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Remmington Duke Of Boncarbo
JUN 04 2001
Yorkshire Terrier
Black and Tan
TN846769/02 (11-00)
TN474414/03 (09-98)
Karen Giammarrusco
24817 CR 47.5
Boncarbo, Co.
STUD FEES: $200.00
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Mugg Shots by Dotty
The MountainGnome
ENDS July 26, 2002
June 1-July 14
Annual Quilt Show
219 East Woodlawn Street-Clinton, IL.
June 1- July 31
Brown Bag Concerts
Chandler Park-Macomb, IL.
June-October: Chicagoland
Villa Park French Market
Ardmore Avenue & Prairie Path, Villa Park
June 22-Aug. 10
Taos, New Mexico
40th Annual Summer Music Festival
July 5-14
Alberta, Canada
July 19-28
Cheyenne, Wyoming
106th annual Frontier Days.
July 19-28
Helena, Montana
LAST CHANCE: Stampede Fair and Rodeo.
July 21-28
Sacramento, Ca.
OUTLAWS: International Congress on Outlaws and Gunmen History.
July 5-8
Termo, California
Horseman's Holiday
July 19-20
Brighton, Colorado
25th Annual Saddle Sale
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Copyright © 1999-2002
The MountainGnome
All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1529-6520
THE GNOMES' GHOME..........12.July.2002 |
For Best Viewing Use NETSCAPE 6.2.
- If you must burn our flag, please wrap yourself(and Al Gore) in it first.....please....
Mugg Shots by Dotty
Have your favorite photo, or Business Card/Logo put on a CAN WRAP, Mug,
T-Shirt, Baseball Cap, Mouse Pad, Etc.. Checkout Dottys' Shop and browse the great personalized gifts
that you can give to Your Special Someone, or for Advertising Your Business!!
Folks we have a new space on The MountainGnome, where you can reply to articles in THe MountainGnome or articles
found in our newspapers throughout America. You may also submit short articles that are of interest to Freedom, Privacy,
Politics, Views, etc..(Please, no advertisements).
Folks, in the "SIDEBAR" you'll find the "NEWBORN FORUM" and "OUTDOOR FORUM". We want you to
utilize these forums to their fullest. It's a perfect place for all outdoorsmen and gals to exchange
ideas and ask questions on any subject you want!! So, go and they will answer........
Opera 6.04 for Windows released
Opera Software released the latest update to its desktop flagship,
Opera 6.04 for Windows. Opera for Windows continues as Opera's most popular
distribution with over 12 million worldwide downloads and installations,
averaging over one million installations every month.
Folks, the OPERA browser is lean and mean..
Check out the new Opera 6.04 for Windows and start enjoying it today.
Download it here:
Next issue we'll take a peek at more OPERA for Windows!!
Internal Terrorism...
Can you believe the audacity of the two idiots that started the worst fires in Arizona and Colorado history?
Terry Barton, stupidly starts a fire with a letter from her estranged husband(ohhhh.....thats hot). Then
Apache fireman Leonard Gregg, who lives with his girlfriend and her SIX kids, starts a fire to make some extra bucks!!
Hell, with folks like this around, who the hell's worried about Osama bin Laden?!
Jail Time my 2 little fire bugs, it's a comin'!! I don't know who their cellmates are going to be, but I'd sure be wearin' fire retardant
Editor[The MountainGnome]
Reasonable rates ~ advertise with the MountainGnome Today........You'll be glad you did!
E-mail for questions, sales or anything else.
America~A Bygone Era: The Traders
William Becknell & The Santa Fe Trail
In 1822 the country beyond Missouri was a vast unchartered land where only the bravest
and hardiest of white men ventured, and of those who did, only a few ever returned.
Great herds of Buffalo roamed the plains. Indians, war-like and surly at the encrouchment
of the white man to the Missouri River, moved in bands, ready to seek their vengance on the hated pale face.
There were rivers with treacherous bottoms of quick-sand. Beyond the plains lay the desert - grim,
waterless and deadly, and after this, the impassable mountains. Across these were the advance
outposts of Spain in the new world, ruled by fat, corrupt govenors, jealous of the French and Yankees,
backed by soldiers that watched the domain of Spain to see that neither of these races entered that land.
When Captain William Becknell left Arrow Rock, Missouri, on September 1st, 1821, for his first trip
West, he had no idea that he was destined to blaze a trail the following year. He had come Missouri
a few years before, lured by the hope of adventure. As a trader he made a marked success, and he
set out in 1821, for his third trip, confident of sucess.
Yet even before he started on this trip, events were happening far to the South that were to
change the whole complexion of the West. In Mexico City, a revolutionary army under
Iterbide marched into that Capital, victors over the Spaniards. From that moment on,
the power of Spain in Mexico was forever at an end.
