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Remmington Duke Of Boncarbo
JUN 04 2001
Yorkshire Terrier
Black and Tan
TN846769/02 (11-00)
TN474414/03 (09-98)
Karen Giammarrusco
24817 CR 47.5
Boncarbo, Co.
STUD FEES: $200.00
Sponsored By:
Mugg Shots by Dotty
The MountainGnome
ENDS Sept. 27, 2002
Steamboat Springs, Co.
Click Above for Steamboat Springs Events.
June-October: Chicagoland
Villa Park French Market
Ardmore Avenue & Prairie Path, Villa Park
Sept. 8
Oklahoma City, OK.
Prix de West, National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum
Sept. 18
Denver, Co.
Ritchie Bros. Auction
Sept. 8
Sept. 28 - 29
Pinetop, Arizona
27th Annual Fall Festival
LaVeta, CO.
Oktoberfest 2002
Web page designs by: The MountainGnome! Our Rates Start @ $45.00 for the first page and $19.50 for each additional Page.
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Copyright © 1999-2002
The MountainGnome
All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1529-6520
THE GNOMES' GHOME..........30.Aug.2002 |
For Best Viewing Use NETSCAPE 6.2.
NOTE: A significant amount of the humor and trivia seen on The MountainGnome, is contributed by a very good friend of mine...
Charlie Brown of Akron, Ohio!! Thanks CB.
- Why do people point to their wrist when asking for the time, but don't point to their crotch when they ask where the bathroom is....
Mugg Shots by Dotty
Have your favorite photo, or Business Card/Logo put on a CAN WRAP, Mug,
T-Shirt, Baseball Cap, Mouse Pad, Etc.. Checkout Dottys' Shop and browse the great personalized gifts
that you can give to Your Special Someone, or for Advertising Your Business!!
Boncarbo, Colorado
Beautiful home situated on 8.4, secluded acres in 'Chinamans Canyon'. Secluded but not isolated! Thousands of acres of wilderness and trees surround this home18 miles NW of Trinidad, Colorado and 85 miles South of Pueblo, Colorado. Trees include: Pinõn, Ponderosa, Cedar, Blue Spruce and Fir. Great hunting, fishing, skiing, hiking, camping, wildlife and scenery!!! Trinidad lake, Monument Lake, Blue Lake, Bear Lake, North Lake, Cuchara Ski Area are all close by. Spanish Peaks are to the north and the Sangre DeCristo Mountains and San Isabel National Forest are to the west.
Home includes: 2 bedrooms plus master bedroom, newly remodeled bathroom with pergo floor, newly remodeled livingroom with new large sliding windows, pergo floors in laundry room and pantry, new refrigerator and electric stove in kitchen, new 2 tab interlocking shingle roof installed in June 2002, new front and rear decks, new well pump and electrical, septic system just cleaned this spring. Well creates 6.7GPM. Whole house water filter system. All appliances stay(refrigerator, stove, new chest freezer, ceiling fans in living room and master bedroom, large satellite system, microwave, washer and dryer). Home is all electric. Nice wood burning stove in living room, heats entire house on approximately 4-5 cords of wood per year, and keeps it toasty warm. Large shop with electric and 220v line.
Price: $148,000.00
Financing: Buyer to arrange own financing
For more information e-mail
The New Free MountainGnome Auction Site!!
No seller, listing or buyer fees!! We just started this site for your convenience. Please use it honestly.
This site is intended for fun and can also get rid of your junk!!
Folks we have a new space on The MountainGnome, where you can reply to articles in The MountainGnome or articles
found in our newspapers throughout America. You may also submit short articles that are of interest to Freedom, Privacy,
Politics, Views, etc..(Please, no advertisements).
Folks, in the "SIDEBAR" you'll find the "NEWBORN FORUM" and "OUTDOOR FORUM". We want you to
utilize these forums to their fullest. It's a perfect place for all outdoorsmen and gals to exchange
ideas and ask questions on any subject you want!! So, go and they will answer........
- How long a minute is depends on what side of the bathroom door you're on.....
Red Hat Linux 7.3
Red Hat has remained the most visible Linux packager and a prominent
Windows competitor by releasing high-quality products with lots of extra features
and plenty of professional sheen. This strategy clearly informs the company's
Linux 7.1 line, available in a standard version ($39.95), a Deluxe Workstation version ($79.95),
and the Professional Server version ($179.95). All packages include the same version of the
operating system, with the differences lying in the bundled software and the support services.
