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Remmington Duke Of Boncarbo
JUN 04 2001
Yorkshire Terrier
Black and Tan
TN846769/02 (11-00)
TN474414/03 (09-98)
Karen Giammarrusco
24817 CR 47.5
Boncarbo, Co.
STUD FEES: $200.00
Sponsored By:
Mugg Shots by Dotty
The MountainGnome
ENDS July 26, 2002
June28-July 7
Taste of Chicago,
June 1-July 14
Annual Quilt Show
219 East Woodlawn Street-Clinton, IL.
June 1- July 31
Brown Bag Concerts
Chandler Park-Macomb, IL.
June-October: Chicagoland
Villa Park French Market
Ardmore Avenue & Prairie Path, Villa Park
June 22-Aug. 10
Taos, New Mexico
40th Annual Summer Music Festival
July 5-14
Alberta, Canada
July 19-28
Cheyenne, Wyoming
106th annual Frontier Days.
July 21-28
Helena, Montana
LAST CHANCE: Stampede Fair and Rodeo.
July 26-27
Sacramento, Ca.
OUTLAWS: International Congress on Outlaws and Gunmen History.
July 5-8
Termo, California
Horseman's Holiday
July 19-20
Brighton, Colorado
25th Annual Saddle Sale
Web page designs by: The MountainGnome! Our Rates Start @ $45.00 for the first page and $19.50 for each additional Page.
For Web Design Service, just E-mail The MountainGnome.
We'll get back to ya ASAP!!

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Mugg Shots by Dotty
Aunt Sally's Quilts
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Maui Software
All Things Southern
Have A Cow Dude

Copyright © 1999-2002
The MountainGnome
All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1529-6520
THE GNOMES' GHOME..........05.July.2002 |
For Best Viewing Use NETSCAPE 6.2.
- If you must burn our flag, please wrap yourself in it first.....
Mugg Shots by Dotty
Have your favorite photo, or Business Card/Logo put on a CAN WRAP, Mug,
T-Shirt, Baseball Cap, Mouse Pad, Etc.. Checkout Dottys' Shop and browse the great personalized gifts
that you can give to Your Special Someone, or for Advertising Your Business!!
Folks, in the "SIDEBAR" you'll find the "NEWBORN FORUM" and "OUTDOOR FORUM". We want you to
utilize these forums to their fullest. It's a perfect place for all outdoorsmen and gals to exchange
ideas and ask questions on any subject you want!! So, go and they will answer........
- Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people....
If all you want to do is browse the Internet and you use
Outlook Express or some other mail program anyway, you may
not really need or want something like Netscape 6. For a
small, quick browser with few frills, try Netscape
Navigator. The latest version is 4.08 (as this is written)
and you can get your copy at the Netscape site.
Click here to visit the Downloads page.
Next issue we'll take a peek at OPERA for Windows!!
Tree Hugging Idiots...
Well, by now you already know how much damage and heartache
the Ariziona and Colorado fires are continuing to inflict. To all of you
idiot environmentalist treehuggers out there, now would be the best
time to tie yourselves to trees, to prevent logging. If you had let the
loggers and forest service do their jobs to manage over forestation and
undergrowth, these fires could have been minimized! Thousands of homes
destroyed, thousands of lives in chaos, because of total ignorance and
stupidity of TREEHUGGERS!! You people are the stupidest breed of
garbage on earth. You're egotistical, self-centered, self rightous and self serving!
Loggers are prevented from cutting roads into the forests, so that they can thin out
heavy growth, clear out dead and fallen trees, and cut fire breaks as needed! And why?
Ohhhh....That tree is alive, it shouldn't be killed - oh.....there's a spotted owl in the tree(it would
nest in another tree, you idiot - ohhhhh....the poor kangaroo mouse will become extinct(yeah,
so let's bankrupt farmers and ranchers who are trying to feed America, just so the
god damned little rat, which is useless, can breed to no end).
Take this into consideration: Environmentalists are hypocrits. They're against logging,
drilling for gas or oil, against coal fired power plants, against nuclear power plants,
against anything that possibly pollutes air, water or land.......did I leave out anything?!
HOWEVER: Would they give up their air polluting SUV or give up their microwave, tv,
telephone, gas grill, heat, air conditioning, radio, cd/dvd player, gas/electric oven, vacuum cleaner,
refrigerator?! HELL NO they wouldn't and don't!
Yes, all of these require the energy supplied by everything they deplore and protest against.