Back when Ollie North was being investigated by Congress for his
major role in Iran-Contra, he was asked by some politician about
his extraordinary expenses for security at his home. North
responded how he feared a fellow named Osama bin Laden.
When the self righteous legislator asked who that was,
Ollie intoned: "The most dangerous man in the world." Well,
he was right, you know.
Years later the world learned that Ollie North wasn't just
woofin' about that bin Laden fella.
Good Humor Man....Smart Husband:
The first divorce directly related to September 11th terrorist
attack has been filed in New York.
It appears a guy with an office on the 103rd floor of the
World Trade Center spent the morning at his girlfriend's
apartment with his cellphone turned off. He wasn't
watching the TV either. When he turned his phone back
on at about 11 AM, it rang immediately.
It was his hysterical wife, 'Are you OK? Where are you?'
He said, 'What do you mean? I'm in my office of course!'(I don't think soooo....)
-- The Mountain Gnome
Outdoor Adventure: Mines & Ghost Towns
Agua Caliente,Arizona
Agua Caliente lies
about 11 Miles north of I-8, west of the I-10 junction.
Take the Sentinel exit (exit 87) and follow the road north. A sign points
toward "Old Agua Caliente" which is about a mile off the paved road.
Visitors will pass the Agua Caliente Pioneer's cemetery on the south side
of the road, before reaching the ruins.
The hotel at Agua Caliente is still occupied, and several trailers are
parked directly across the road from the hotel.
Agua Caliente has a long history. Accounts speak of a Fr. Jacob Sedelmyr
being at the hot springs in 1744. The springs were developed into a resort town.
The 20+ room hotel was modified over time, the first parts being built in 1897.
A swimming pool was added, during World War II, when the hotel served as housing
for men training nearby. Eventually, the water table fell and the springs went dry.
- Dislexics of the world... UNTIE!!
The Ski Lodge: Closed For The Summer!
Mountain Events: Steamboat Springs, Co.
Visit for more
Steamboat not experiencing major effects from fires
Things in Steamboat Springs are looking fairly normal for this time of year.
Colorado, including Steamboat, is experiencing very dry conditions, but
Steamboat's landscape is still looking quite lush. The trees are adorned
with fresh green leaves, the mountainsides are green with grass, wildflowers
dot the landscape and sparkling water flows down the rivers.
News about Colorado's wildfires is toping the headlines in newspapers,
but those fires are only affecting about 1 percent of Colorado's total acerage.
More than 99 percent of Colorado's forestland has not been impacted by the fires, Steamboat Springs included.
Want to see what things are looking like around Steamboat? Log onto or to see
current photos and get up-to-date wildfire information.
Rainbow Weekend returns July 12 - 14
There will be art in the sky and art on the land July 12 - 14 during
Steamboat Springs' Rainbow Weekend, an event that gets its name from the
vibrant colors of its hot air balloons and artwork. During the 22nd Annual Hot
Air Balloon Rodeo, 47 hot air balloons will take off in a mass launch to compete
in airborne events. For the 28th Annual Art in the Park, over 125 art and craft
vendors will set up shop in West Lincoln Park in downtown Steamboat, along
with food vendors and live entertainment. Performances will include live music,
dance performances, juggling acts, and children's activities. The weekend also
features music by Strings in the Mountains and a ProRodeo.
Log on to for more information.
Steamboat summer concert schedule includes many big names
Steamboat Springs' mountain setting is the perfect backdrop for summer concerts.
Here's a list of what's been lined up so far:
- Galactic, July 12 at Howelsen Hill, 5:30 p.m. (FREE)
- Liquid Soul with Little Hercules, July 13 at Levelz, 10 p.m.
- Bernie Worrell and the Woo Warriors with Jen Durkin, July 19 at Levelz, 10 p.m.
- The Radiators, July 25 at Headwall (base of Steamboat Ski Area) 5:30 p.m. (FREE)
- Little Feat, August 9 at Howelsen Hill, 5:30 p.m. (FREE)
- Michelle Shocked, August 23 at Headwall (base of Steamboat Ski Area, 5:30 p.m. (FREE)
Visitors can take home knowledge from tours
Visitors can take home a different type of souvenir from the Steamboat Springs vacation,
and they won't have to worry about fitting it into a suitcase. By taking tours, ranging from
nature walks and art and music tours to historic and geological tours, visitors will leave
with photos, memories and probably a bit of new knowledge. Here are a few to choose from:
- Walking Tour of Steamboat and its Springs. Stop by the Steamboat Springs
Visitors Center at 1255 Lincoln Ave. for tour directions and an information sheet. Call 970-879-0880 with questions.
- Artists' Studio Tour: Stagecoach to the Flat Tops, August 17, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Tickets: $25 for tour only or $50 for tour, pie social and ski pass raffle ticket.
