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Visual PackRat Plus - Software for Serious Collectors
Remmington Duke Of Boncarbo
JUN 04 2001
Yorkshire Terrier
Black and Tan
TN846769/02 (11-00)
TN474414/03 (09-98)
Karen Giammarrusco
24817 CR 47.5
Boncarbo, Co.
STUD FEES: $150.00
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Steamboat Springs, Co.
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New Mexico
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Alpiner Lodge
Steamboat Springs, Co.
Cloran Mansion
Galena, Illinois
Folks, if you have a favorite webcam that you'd like to share with our readers, send us an e-mail at
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Mugg Shots by Dotty
Aunt Sally's Quilts
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Have A Cow Dude

Copyright © 1999-2002
The MountainGnome
All rights reserved.
ISSN: 1529-6520
THE GNOMES' GHOME..........25.Dec.2002 |

See Ya'll Next Year.........
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Next issue we'll take a peek at more "who knows what" !!
- To all of our readers & visitors: Share your interesting stories or articles with us..........
- Talking to God
A man walked to the top of a hill to talk to God. The man asked,
"God, what's a million years to you?" And God said "A minute."
Then the man asked: "Well, what's a million dollars to you?" and
God said: "A penny" Then the man asked: "God.....can I have a
penny?" And God said: "Sure.....In a minute."
Cloran Mansion
Lodging by choice, not by chance... Galena, Illinois
A restored brick ITALIANTE Victorian home built in 1880 by Mr. John Cloran.
Today, the mansion offers 4 rooms and Antonio's Cottage. Each room has a private bath,
central air conditioning, mini refrigerator, cable TV with VCR, double whirlpool and fireplace.
Boncarbo, Colorado
Beautiful home situated on 8.4, secluded acres in 'Chinamans Canyon'. Secluded but not isolated!
Thousands of acres of wilderness and trees surround this home18 miles NW of Trinidad, Colorado
and 85 miles South of Pueblo, Colorado. Trees include: Pinõn, Ponderosa, Cedar, Blue Spruce and
Fir. Great hunting, fishing, skiing, hiking, camping, wildlife and scenery!!! Trinidad lake, Monument Lake,
Blue Lake, Bear Lake, North Lake, Cuchara Ski Area are all close by. Spanish Peaks are to the north and
the Sangre DeCristo Mountains and San Isabel National Forest are to the west.
Home includes: 3 bedrooms, master bedroom has double closets, newly remodeled bathroom
with pergo floor, newly remodeled livingroom with new large sliding windows,
pergo floors in laundry room and pantry, new refrigerator and electric stove in
kitchen, new 2 tab interlocking shingle roof installed in June 2002, new front
and rear decks, new well pump and electrical, septic system just cleaned this
spring. Well creates 6.7GPM. Whole house water filter system. All appliances
stay(refrigerator, new stove, new chest freezer, ceiling fans in living room and master
bedroom, large satellite system, microwave, washer and dryer). Home is all electric.
Nice wood burning stove in living room, heats entire house on approximately 4-5 cords
of wood per year, and keeps it toasty warm. Large shop with electric and 220v line. Large crawl space
under house has plenty of room for storage. Property is completely fenced and gated with several outbuildings
for poultry, game birds or other animals.
Price: $148,000.00
Financing: Buyer to arrange own financing
For more information e-mail
The New Free MountainGnome Auction Site!!
No seller, listing or buyer fees!! We just started this site for your convenience. Please use it honestly.
This site is intended for fun and can also get rid of your junk!!
Folks we have a new space on The MountainGnome, where you can reply to articles in The MountainGnome or articles
found in our newspapers throughout America. You may also submit short articles that are of interest to Freedom, Privacy,
Politics, Views, etc..(Please, no advertisements).
Folks, in the "SIDEBAR" you'll find the "NEWBORN FORUM" and "OUTDOOR FORUM". We want you to
utilize these forums to their fullest. It's a perfect place for all outdoorsmen and gals to exchange
ideas and ask questions on any subject you want!! So, go and they will answer........
- Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine....
Mugg Shots by Dotty
Have your favorite photo, or Business Card/Logo put on a CAN WRAP, Mug,
T-Shirt, Baseball Cap, Mouse Pad, Etc.. Checkout Dottys' Shop and browse the great personalized gifts
that you can give to Your Special Someone, or for Advertising Your Business!!
Folks, here are some great books to read, while sitting by that warm fire in the evening........
The Remnant: On the Brink of Armageddon: by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins
This is the 10th book in the best-selling series, Left Behind. This series is about the fictional
account of the end times of our world.