HEY TREEHUGGERS & ENVIRONMENTALISTS as long as your campaigns and protests aren't
and don't effect your own personal jobs, it's okay for others to be devastated by loss of jobs, for your IDIOTIC
lack of sense!
To all of our friends who have lost loved ones and homes and belongings, our hearts and prayers go
out to you. We in this great country will help in every way to help alleviate your agonies. If any of you tree-
huggers had a home lost in these tragic fires, our hearts go out to your families, in hopes that you personally
can look your children and spouse in the face and realize, you f××ked up!
Editor[The MountainGnome]
Reasonable rates ~ advertise with the MountainGnome Today........You'll be glad you did!
E-mail for questions, sales or anything else.
America~A Bygone Era: The Mountain Men
William H. Ashley
William H. Ashley, with his partner Andrew Henry, owned a fur trading company based in Saint Louis,
Missouri. Prior to the period covered by these papers, he had lost a fortune in an ill-fated attempt to
establish a trapping business on the upper Missouri river. His new plan was trap the region to the south,
just over the divide. The previous year, an Ashley-Henry party led by Jedediah Smith had crossed the
continental divide at what came to be known as South Pass and found the valley of the Green river to
be rich with beaver. Consequently, the remainder of Ashley's fur company left St. Louis and made their way up the Platte.
The word "Ballot" comes
from the Italian word "ballota", meaning "little ball",
because originally small balls were used in elections.
These were put into a box; a voter dropped a white or
red ball to favor a candidate, or a black one to indicate
Good Humor Man....Smart Husband:
The other night I was invited out for a night with "the boys".
I told my wife that I would be home by midnight "promise!"
Well, the hours passed and the beer was going down too easy.
At around 3 AM drunk as a skunk, I headed for home. Just as I got in
the door, the cuckoo clock in the hall started up, and cuckooed
three times.Quickly, I realized she'd probably wake up, so I cuckooed
another nine times myself. I was really proud of myself, having a
quick, witty solution, even when smashed, to escape a possible
Next morning my wife asked me what time I got in, and I told her
12 o'clock. She didn't seem disturbed at all. Whew! Got away with
that one!
She then told me that we needed a new cuckoo clock. When I asked
her why, she explained, "Well, sometime last night, it cuckooed 3 times,
then said "Oh crap," cuckooed 4 more times, cleared its throat,
cuckooed another 3 times, giggled, cuckooed twice more, and then farted!
-- The Mountain Gnome
Outdoor Adventure: Gone Fishin'
Jerome, Idaho:
Thomason Outfitters
Fish On!!!!!!
Come along with us for an experience you won’t soon forget! ----
fishing for the prehistoric giant white sturgeon on the Snake River --
surrounded by the beauty of Idaho canyons, valleys and plateaus.
- Turtles can breathe through their butts.(Ohhhhh....bad breath!!)
The Ski Lodge: Closed For The Summer!
Mountain Events: Steamboat Springs, Co.
Visit for more
Steamboat not experiencing major effects from fires
Things in Steamboat Springs are looking fairly normal for this time of year.
Colorado, including Steamboat, is experiencing very dry conditions, but
Steamboat's landscape is still looking quite lush. The trees are adorned
with fresh green leaves, the mountainsides are green with grass, wildflowers
dot the landscape and sparkling water flows down the rivers.
News about Colorado's wildfires is toping the headlines in newspapers,
but those fires are only affecting about 1 percent of Colorado's total acerage.
More than 99 percent of Colorado's forestland has not been impacted by the fires, Steamboat Springs included.
Want to see what things are looking like around Steamboat? Log onto or to see
current photos and get up-to-date wildfire information.
Rainbow Weekend returns July 12 - 14
There will be art in the sky and art on the land July 12 - 14 during
Steamboat Springs' Rainbow Weekend, an event that gets its name from the
vibrant colors of its hot air balloons and artwork. During the 22nd Annual Hot
Air Balloon Rodeo, 47 hot air balloons will take off in a mass launch to compete
in airborne events. For the 28th Annual Art in the Park, over 125 art and craft
vendors will set up shop in West Lincoln Park in downtown Steamboat, along
with food vendors and live entertainment. Performances will include live music,
dance performances, juggling acts, and children's activities. The weekend also
features music by Strings in the Mountains and a ProRodeo.
Log on to for more information.
Steamboat summer concert schedule includes many big names
Steamboat Springs' mountain setting is the perfect backdrop for summer concerts.
This summer Steamboat welcomes back several favorites, including the String
Cheese Incident, Tony Furtado and Galactic. Artists making their inaugural appearance
in Steamboat include the Godfather of Soul, James Brown; Michelle Shocked; and the Yonder Mountain String Band.