For about 6 bucks you can get 7.3 on Ebay or download it from
Red Hat.
Next issue we'll take a peek at more "who knows what" !!
[From The Editors Desk]...
By: Alan Stang
Most Americans would agree (I hope) that the victims of a totalitarian dictatorship have the moral,
if not the legal, right, indeed the obligation, to use any means to overthrow that dictatorship.
The only people I can think of who don't, are Christians who misunderstand scripture,
especially Romans 13. You would have to look a long time to find somebody who believes
that victims of Nazi oppression didn't have the profound, moral right to use any means, from
assassination to TNT, to destroy it. Again, if you believe Romans 13 says you must obey a
ruler however evil he is and defer to whatever crimes he commits, if, in other words, you believe
God is a Nazi, then you are probably one of those people it would take a long time to find.
One reason the victims are morally justified in doing whatever they can get away with to liberate
themselves is that a dictatorship by definition cancels the rules of normal human association.
The main reason such victims may do as they like is that God says believers must replace an
evil ruler, and scripture is full of praise for people who do exactly that. We are told to remember
Jael with approbation, because she hammered a spike through Sisera's temples while he slept
and nailed him to the ground. Not at all the kind of thing a genteel Republican woman would do.
So, the question arises, how do you know when a system has become a totalitarian dictatorship,
thereby liberating its victims to do whatever they can get away with? What are the signs?
When did the Hitler system become totalitarian?
That's easy. Hitler imposed a totalitarian dictatorship on Germany on . . . when he . . . Hmm......"
Read The Rest of the Story........
Published originally at : republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact."
Reasonable rates ~ advertise with the MountainGnome Today........You'll be glad you did!
E-mail for questions, sales or anything else.
America~A Bygone Era: The Mountain Men
John David Albert
He was born John David Albert in 1806 at Hagerstown, Maryland.
His father died in war of 1812, mother soon after. He lived with a married
sister in Harrisburg, Penn. and traveled to Zanesville and Cincinnati (Ohio),
Louisville (Kentucky) and then to St. Louis. Where he took a keel boat
journey to New Orleans and back in 1833. He called working on the keel boat "the most laborious journey of his life."
In 1834, he went to the mountains with group of 60 men to trap.
And continued for the next three years trapping and during that time
bartered his furs at Fort Hall and went on a trip to the Great Salt Lake.
"On the first day of December, snow began to fall and did not let up until the earth
was covered to the depth of seven feet on the level, and it remained until spring.
Not much antelope in that kind of snow. No sir. We lived on horse flesh.
Our horses froze to death, and the meat kept all winter."
In 1500 B.C. in Egypt, a shaved head was considered the
ultimate in feminine beauty. Egyptian women removed every
hair from their heads with special gold tweezers and
polished their scalps to a high sheen with buffing cloths.
Good Humor Man....Stock Tips....
Believe it or not, we just received this from a broker friend of
ours. We are the last ones to pass on stock tips, but thought
this explosive situation might prove to be another Enron!!!!
Please check any holdings you might have in the following stocks:
- American Can
- Interstate Water
- National Gas Co.
- Northern Tissue Co.
Due to uncertain market conditions, they advise you to sit
tight on your American Can, hold your Water and let go of
your Gas. You may be interested to know that Northern
Tissue touched a new bottom today and millions were
wiped clean.
-- The Mountain Gnome
Outdoor Adventure: Ghost Towns & Old Mines
Siver Mines:
Clayton, Idaho
The Clayton silver mines are still active and are some of the oldest mines
in Idaho to remain in operation. The founding of Clayton was a result of the
discovery of silver in the upper Kinnikinik Creek area during the 1880s. The
original smelter was built in 1881 and ran occasionally until 1904. Today, the
stone foundations are all that remain.
Clayton Idaho still has nearly as many residents as it did at the turn of the century,
it is in the 40-45 range. The mine called Clayton Silver has been closed since
the 1980's when there was a cave in,
but the mine is not even in the town limits, and is not considered to be a town itself,
even though it did have a man camp where the employees could stay. If you are looking for
a ghost town in that area, you should look at a small
community that Henry Ford started as a lead mine several miles south of there on Thompson Creek.