The Great Tribulation unfolds as the forces of evil and the armies of God prepare for mankind's
ultimate battle. Millions of Christians are protected by God as the anger of the Antichrist,
Nicolae Carpathia, burns against them.
The Earth, now a wasted shell of its former beauty, staggers under the weight of worsening
judgments from heaven, while Carpathia turns up the heat on Christ followers and anyone
else who does not swear total allegiance with him.
All pretense is gone, even on the part of the Antichrist, as the planet hurtles toward
Armageddon and the ultimate showdown between good and evil.
Rocky Mountain Christmas: Yuletide Stories of the West
by John H. Monnett
By evening everyone present agreed that the Christmas festivities were "the greatest known to that date"
in the entire Taos region and Kit Carson was "chief over it all." For the first time in recent memory,
different races and Indian tribes had "ate, drank and smoked together." The last toast of the evening was
one pledging "fraternal peace" among the races in the Taos Valley. (From the book) Even under the
most extreme conditions our pioneer ancestors kept the festive holiday spirit alive in their hearts and
frontier homes. From Lewis and Clark's first Christmas in the Rockies to the generous gift that changed
a widow's and her children's lives, this book shares celebrations of the Yuletide season.
[From The Editors Desk]...
"Alot Of Truth"
From: Charlie Brown - Akron, Ohio
I want you to close your eyes and picture in your mind the soldier at Valley Forge,
as he holds his musket in his bloody hands.
He stands barefoot in the snow, starved from lack of food, wounded from months of battle
and emotionally scarred from the eternity away from his family surrounded by nothing but death and carnage of war.
He stands though, with fire in his eyes and victory on his breath. He looks at us now
in anger and disgust and tells us this...
I gave you a birthright of freedom born in the Constitution and now your children
graduate too illiterate to read it.
I fought in the snow barefoot to give you the freedom to vote and you stay
at home because it rains.
I left my family destitute to give you the freedom of speech and you remain
silent on critical issues, because it might be bad for business.
I orphaned my children to give you a government to serve you and it has stolen
democracy from the people.
It's the soldier, not the reporter who gives you the freedom of the press.
It's the soldier, not the poet who gives you the freedom of speech.
It's the soldier, not the campus organizer who allows you to demonstrate.
It's the soldier, who salutes the flag, serves the flag, whose coffin is draped
with the flag that allows the protester to burn the flag!!!
"Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our
time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and
Savior. Amen."
Of all the gifts you could give a US Soldier, Sailor, Airman, Marine, or Coast Guardsman, Prayer is the very best one.....
SPONSOR Aladdin Custom Tees and Sweatshirts
Custom Tops Just For You!
Please stop in and see our wide variety of affordable, top quality designs.
Including: Holiday-birds-patriotic-cars-military and novelty designs etc. Sizes range from Small to 3X.
Reasonable rates ~ advertise with the MountainGnome Today........You'll be glad you did!
E-mail for questions, sales or anything else.
America~A Bygone Era: History
The Meeker Massacre
"The Last Major Indian Uprising"
"Of the chief participants of the Ute War of 1879, only Chipeta and Colorow were alive.
Ouray, the great compromiser, had died before the exile. His widow, Chipeta, acclaimed
all over America as a red heroine, had gone with her people to the Reservation. Ute Jack,
the war chief during the Meeker Massacre, had been shot by a detachment of soldiers on
the Arapaho Reservation in Wyoming, but Colorow, his chief lieutenant, had gone to the
Reservation and assumed the Indian leadership in the war of 1887. Unlike Ute Jack, however,
Colorow knew that any fight with the whites would be a losing one, and as a result he counseled
moderation and caution, but in spite of his efforts, hostilities broke out in August, 1887.
When the trouble started, the Indians were in camp at the forks of the White River.
Nearly all the bucks and squaws were out picking berries, and only a few old men
and several women and children remained at the camp. Without provocation or warning,
a posse of settlers invaded the camp. Two settlers, seized an Indian boy, Whishe-e-up.
The boy's father tried to stop them, but was shot for interfering.
Read the complete article here:
Subject: Mid-east Mystery?????
Contributed By: Charlie Brown: Akron, Ohio
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim terrorists are so quick to commit suicide. Lets see now...
- No deer hunting (i added that one)
- No beer
- No booze
- No bars
- No television
- No cheerleaders
- No baseball
- No football
- No basketball
- No hockey
- No golf
- No tailgate parties
- No Hooters
- No pork BBQ
- No hot-dogs
- No burgers
- No lobster, shellfish, or even frozen fish sticks.
- Rags for clothes, towels for hats.
- Constant wailing from the guy next door because he is sick and there are no doctors.
- 24 hour wailing from a guy in the tower.