Here's a list of what's been lined up so far:
- Tony Furtado, June 21 at Levelz, 10 p.m.
- D.J. Jon Bishop, June 29 at Levelz, 10 p.m.
- Robert Randolph and the Family Band, July 2 at Levelz, 10 p.m.
- Independence Incident with String Cheese Incident, Earl Scruggs, and
Yonder Mountain String Band, July 3 at Tennis Meadows, gates
open at noon, music begins at 2 p.m. Tickets available through
TicketMaster (303-830-8497) or in Steamboat at All That Jazz
or the Mt. Werner Sinclair. Visit for other ticket outlets.
- Independence Incident with String Cheese Incident, James Brown and
Corey Harris, July 4 at Tennis Meadows, gates open at noon, music begins at 2 p.m. (see above for ticket information).
- Papa Grows Funk, July 4 at Levelz, 10 p.m.
- Galactic, July 12 at Howelsen Hill, 5:30 p.m. (FREE)
- Liquid Soul with Little Hercules, July 13 at Levelz, 10 p.m.
- Bernie Worrell and the Woo Warriors with Jen Durkin, July 19 at Levelz, 10 p.m.
- The Radiators, July 25 at Headwall (base of Steamboat Ski Area) 5:30 p.m. (FREE)
- Little Feat, August 9 at Howelsen Hill, 5:30 p.m. (FREE)
- Michelle Shocked, August 23 at Headwall (base of Steamboat Ski Area, 5:30 p.m. (FREE)
Visitors can take home knowledge from tours
Visitors can take home a different type of souvenir from the Steamboat Springs vacation,
and they won't have to worry about fitting it into a suitcase. By taking tours, ranging from
nature walks and art and music tours to historic and geological tours, visitors will leave
with photos, memories and probably a bit of new knowledge. Here are a few to choose from:
- Walking Tour of Steamboat and its Springs. Stop by the Steamboat Springs
Visitors Center at 1255 Lincoln Ave. for tour directions and an information sheet. Call 970-879-0880 with questions.
- String in the Mountains High Country Garden Tour, July 6 8:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Tickets:
$15 in advance, $18 at the door. Includes a talk by a garden expert, a Garden Market,
tours of showcase gardens and music. Call 970-879-5056 for information and tickets.
- Artists' Studio Tour: Stagecoach to the Flat Tops, August 17, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Tickets: $25 for tour only or $50 for tour, pie social and ski pass raffle ticket.
Includes tour of local artists' studios, pie social, live music, silent auction and
cooperative art exhibit. Call 970-879-9008 for information and tickets.
- 4-Wheel Drive Tours. Offered daily. Call Alpine Taxi at 970-879-2800 for more information
- Stagecoach to Yesterday Four-Wheel Drive Jeep Tours. Offered Wednesdays
10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Call Alpine Taxi at 970-879-2800 for more information.
- Historic Places Bike Tour. Stop by the Steamboat Springs Visitors Center
at 1255 Lincoln Ave. for tour directions and an information sheet. Call 970-879-0880 with questions.
- Yampatika Tours. Various organized tours offered throughout the summer.
Call 970-871-9151 or visit
- Guided Gourmet Hikes. Offered Tuesdays and Fridays at the Steamboat Ski Area.
A guided hike from the top of the gondola to the Four Points Hut. Learn about flora, fauna,
geology and history. Includes a gourmet lunch. Call 970-871-5191 or 1-800-922-2722 for more information.
- Yampa River Botanic Park. Visitors can take a self-guided tour of the Yampa Valley's diverse
vegetation in the park's 27 completed gardens and three new ones currently under construction.
Visitors can tour the park from dawn to dusk May through October, and a golf cart is available
for the handicapped. Call 970-879-4300 for more information.
Outdoor Tip: Campfire Cooking Tip
Take care when gathering wood for cooking in the wild.
Dried branches from fruit trees (cherry or apple) can add
subtle flavors to grilled foods. Hardwoods (oak or hickory)
burn long and even. Always avoid using pine. Cook over
coals not open flame.
Sterling Systems
The Sterling Superior Sharpener is the only pocket-sized sharpener
on the market today using tungsten carbide.
The user places the sharpener flat on the edge of a surface
(table, rock, stump, bench) and moves the knife downward
through the carbide wedge. A moderate to light pressure is
all that is required with only a small number of passes needed
to fully sharpen the blade. For very dull knives, more pressure
and passes may be needed.
Get Yours NOW!!
