half-sisters) and in the wintertime with her niece Theresia. These five people had to
share a single room.There was no heating, and the landlord imposed strict rules for how often the tiny kitchen
could be used. Anna would heat large stones in the kitchen hearth and carry them to an iron bowl in the living
room to provide at least a little warmth. The rest of the story......
Welcome To North-Pole.Net!
Mom and Dad, let your children send a letter to Santa. This is a wonderful site for children and
adults alike to visit. Parents get your North Pole e-mail address here!
Send Your
Letter to
Providing high quality decorations and collectibles at a great value. Visit today and enhance your holidays!
- When you hear the toilet flush and the words "Uh-oh," it's already too late.......
A True New Mexico Christmas::
A cute Christmas Story, based on the tale:
"Twas The Night Before Christmas"
NEW: I saw a truck of Christmas trees......Beautiful Story.
- How Many Roads Must A Man Travel Down Before He Admits He Is Lost?
NEW: Off-Road Scramblin'
We have a new section for off-road readers!! Got questions.....ask Cindy?!
Talk About Dumb....
An escaped convict broke into a house and tied up a young couple who
had been sleeping in the bedroom. As soon as he had a chance, the
husband turned to his voluptuous young wife, bound up on the bed in a
skimpy nightgown, and whispered, "Honey, this guy hasn't seen a woman
in years. Just cooperate with anything he wants. If he wants to have sex
with you, just go along with it and pretend you like it. Our lives depend
on it." "Dear," the wife hissed, spitting out her gag, "I'm so relieved you
feel that way, because he just told me he thinks you are really cute!" -- The Mountain Man
Ridin' the Rails: Spirit of Washington:
Renton, WA.
This rail excursion will show you the beauty of Puget Sound country from the wide
windows of your Spirit of Washington train. As you glide along the shores, you will
see Mount Rainier to the
south and the spectacular Seattle skyline to the west. During
your trip, you'll be served a gourmet dinner.
Then you disembark for a stroll n the beauitful grounds of the Columbia Winery, one
of Washington's finest. You'll be treated to complimentary wine tasting--a perfect
way to top this enchanted evening. Then you'll reboard your train for the return trip to
Renton. Reservation are Required.
Happy Railroadin' Partners.....have fun and enjoy!!! No better way to enjoy wildlife....nature....and just down right relaxin'!
- If corn oil comes from corn, where does baby oil come from?
Outdoor Adventure: Wilmar Ranch: St. Helen, Michigan
Experience the thrill.......
WilMar Ranch offers anyone and
everyone the opportunity to see and
photograph, or hunt large whitetail deer.
We provide you with the opportunity to
get close to nature. We have over 100
acres enclosed for your enjoyment. We
have approximately 140 more acres that
allows access to deer that travel between
four local hunt clubs. Three of these
clubs are surrounded by over 17000 acres
of state land. Our fence borders state
land in two areas equaling nearly 1/2
mile. This provides access to wild deer
from state land or the other clubs
surrounding us. DNR rules, regulations,
seasons, and limits apply on this part of
the property.
Hunt the enclosed part of the property with the weapon of your choice,
rifle, handgun, crossbow, you choose. Bring your favorite weapon! No
limits, No season, No License Required. Introduce your youngster to
hunting in a safe, enjoyable way. If you're looking for that safe hunting
spot, or just the possibility to see many large bucks this season, give us a
call. We can offer year round hunting opportunities. Non Michigan
Residents: Save $120 by avoiding the non-resident license fee when you
hunt on our enclosed property.
- Office conduct during Christmas Season!!!!!
Running aluminum foil through the paper shredder to make tinsel is discouraged....
The Ski Lodge:Pebble Creek Ski Area:Idaho
Celebrating 51 years of skiing excellence, Pebble Creek is a vertical playground that attracts extreme skiers but also offers plenty of terrain
variety for other skill levels. Located just south of the City of Pocatello, in the Caribou National Forest, Pebble Creek boasts virtually
non-existent lift lines. The 50 member PSIA/AASI Member Ski & Snowboard School offers a wide range of group programs as well as
private lessons.
Pacific Trekking--pactrek.COM Quality outdoor clothing made in Canada.
Survival Tip: For Disoriented Voting Adults!!
If you become disoriented, recognize that you have
a problem. SIT DOWN and evaluate your
circumstances as calmly as possible. Panic is
your greatest enemy. Take an inventory of what
you have with you(bingo cards, bingo markers, picture of Jesse Jackson), and mentally retrace your steps(sorry, you're probably already lost).