Includes tour of local artists' studios, pie social, live music, silent auction and
cooperative art exhibit. Call 970-879-9008 for information and tickets.
- 4-Wheel Drive Tours. Offered daily. Call Alpine Taxi at 970-879-2800 for more information
- Stagecoach to Yesterday Four-Wheel Drive Jeep Tours. Offered Wednesdays
10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Call Alpine Taxi at 970-879-2800 for more information.
- Historic Places Bike Tour. Stop by the Steamboat Springs Visitors Center
at 1255 Lincoln Ave. for tour directions and an information sheet. Call 970-879-0880 with questions.
- Yampatika Tours. Various organized tours offered throughout the summer.
Call 970-871-9151 or visit
- Guided Gourmet Hikes. Offered Tuesdays and Fridays at the Steamboat Ski Area.
A guided hike from the top of the gondola to the Four Points Hut. Learn about flora, fauna,
geology and history. Includes a gourmet lunch. Call 970-871-5191 or 1-800-922-2722 for more information.
- Yampa River Botanic Park. Visitors can take a self-guided tour of the Yampa Valley's diverse
vegetation in the park's 27 completed gardens and three new ones currently under construction.
Visitors can tour the park from dawn to dusk May through October, and a golf cart is available
for the handicapped. Call 970-879-4300 for more information.
Outdoor Tip: Grill Safety Tip
It is a good idea to keep a bucket of sand near your
outdoor grill. Sand quickly smothers out the hot coals in
case a major problem (like a tip over) occurs. A good fire
extinguisher can also handle most problems.
Until next time: Be Safe ~ Be Happy ~ Be Sporting!!
Software, Articles, Web Sites and Tips helping YOU protect your PRIVACY!!
Good God!! NO MORE GORE!!
The Associated Press
MEMPHIS, Tenn. June 29 — Al Gore told top Democratic fund-raisers
Saturday that the party's 2000 campaign had too many consultants and
that if he runs for president again he will speak from the heart and "let it rip."
The former vice president attended a weekend retreat with about 60
fund-raisers and Democratic Party activists from across the country.
Reporters were barred from the meetings(Notice the Gestapo Tactics of Herr Gorie?), but aides and others said
Gore promised a different kind of campaign than the Democrats ran
in 2000, when he lost to George W. Bush.
Basics of CRYPTOGRAPHY - Download or view this manual.
Check YOUR RIGHT TO PRIVACY for the latest Software,
PGP, MixMaster, Articles, Web Sites, Anonymous E-mail and protect YOUR PRIVACY!
Discount Camping Gear at Blackhills Outdoor Gear
Discount camping gear and equipment,brand name products at BLACKHILLS OUTDOOR
GEAR, the websource for discount camping supplies; tents, sleeping bags, and
more. Join now and be entered into our $250.00 drawing.
The Blind Spot Detector
This gadget will help make your driving much safer. Some
vehicles have bad blind spots that can be dangerous. The
Blind Spot Detector is a sensor that clips to your drivers
side rearview mirror. The sensor watches your blind spot
and alerts you with a red light when someone is in it. This
makes lane changing much safer. Always remember to look
over your shoulder anyway because nothing is foolproof. The
detector is easy to install and setup yourself. The case is
low profile and should not contribute to aerodynamic drag.
The Blind Spot Detector retails for $79.95 as item number
TO507 from Gadget Universe.
Click Here To Visit Gadget Universe
- A friend in need... can be a real pain in the ass....
Article Submitted by: Kimmy Valdez ~ Raton, New Mexico
They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate
them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them.
Send this phrase to the people you'll never forget. It's a short message to let them
know that you'll never forget them. If you don't send it to anyone,
you're in a hurry and you've forgotten your friends. Take the time to live!!!
Distance and time may separate us but friendship and memories won't.
Just thinking of you today.
Thanks Kim and Happy Birthday to my grandson Bobby, turned 7 on July 3, 2002!!!
SPONSOR: Karen's Little Yorkie Shop
Karen's Little Yorkie Shop provides a variety of services. "Remington", who is a 3 lb. Yorkie, will be breeding soon, for small Yorkies!
Puppies will be reasonably priced. More products will be added as soon as possible. The site is presently under construction.
So, if you're looking for a small Yorkie to take home and love, visit the shop and put in your order.
E-mail Karen's Yorkies for questions, sales or anything else.
Tree Huggers Are Destructive Impact.......??
Thank you for saying what needed to be said about the morons who claim
to be environmentalists but do more harm than the responsible management
of our forrests could ever have done. Do you think all of that ash and
soot, put into the atmosphere from those horrific fires has anything to
do with Global Warming? The smoke can be seen from outer space for God's
sake...Whoops can't say God anymore...
Love the site
Brian M. Vick
(Editors' Comment: Brian, on The MountainGnome, 'God' will always be a part of the vocabulary.....and thanks for
the article.)