Until next time: Be Safe ~ Be Happy ~ Be Sporting!!
Software, Articles, Web Sites and Tips helping YOU protect your PRIVACY!!
EC Investigates MS Passport Posted by administrator:
The European Commission is investigating the Microsoft Passport
online identification and authentication system. EPIC filed complaints
with the Federal Trade Commission in July and August 2001 alleging
that the system is designed to profile users and that the company
engaged in unfair and deceptive trade practices. Testimony in the
Microsoft antitrust trial demonstrated that the company intended to
build the largest databases of profiles on the planet for ad targeting.
Basics of CRYPTOGRAPHY - Download or view this manual.
Check YOUR RIGHT TO PRIVACY for the latest Software,
PGP, MixMaster, Articles, Web Sites, Anonymous E-mail and protect YOUR PRIVACY!
See The Space Station
Did you know you could see the new International Space
Station from the ground? Lots of satellites are visible on
clear nights. They look like bright, fast-moving stars.
They're easy to find, too, thanks to the Satellite Sighting
Information page at NASA's huge Website. The page lists
cities around the world. Click on yours, or the one nearest
to you, and you'll learn when and where to look to see the
station and the space shuttle pass overhead. NASA's site is
one of the largest, best maintained, and most informative
on the Net. You can see cool pictures of the surface of
Mars, or the Sun in ultraviolet light, or learn about the
history and future of manned spaceflight. It's invaluable
for schoolkids.
Click here for NASA's Satellite Sighting Information page
Click here for NASA's main page
The Personal Space Cooler
If you work in a building with intermittent air
conditioning, this gadget is for you. The Personal Space
cooler is a very small evaporative cooling unit that can
cool an area about the size of an average cubicle. The unit
only uses about one penny an hour of electricity and one
gallon of tap water to make 10 hours cooling. The system
lowers the temperature of the air about 12 degrees. You'll
be the most popular person in your area when you turn this
on during an A/C outage.
The Personal Space Cooler retails for $169.95 as item
number SF201 from The Sharper Image.
- The second day of a diet is always easier than the first. By the second day you're off of it....
Article Submitted by: J. Valdez(Coyote) Raton, New Mexico
Imagine this happening to you.
One Sunday morning during service, a 2,000 member
congregation was surprised to see two men enter,
both covered from head to toe in black and carrying
submachine guns. One of the men proclaimed,
"Anyone willing to take a bullet for Christ remain
where you are." Immediately, the choir fled, the
deacons fled, and most of the congregation fled.
Out of the 2,000 there only remained around 20. The
man who had spoken took off his hood, looked at
the preacher and said "Okay Pastor, I got rid of
all the hypocrites. Now you may begin your service.
Have a nice day!" And the two men turned and walked out.
Too deep not to pass on...
- Funny how simple it is for people to trash God ... and
then wonder why the world's going to hell.
- Funny how we believe what the newspapers say, but
question what the Bible says.
- Funny how everyone wants to go to heaven provided they
do not have to believe, think, say, or do anything
the Bible says.
- Funny or is it scary?
- Funny how someone can say "I believe in God" but
still follow Satan (who, by the way, also
"believes"in God).
- Funny how you can send a thousand 'jokes' through
e-mail and they spread like wildfire, but when you
start sending messages regarding the Lord, people
think twice about sharing.
- Funny how the lewd, crude, vulgar and obscene pass
freely through cyberspace, but the public discussion
of Jesus is suppressed in the school and work place.
- Funny, isn't it? Funny how someone can be so fired
up for Christ on Sunday, but be an invisible
Christian the rest of the week.
- Are you laughing?
- Funny how when you go to forward this message, you
will not send it to many on your address list
because you're not sure what they believe, or
what they will think of you for sending it to them.
- Funny how I can be more worried about what other
people think of me than what God thinks of me.
- Are you thinking?
- Will you share this with people you care about? Or not?
SPONSOR: Karen's Little Yorkie Shop
Karen's Little Yorkie Shop provides a variety of services. "Remington", who is a 3 lb. Yorkie, will be breeding soon, for small Yorkies!
Puppies will be reasonably priced. More products will be added as soon as possible. The site is presently under construction.
So, if you're looking for a small Yorkie to take home and love, visit the shop and put in your order.
E-mail Karen's Yorkies for questions, sales or anything else.
GUYS: Attracting Women:
Having trouble finding a chick? Help is on the way.
Humorist P. J. O'Rourke says, "There are a number of
mechanical devices which increase sexual arousal,
particularly in women. Chief among these is the
Mercedes-Benz 380SL convertible."