You will probably realize your situation is not as
critical as it seemed at first.(but I doubt it!!)
Folks, we'll have some serious outdoor survival tips as soon as I'm through having fun with the SIMPLE MINDED, WITLESS WONDERS, who can't figure out a simple ballot!!
Until next time: Be Safe ~ Be Happy!!
Rocky Mountain Christmas: Yuletide Stories of the West
by John H. Monnett
By evening everyone present agreed that the Christmas festivities were "the greatest known to that date"
in the entire Taos region and Kit Carson was "chief over it all." For the first time in recent memory,
different races and Indian tribes had "ate, drank and smoked together." The last toast of the evening was
one pledging "fraternal peace" among the races in the Taos Valley. (From the book) Even under the
most extreme conditions our pioneer ancestors kept the festive holiday spirit alive in their hearts and
frontier homes. From Lewis and Clark's first Christmas in the Rockies to the generous gift that changed
a widow's and her children's lives, this book shares celebrations of the Yuletide season. Snowman Snowing Scene
Snow falls peacefully on the winter scenes as "music box" music
plays. The scenes include detailed designs with dimensional
figures and are framed with a beatifully decorated gilt frame
which includes an easel back or picture wire for hanging.
$39.90 ~ Orders over $75.00~Free Shipping
Maine Made Christmas:
Traditional Themed Tree
The Traditional themed tree is decorated with 144 designer glass
ornaments and 96 decorated ornaments. The pre-lit tree has 900
lights and 1,005 tips. This tree is crowned with a jolly red
fiber-optic santa. This package has what you need to create a
beutiful tree in your home this Christmas.
Price: $459.98 ~ Orders over $75.00~Free Shipping
Click here to view the individual items in this feature
The.Great Western Trail (GWT) is actually much more than a trail, but rather a corridor of trails and passageways designed to
serve the many types of trail interests and users. Using whatever was available, travelers in the Old West made their way by
foot or horseback, or by using a variety of vehicles including wagons and water craft as they moved between communities, over
mountain passes, down rivers, and across valleys. And so it is today along the Great Western Trail as the magic and romance
of the Old West unfolds once more to recreational enthusiasts from across the nation and many foreign countries. Opportunities
exist for hikers, horseback riders, boaters, mountain bikers, cross-country skiers, and off-road vehicle and snowmobile riders
to traverse this scenic and culturally rich area of our nation in a variety of ways.
Folks, for great Holiday Gifts at an even greater value, this is the place to stop and SHOP! CD's, DVD's, Books, Video's, Software Games......all this and more at !!
- Green Bay is the Toilet Paper Capital of the World.
(And The Packers are livin' up to that reputation.)
Bush’s Plan says “NO” to Washington, D.C. locking up public lands. Complete article.......
Free Republic: Welcome!
Free Republic is an online gathering place for independent, grass-roots conservatism on the web.
We're working to roll back decades of governmental largesse, to root out political fraud and
corruption, and to champion causes which further conservatism in America. And we always have
fun doing it. Hoo-yah!
- BEER: It's not just for breakfast anymore......
From the editor:
New Seal:
Well, how appropriate!! A new seal for the Democratic Party. It just says it all, huh folks?! Ohhhh...Boooohooohooo....
It's Good Buy to Uncle AL the Welfare Pal :
Folks, I was raised in a Democratic household.....all I ever heard was, how the Democrats fight for
the working man. Over the past 40 years here is what I have observed: Starting with Franklin Roosevelt,
the Democrats have turned this Nation into a lazy, lowlife, welfare system. They have raped the working
mans/womans paycheck, and given the money that he/she sweated for, to LAZY, ALCOHOLIC, DRUG
There are those elderly and truely disabled, who do not get a sufficient amount to survive,
because of these FREE GIVEAWAY PROGRAMS, that are encouraged and supported
by and developed by the Democrats! When I see persons from their late teens, to up in
their 50's, who are perfectly healthy and on welfare....IT'S REVOLTING! Generation after generation,
born and bred on welfare, leeching off the sweat, blood and backs of the working man!! They blame society....I'm black...I'm brown....
I'm poor.....I don't have an education...we are underprivileged excuse after another!! You have a mind,
given to you by your creator!! You have made the easy one....hell, it's easier to
take that welfare check! The state and feds pay for your bastard babys....they take money from the
Social Security system to pay your prescriptions and medical bills, while those on Social Security, have to
pay for their own prescriptions and eat dog food!! YOU want to talk about oppressed!! Look at the JEWS,
2000 + years of slavery and no Country of their own!! Look at them now, God help anyone who tries
to enslave them again!! And NO, you don't hear them whining!! GET SOME SELF RESPECTand QUIT
Check out BODY COUNT in our Oct. 08 issue for MORE.....GORE & CLINTON!!(sounds like a horror show...doesn't it?!)