- Notice in a field:
The Ski Lodge: Closed For The Summer!
Mountain Events: Steamboat Springs, Co.
Visit for more
Looking for some Western-oriented activities? Here are a few ideas:
- Take a horseback ride. There are several outfitters in the Steamboat Springs area that
offer horseback rides to riders of all ability levels. Visit for a list of outfitters.
- Go to Steamboat's ProRodeo series. For 16 years, Steamboat Springs has been home to the ProRodeo series.
Every Friday and Saturday night during the summer, professional rodeo riders come to compete in bareback riding,
saddle bronc riding, bull riding, calf roping, steer wrestling and team roping. The rodeo grounds are located in
downtown Steamboat at Howelsen Hill.
- Participate in a real cattle drive. Those who have watched John Wayne movies and wondered what it
would be like to be a cowboy or cowgirl can find out firsthand by participating in a cattle drive at one of
Steamboat's ranches. Three area ranches can turn city slickers into cowboys: Big Rack Outfitters &
Horseback Adventures, 970-871-1427; High Country Guide and Outfitters, 970-824-4178; and
Saddleback Ranch/Double $$ Cattle Drives, 970-879-3711.
Relaxation & Recreation: Spa Time.....
Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs
Ojo Caliente, NM
One of the oldest health resorts in North America, Ojo Caliente Mineral Springs was once
considered a sacred place by the ancestors of the present day Pueblo Indians who inhabited
the mesas and valleys surrounding these waters. Ojo Caliente is the only natural hot springs in
the world with the remarkable combination of five geothermal mineral waters. For centuries,
people have come to the springs for relief from health problems and today, they come to soothe body, mind and spirit.
Check out all the different activities at Ojo Caliente!
Outdoor Tip: Series on High Altitudes
Traveling at high altitude can be hazardous. The information provided here is designed
for educational use only and is not a substitute for specific training or experience.
When going to altitude it is your responsibility to learn the latest information.
What is High Altitude?
Altitude is defined on the following scale High (8,000 - 12,000 feet [2,438 - 3,658 meters]),
Very High (12,000 - 18,000 feet [3,658 - 5,487 meters]), and Extremely High (18,000+ feet [5,500+ meters]).
Since few people have been to such altitudes, it is hard to know who may be affected.
There are no specific factors such as age, sex, or physical condition that correlate with
susceptibility to altitude sickness. Some people get it and some people don't, and some
people are more susceptible than others. Most people can go up to 8,000 feet (2,438 meters)
with minimal effect. If you haven't been to high altitude before, it's important to be cautious.
If you have been at that altitude before with no problem, you can probably return to that altitude
without problems as long as you are properly acclimatized.
More on this subject next week...........
Outdoor Collectibles
From: The Hamilton Collection
Rolling Thunder
A thunderous roar rolls across the earth as the ground trembles under a thousand pounds of power.
It's the sound of wild horses, wind whipping through their manes as their majestic spirits run free.
Now, you can capture and display this moment with a dramatic Bradford Exchange
collector plate that celebrates these wild paint horses in both portrait and sculpture.
But act quickly - time intensive crafting and high demand could limit supply.
Please order now to avoid disappointment.
Price: $39.95 US
Shipping: $5.99 US
Item No: 103325001
Until next time: Be Safe ~ Be Happy ~ Be Sporting!!
The New Free MountainGnome Auction Site!!
On The MountainGnome Auction, there are NO LISTING or BIDDER FEES!
You can buy and sell without the Ebay hassle!
Join now and start having fun!
We Are Looking For Sellers NOW!!
Software, Articles, Web Sites and Tips helping YOU protect your PRIVACY!!
PGP 101: Continued..... in this issue we will take you through different aspects of Cryptography.
In each weekly issue you will find various versions, components, substitutes and tutorials for PGP(Pretty Good Privacy).
So if ya haven't done it yet, Please Subscribe today!
Let's Get Started: "If all the personal computers in the world - 260 million - were put to
work on a single PGP-encrypted message, it would still take an estimated 12 million times
the age of the universe, on average, to break a single message.”
Below is a table detailing the various versions of PGP that are available from "official" sources:
Continued Next Issue.......