GUYS: Ounce of Prevention:
Listen up guys.....Prevents getting your head bitten off during PMT week....
There are sooooo many reasons why you should keep track of a womans menstrual cycle!
This little program just needs the date of the first day of blood flow and the usual number of
days in the cycle, and it does the rest. Once running, it puts a little flag icon in the system tray
(the bit by the clock). When PMT week approaches, it changes from a green flag, to a yellow
flag. And when red flag week hits, you guessed it, it goes red. Simple. Described as
"the handiest program in the universe", you should download it now!
Emergency Download NOW!!
If it doesn't work you'll need these dll's(1mb)
NOTE: Always Check with and follow the advice of your Physician!....
GALS: Calcium Supplements
A magnesium
supplement, which acts as a diuretic, may ease the problems
of bloating that are often associated with PMS and PMDD.
Another treatment for bloating is taking a calcium
supplement, which may help prevent water retention as well
as mood swings. According to the National Women's Health
Information Center, women should intake 1,000 to 1,300
milligrams of calcium daily depending on varying factors --
age, pregnancy, or lactation.
NOTE: Always Check with and follow the advice of your Physician!
Things You Should Know About Women 101
- Women never understand why men love toys. Men understand that they wouldn't need toys if women had an 'on/off' switch.
BEAUTY: That Natural Glow
If you tend to have very dry skin, don't give up on gaining
that dewy summer glow. Hundred dollar products are all very
good, but nothing beats a good skincare regimen. In facts
it's essential to cleanse and moisturize your skin in the
morning and at nights. If you like to use purifying masks,
make sure it's suitable for dry skin (meaning look for a
moisturizing mask). Devoted and disciplined skincare will
have you glowing with the best of them.
LINUX SOFTWARE: Glasteroids 1.0
Play this cool version of the old-school classic arcade game for Linux.
Linux Note: When downloading a linux .tar/ .gz or .rpm file, It is sometimes necessary to hold down the shift key while clicking on the file you want to download.
WINDOWS TIP: Deleting Temporary Files in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6
Any time you surf the Internet, you pick up a slew of
temporary files that turn out to be more permanent than
temporary. However, IE offers the option of deleting these
files as soon as you close the browser.
To use this option, choose Tools|Internet Options. When the
dialog box opens, click the Advanced tab. Now, select the
check box labeled "Empty Temporary Internet Files folder
when browser is closed." Click OK to close the dialog box
and apply your settings.
Trouble Bubbles
A fun game with playful, colorful bubbles that come floating down the
bath tub. Your job is to arrange 'em, drop 'em, and pop 'em for points
as you listen to some groovtastic mad beats. Word up!
My Mother taught me REASON:
- "Because I said so, that's why."
TIP: Grilled Tortillas
Try softening tortillas for burritos, fajitas or enchiladas
on the grill. This will give a slightly smoky flavor to the
finished dish. This is especially easy to do when grilling
other items (beef, vegetables or chicken) to also be used
in the recipe. A light coating of spray oil can also help
add attractive grill marks.
Hearth Kitchen
The people at Hearth Kitchen are now making "HearthKit"
oven inserts. What they basically do is transform your
existing oven into a brick oven. This is especially
attractive to the home baking enthusiast. Sizes are
available for most gas and electric models. Access their
web site for more information.
Click here to visit the site.
Chicken And Pasta Salad With Feta Cheese: Serves 4
This full flavored salad makes a great summer entrée.
- ½ pound Penne pasta
- ¼ cup Olive oil
- 2 Tablespoons White wine vinegar
- ½ teaspoon Garlic minced
- 2 Tablespoons Basil, chopped
- 2 medium Tomatoes, diced
- ½ cup Feta cheese, crumbled
- ½ cup Black olives, pitted
- 8 cups Spinach, rinsed and stemmed
- 1 ½ pounds Chicken (boneless) breast, grilled and diced
Cook and drain the pasta, Set aside. Whisk together the
oil, vinegar, garlic and basil. Toss with the pasta. Add
the tomatoes, feta and olives. Chill for 1 hour. Arrange
the spinach on 4 plates. Top with the pasta salad. Add the
chicken. Garnish with more feta and sliced red onions
Cheddar Cheese Ball:
- 2 - 8 oz. packages cream cheese, softened
- 2 cups sharp cheddar cheese, shredded
- 1/4 cup green onion, chopped
- 1 tsp. lemon juice
- 1 Tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
- 1/2 tsp. seasoned salt
- 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
Combine all ingredients except parsley and mix well. Shape into a
ball and refrigerate for several hours. Coat cheese ball with
parsley and serve with crackers.
Caleries per serving: "Don't Ask!! Enjoy!!
So until next time, REMEMBER: "He who is good at making excuses is seldom good for anything else"....
- Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning....
Dedicated To The Memory of My Lovely Wife..Francie