NOTE: Always Check with and follow the advice of your Physician!....
GALS: Are you ready for pregnancy?
Some people say that raising a puppy prepares a couple to be parents.
In some small way that may be true: You go from being a carefree
couple with no one to answer to to the caretakers of a completely
helpless being. But a child obviously demands much more than a dog --
namely a lifetime commitment to provide love, nurturing, nourishment,
shelter, education, attention, and so on. So before you decide to make
a baby, it's important that you and your partner look at what you're
in for. This is, after all, a decision that will change your lives
forever. Here are a few key questions to consider:
- Are you both equally committed to becoming parents?
- If you have religious differences, have you discussed how they will
affect your child?
- Have you thought through how you'll handle childcare
responsibilities and balancing work and family?
- Are you prepared to parent a special-needs child?
NOTE: Always Check with and follow the advice of your Physician!
Things You Should Know About Women 101
- Women love cats. Men say they love cats, but when women aren't looking, men kick cats.
BEAUTY: Olive Oil Fix
How annoying it is when your high priced jar of moisturizer
runs out and your super-dry skin is not looking its best.
Well if "Wrinkle'Cure" sensation Dr Perricone is to be
believed, one of the best moisturizers for ultra-dry skin
is virgin olive oil. But beware; if you are acne prone,
this might be a recipe for disaster. Otherwise, isn't it
great to know you don't have to shell out another $40 bucks
for a product that runs out in a month!
LINUX SOFTWARE: Tuxedo T. Penguin: A Quest For Herring 1.0.3
Help Tux get his herring.
Linux Note: When downloading a linux .tar/ .gz or .rpm file, It is sometimes necessary to hold down the shift key while clicking on the file you want to download.
If Windows fails to boot properly, press F8 while it boots for the
Windows StartUp menu, and pick the Logged (\BOOTLOG.TXT)
option. It attempts a normal boot but records the status of every step
Windows takes during the process. You can use this option to
log a failed boot. Then, reboot to Safe mode if necessary and
use a text editor to open BOOTLOG.TXT (in your root directory).
Search for "fail" to find the boot steps Windows had trouble
with. Failed steps are often excellent clues to the cause of
the problem.
Frendz - a fun new puzzle game!
Frendz are loveable little aliens who enjoy the company of others.
In this fun game of strategy, you control the Blue Frendz while the
computer controls the Red Frendz. Each team tries to conquer the
playing field. Make a good move and your team cheers, make a
bad move, and watch your opponent do his own victory dance.
My Mother taught me HUMOR:
- "When that lawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me."
TIP: Smoking Tips
Smoking can add flavor to many foods. Always remember to
start with the freshest of ingredients. Smoking is not a magic
process to revive declining products. Keep your smoker out
of windy areas. Drafts can cause your coals to burn too hot.
Avoid opening your smoker too often. This can slow down
the process by losing valuable heat and smoke.
About Produce
This Web site will be very helpful as the summer growing
season develops. Go to the "In the News" section for
current features relating to fruits and vegetables. The
"Ask the Experts" page allows you to submit questions. It
also lists informative "Top Ten Faqs" about produce. There
is also an extensive recipe archive.
Click Here For More Information
Clams Casino: Serves 3.
Serve this appetizer at your next cocktail party.
- 12 Clams, in the shell
- 1/2 cup Breadcrumbs
- 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese
- 1 Tablespoon Parsley, chopped
- 1 teaspoon Garlic, minced
- 2 Tablespoons Olive oil
- 2 tablespoons Lemon juice
- 3 strips bacon
Open the clams. Mix together the breadcrumbs, cheese,
parsley, garlic, oil and lemon juice. Top the clams with
the mixture. Cut the bacon into 12 pieces. Place on top of
the clam mixture. Bake at 400 for 15 minutes. Serve warm.
Banana Fritters:
Serve these with coffee or tea.
3/4 cup Flour
1 teaspoon Baking powder
1 Tablespoon Powdered sugar
1/3 cup Milk
1 Egg
2 Bananas, mashed
Oil for frying
Sift together the flour, baking powder and sugar. Blend in
the milk, egg and bananas. Heat the oil to 375. Drop by
spoonfuls into the oil and brown on both sides. Drain on
paper towels. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Caleries per serving: "Don't Ask!! Enjoy!!
So until next time, REMEMBER: "Nothing ruins the truth like stretching it"....
- The largest land owner in New York City is The Catholic Church.....
Dedicated To The Memory of My Lovely Wife..Francie