Article Submitted by: The MountainGnome
3rd in a series of the money controlling men who own the banks and eventually everything!!
A Satanic Plot for a One World Government
The World Conspirators: the Illuminati:
Who controls the monies
The Pilgrims of Saint Michael firmly believe that the nucleus of all evil stems from those who
control the monies of the world, whom we generally refer to as the International Bankers.
But one word we seldom here about, much less understand, is the Illuminati.
The Illuminati are elite men, those on the top, who control the International Bankers to control,
for evil purposes, the entire world. Their agentur are bred, educated, and trained to be placed
behind the scenes at all levels of government. As experts and advisers, they mould government
policy so as to further the secret plans of their masters. They lure people away from God by
offering them money, the world, the flesh, and the devil.
Those who direct the Illuminati are against Christ and for Satan. They always remain in the dark,
unidentified, and generally unsuspected. They use all peoples to serve their diabolical purposes.
They divide to conquer, supplying arms and money to both sides, instigating people to fight and
kill each other, in order to be able to achieve their objectives. they foster the terrorism of atomic
warfare and deliberately cause world famine. Their primary goal is to form a one world government
to have complete control of the entire world, destroying all religions and governments in the process.
Recently I came across a tape entitled «The History of the Illuminati» by Myron Fagan in which
Mr. Fagan explains in detail what the Illuminati is, how it started, and their conspiracy to form a
one world government by the end of the 20th Century. Following are excerpts taken from this tape,
based on William Guy Carr's book, "Pawns in the Game". The subtitles are from the "Michael" Journal.
Behind the United States and its Constitution is a small group of men whose sole objective is to
enslave the whole world and humanity in their satanic plot for a one world govenment. Now to
give you a very clear picture of this satanic plot, I will go back to its beginning, back to the middle
of the 18th Century, and name the men who put that plot into action.
This satanic plot was launched back in the 1760's when it first came into existence under the name
of the Illuminati. This Illuminati was organized by one Adam Weishaupt who became a convert to
Catholicism and later a Catholic priest. Then, at the request of the Financiers, he defected from the
Catholic Church, and organized the Illuminati which was financed by the International Bankers.
Read the rest of the STORY....
Basics of CRYPTOGRAPHY - Download or view this manual.
Check YOUR RIGHT TO PRIVACY for the latest Software,
PGP, MixMaster, Articles, Web Sites, Anonymous E-mail and protect YOUR PRIVACY!
The Heart: An Online Exploration
You've got one, but how much do you really know about it?
This site, part of The Franklin Institute Online, takes you
to the heart of the matter...the human heart, that is. You
can explore what the heart is made up of, how it works, how
it affects all other areas of the body, the history of
heart science, and more. There's no fancy computer
animation here--just the facts, plain and simple.
Click here to visit the site.
The Windchill Misting Fan
This is a fan that is modeled after those big misters they
use at the Olympics and other large outdoor venues during
hot weather. The Windchill Misting Fan is a fan that
connects to a garden hose and sprays a mist over an area up
to 950 square feet. The mist can lower the apparent
temperature of an area by up 25 degrees. The mist will also
keep bugs out of an area as an added bonus. The fan
oscillates and has a three speed motor. The unit makes up
to 40,000 BTUs.
The Windchill Misting Fan retails for $149 as item number
3209 from Frontgate.
Click Here To Visit Frontgate
- They say you can't take it with you... But they also can't come and get it....
Bill Clinton: Not If, but When for Hillary Run
Phil Brennan,
Sunday, Aug. 18, 2002
Former president Bill Clinton has confirmed's exclusive
reports that his wife is hot on the trail to the White House.
Clinton speaks about his wife's run for the presidency as a matter
of "when," not "if," say people who have discussed it with him, according to
Associated Press reporter Ron Fournier. And several of her associates said
she is eyeing 2008 as the year to run.
More Info...........
FBI Agent Reveals Clintons' Role in 9-11 Attacks
A special letter from Christopher Ruddy
Since Sept. 11 there has been an almost total news blackout on the role Bill and Hillary Clinton
played in making America vulnerable to a major terrorist attack.
Nothing surprising about that.
Despite the most scandalous and corrupt administration in history, the liberal big media still
will not say a bad word about Bill and Hillary Clinton:
Read The Whole Truth.