Submit your Views~Comments~Short Article to:
- Hey Al....Just because you have one doesn't mean you have to act like one!
Readers Views/Comments:
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Site provides fitness and nutrition
information for mothers. . .
How to avoid swollen extremities during travel:
Sitting anywhere for long periods of time can make your feet and
ankles swell and your legs cramp. When you're driving, be sure to take
breaks at least every 90 minutes for stretching and walking around. If
there's an empty seat next to you on a plane, train, or bus, put your
feet up. Taking off your shoes may feel good, though if you're on an
airplane your feet will probably swell during the flight. Keep your
blood circulating by strolling the aisle and doing some simple
stretches. If you're sitting or standing, stretch your leg, heel
first, and gently flex your foot to stretch your calf muscles. When
you're sitting, rotate your ankles and wiggle your toes.
NOTE: Always Check with and follow the advice of your Physician!
Vaccine Reactions -- What to Watch For:
If your child gets redness and swelling at the site of the injection,
a mild rash, or a low-grade fever within a few days of having had a
shot, she's probably having a mild reaction to the vaccine. This type
of reaction is quite common with many vaccines and nothing to be
alarmed about, but check with your doctor if you're concerned. More
severe reactions are rare, but they can happen. Signs of a serious
allergic reaction can include difficulty breathing, hoarseness or
wheezing, hives, paleness, weakness, dizziness, fainting, or an
erratic heartbeat. This type of reaction will occur within a few
minutes to a few hours of the shot if it's going to happen. Call your
doctor right away if you notice any of these symptoms.
NOTE! Always check with and follow the advice of your physician!!
Brought to you today by
- A male gynecologist is like an auto mechanic who never owned a car......
Baby's Basics -- Babies every needs...well almost!
Download Red Hat Linux.......The Lamborghini of Operating Systems!! Makes Windows look like a Model T!
Linux Note: When downloading a linux .tar/ .gz or .rpm file, It is sometimes necessary to hold down the shift key while clicking on the file you want to download.
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WINDOWS GAME FEATURE: Dr Goo 3: The Rubblebum War:
Finally, the Rubblebums have discovered a way to invade earth - destroy the stars. Dr Goo has been asked to collect the fallen stars, thus preventing a full-scale invasion of earth.
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LINUX SOFTWARE FEATURE: ProSplitter 2000 2.1:
Easily split files for storage.
BIG SALE!: is celebrating its 3rd Birthday!! All software is now
50% OFF, until January 1, 2001. Visit today!
- Kathy Was So Bad Her Mom Stopped Loving Her.....
Gourmet Foods
Serves 8.
- 3-4 pounds boneless pork or boneless pork chops
- 3 pounds applesauce
- 2 tablespoons apple pie spice (mixture of cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg)
- 6 small red potatoes, whole
- 4 carrots, peeled and cut in chunks
- 2 cups white pearl onions, peeled and left whole
- 2 firm tart apples, peeled, cored, and sliced thin
Remove any visible fat from pork; cut in large chunks. Combine
applesauce and spice in a large, heavy pot or crockpot. Add meat.
Cover tightly; cook on medium heat 10 minutes. Reduce heat to a
simmer; cook at least 4 hours and as long as 10 hours.
One hour before serving, add potatoes, carrots, and onions. Fifteen
minutes before serving, add apple slices. To serve, remove meat,
vegetables, and apples to a large platter and pour 1 cup of sauce over
all. Serve remaining sauce on the side.
Here's another goodie!
Chocolate Cherry Bark:
- 16 oz. white chocolate squares
- 1 cup Maraschino cherries, drained
- 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips
- 1/4 cup nuts, chopped
Melt chocolate in a glass bowl in the microwave ( be careful not
to scorch). Stir in Maraschino cherries, chocolate chips and nuts.
Spread evenly onto waxed paper and allow to cool. break into
pieces and serve.
So until next time, REMEMBER: that either you control your attitude or it controls you....
Davis Station, Antarctica......Latest News! |
The Latest Davis Station, Antarctica News & Pictures!!
To Bob and the Davis Crew.....Keep Safe....Warm.....and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!
- The nation's first kindergarten was established in
Watertown, Wisconsin in 1856. Its first students were local
German-speaking youngsters.
~ Dedicated To The Memory of My Lovely Wife..Francie ~