Submitted by: Kim Valdez ~ Raton, NM.
Its Better To Be Safe than sorry!!!
Subject: Wal-Marts policy alert:
Even if you do not have little kids, pass this one on to everyone you
can think of. You never know who you might save by sending this e-mail!
Please take the time and forward this to any friend who has children &
Wanted to share something that happened today while shopping at Sam's
Club.A mother was leaning over looking for meat and turned around to find her 4
yr. old daughter was missing. I was standing there right beside her,
and she was calling her daughter with no luck. I asked a man who worked
at Sam's to announce it over the loud speaker for Katie. He did, and let
me say he immediately walked right past me when I asked and went to a
pole where there was a phone. He made an announcement for all the doors and
gates to be locked, a code something.
So they locked all the doors at once. This took all of 3 minutes after
I asked the guy to do this. They found the little girl 5 minutes later
in a bathroom stall. Her head was half shaved, and she was dressed in her
underwear with a bag of clothes, a razor, and wig sitting on the floor
beside her to make her look different.
Whoever this person was, took the little girl, brought her into the
bathroom, shaved half her head, and undressed her in a matter of less
than 10 minutes. This makes me shake to no end. Please keep a close eye on
your kids when in big places where it's easy for you to get separated.
It only took a few minutes to do all of that-another 5 minutes and
she would have been out the door. I am still in shock that some sick person
could do this, let alone in a matter of minutes. The days are over when our
little ones could run rampant all over the place and nothing worse
would happen to them.
The little girl is fine. Thank God for fast workers who didn't take
any chances
PEOPLE ARE OUT THERE!!! (This happened at the Sam's Wholesale Club in Omaha,
This message has been added to the story above:
I received this e-mail from one of my friends today. Let me first tell
you that I work at the Sam's club in Lincoln, NE. The code that was spoken
of is called a "Code Adam" It is named after John Walsh's (of Americas
most wanted) son Adam who was kidnapped and murdered many years ago. It is
used in all Sam's clubs, Wal-marts, and Wal-mart super centers to locate lost children.
This is how it works. If by some means you have been separated with your
child tell the nearest employee! The employee will page a "Code Adam"
(missing child in the store) over the intercom system followed by a
description of the child height, weight, hair color, age, name, etc).
When that page goes out all the exits are immediately guarded, and/or
locked in some cases, also every employee will stop whatever they are doing
no matter what it is and help look for the missing child. This will continue
until the child is found.
If the child is not found within a reasonable time then the police
are notified and the store will conduct an aisle by aisle search. So if
ever you are separated from your child now you know what to do. Missing
children pictures hang by the exits of all Wal-mart and Sam's club stores,
please take a few minutes to look these over as you leave, you just
might have seen one of the children on them and you might be the one to give
their parents hope and give the police a new lead in finding them.
Thank you.
Sincerely, Rudy Magee Sam's Club #6413
SPONSOR: Karen's Little Yorkie Shop
Karen's Little Yorkie Shop provides a variety of services. "Remington", who is a 3 lb. Yorkie, will be breeding soon, for small Yorkies!
Puppies will be reasonably priced. More products will be added as soon as possible. The site is presently under construction.
So, if you're looking for a small Yorkie to take home and love, visit the shop and put in your order.
E-mail Karen's Yorkies for questions, sales or anything else.
GUYS: Body Piercing:
Thinking about getting pierced?
Keep this in mind: The
American Academy of Dermatology opposes piercing in any
location except the earlobe. Dermatologists say that body
piercing can trigger metal allergies and cause various
types of cysts, scars and swellings. They also warn that if
the equipment isn't sterilized properly, piercing can
transmit hepatitis B and other blood-borne diseases.
NOTE: Always Check with and follow the advice of your Physician!
GALS: Symptoms of Fibromyalgia
Do you experience musculoskeletal pain, including tender
spots in areas such as your hips, neck or shoulders? You
could be suffering from fibromyalgia syndrome (FS).
According to the American College of Rheumatology, this
syndrome affects between three and six million Americans,
primarily women of childbearing age. Other symptoms of FS
include fatigue, poor sleep, headaches, irritable bowel
syndrome, depression, anxiety and problems with memory and
NOTE: Always Check with and follow the advice of your Physician!
Things You Should Know About Women 101
- Women have better restrooms. They get the nice chairs and red carpet. Men just get a large bowl to share.
BEAUTY: Damage Control
It's all well and good to preach the joys of preventing
skin damage (sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen), but what to
do if years of tanning without SPF has started to take its
toll? All is not lost as brands like Clarins, Sothy and
Dermatologica all boast pretty effective After Sun Face
Repairs. Also bear in mind the virtues of Retinol as a
night repair serum as well as items with green tea
ingredients that are good for repairing damaged skin.
LINUX SOFTWARE: Angel Wars 0.21
Check out this fast-paced side-scrolling space shooter with an unusual premise.
Linux Note: When downloading a linux .tar/ .gz or .rpm file, It is sometimes necessary to hold down the shift key while clicking on the file you want to download.
WINDOWS TIP: Quicker Startup in Opera 6
If you'd like to decrease the time required for Opera 6 to
open, you can reduce the number of pages stored in your
History file. To do this, run Opera and choose
File|Preferences. When the Preferences dialog box opens,
click "History and cache". Now, reduce the number of pages
in the "Back and forward" entry box. You can also reduce
the "Typed in" and "Visited" entries. Click both Clear
buttons to clear the current contents.
When you finish with your changes, click OK to close the
dialog box and apply your settings.
Braving the Elements
Elf Balls
You may think you have it tough, but Bob has a real adventure ahead of him.
As Sally and their dog Charlie wave goodbye, you must help Bob make it through
the city, climbing stairs, dodging slippery ice, and jumping from building to building.
Watch out for the crazed crows, nutty squirrels and mad dogs!
My Mother taught me about GENETICS:
- "You're just like your father."
TIP: Just freeze blueberries Tip
With blueberry season in full force, get 'em while they're
cheap (or at least cheaper!) You can freeze them and enjoy
them for months to come. There's only one rule to remember
about freezing blueberries -- don't wash them first! Just
put them into a freezer bag or plastic storage container
and put them in the freezer. The official blueberry experts
will tell you to "flash freeze" them first by putting them
in a single layer on a cookie sheet and placing the sheet
in the freezer, before putting them in a freezer container.
The idea is that flash freezing will keep the berries from
sticking together, so you can remove just a few from your
freezer container. In my experience, flash freezing is an
unnecessary step -- as long as the berries aren't wet when
you put them in the container, they don't stick together.
Cooking Websites: Shrimp Site
The web page at Cooking Light Magazine has a comprehensive
feature on all things shrimp. Access the site for articles
on subjects ranging from deveining to storing. A selection
of interesting recipes is also included. The "Name Game "
section helps clarify the difference between varieties like
prawns and rock shrimp.
Click here to visit the site.,14343,249903,00.html
If you have a favorite recipe or a great cooking website, and you'd like to share it with our readers, you can send it to The MountainGnome.
Send your specialty to
EZ Cheezy Wild Rice & Game Soup: Serves 8
Preparation Time: 1 hour Species Type: Grouse
- 2 cans of cream of potato soup
- 2 cans of cream of chicken soup
- 3/4 cup of wild rice
- 1 pint of half & half
- 4 slices of bacon
- 1 medium onion diced
- 1 lb. of Velveeta cheese
- 1 lb. of cooked/browned wild game, ground or diced
Cook all ingredients together in pot while stirring soup frequently to prevent burning.
Ready to be served in 1 hour when soup is hot!
Helpful Hints:
Be very careful not to overheat the soup mix, it tends to scald the cream! Not to be cooked together for more than 2 or 3 hours!
Strawberries with Rum Cream: Serves 3-4
Try this different dessert to finish your next cookout.
- 1 pound Strawberries, tops removed and halved
- 1 cup Sour cream
- 2 tablespoons Brown sugar
- 2 teaspoons Dark rum
-Whisk together the sour cream, sugar and rum. Mix in the
strawberries. Cover and refrigerate until needed.
Caleries per serving: "Don't Ask!! Enjoy!!
So until next time, REMEMBER: Don't cry because it's over; smile because it happened....
- The old Roman province of Lusitania is now called Portugal. Some parts of old Lusitania are also found in Spain today.....
Dedicated To The Memory of My Lovely Wife..Francie