- No chocolate chip cookies
- No Christmas
- You can't shave
- Your wife can't shave
- You can't shower to wash off the smell of donkey cooked over burning camel dung.
- The women have to wear baggy dresses, and veils at all times.
- Your bride is picked by someone else, she smells just like your donkey, but your donkey has a better disposition.
- Then they tell you when you die it all gets better....
By Carl Pastuszynski, Garfield Hts., Ohio
According to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, while both the male
and female reindeer grow antlers in the summer each year, male reindeer drop
their antlers at the beginning of winter, usually late November to mid-December.
Female reindeer retain their antlers till after they give birth in the spring. Therefore,
according to EVERY historical rendition depicting Santa's reindeer, EVERY single
one of them, from Rudolph to Blitzen, had to be a girl. We should've known. ONLY women would be able to drag
a fat-ass man in a red velvet suit all around the world in one night and not get lost!
-- The Mountain Gnome
Outdoor Adventure: Railroad America
American Orient Express
All Across America
The 1940s and ‘50s represented an era of romance and glamour.
It was a time when passengers boarded the great streamliner trains
bound for points across America. The Santa Fe Super Chief…the
20th-Century Limited…the California Zephyr - each played an intricate
role in the industrial era of the 20th-century. Today, after millions of
dollars in renovations, the beautiful cars of that era once again ride the rails.
Glistening with polished mahogany and brass, they are designed to reflect the
golden age of rail - when traveling was meant to be relaxed and savored - not rushed.
Painted in their signature blue-and-gold, the 16 American Orient Express
vintage carriages were assembled from museums and private collections
throughout America. Each departure carries approximately 100 passengers
who are attended to by a highly trained, professional staff and crew.
While traveling aboard the American Orient Express, chances are good that
you will find a bridge game in progress in one of our club cars - or you may
want to just settle into a comfortable chair, relax in the piano lounge and listen
to pop, jazz and old-time favorites. Is there a better way to conclude an absolutely wonderful day?
More Info............
- Conserve Water; Shower with a friend.....
The Ski Lodge: Angel Fire Resort:
Angel Fire, New Mexico
More Than Mountains…
it’s a special place where family and friends get together to share in an uncommon experience.
A place that lifts the spirit and soothes the soul.
A playground where you can enjoy the sheer fun of outdoor sports and activities.
A vacation retreat where you can be away from it all and at the same time feel right at home.
It’s a resort, and a village in a scenic setting.
Angel Fire Resort…
it’s more than just the mountains.
Mountain Events: Steamboat Springs, Co.
Visit for more
Steamboat is the most conveniently accessed ski resort in the Rockies
This year, a daily direct flight from Chicago into Steamboat Springs via American Airlines joins Steamboat's non-stop jet service schedule.
During the winter 2002/2003 season, Steamboat will also have convenient non-stop jet service from Dallas,
Denver, Houston, Minneapolis, Newark and Chicago on American, Continental, Northwest and United.
All of the air service is direct into Hayden (HDN) airport, which is just 22 miles (35 km) from the Steamboat
Ski Area. Additional one-stop connection service is available from over 100 other domestic and international cities.
For more information visit the Steamboat Ski & Resort Corporation web site
Off the Beaten Path
Off the Beaten Path was highlighted in this month's 5280 Magazine, as the perfect place to getaway in
Steamboat Springs. Here's what the magazine had to say, "Part bookstore, part coffeehouse, and part
bakery/cafe, Off the Beaten Path offers two floors of nooks, crannies, and wonderfully illustrated floorboards
to transport you to the soothing world of books. Then there's the coffee. Oh, and the paninis. For all the right
reasons, this spot is the perfect getaway from your getaway." Visit them at 56 7th Street, or online
Cross Country Skiing Abounds in Steamboat Springs
Steamboat Springs offers a multitude of cross country skiing trails, including groomed trails that wind
through aspens along Fish Creek at the Steamboat Ski Touring Center, groomed trails at the City
owned facility known as Howelsen Hill as well as ungroomed trails on Rabbit Ears and Buffalo Pass.
The Steamboat Ski Touring Center has seven trails which can be linked together to make longer trails.
In addition, the touring center rents both cross country equipment and snowshoes. Daily passes cost
$14 for adults and $8 for children 12 and under. For more information go to
Howelsen Hill has plenty of groomed cross-country trails for beginners to experts. Skiers can climb
up the Nordic trails on the face of Howelsen and ski to the trails on the backside. Howelsen's trails
are maintained and groomed. For a map of the trails visit The City of Steamboat Springs web site
The cross-country ski trail network on Rabbit Ears Pass is provided by the Hahn's Peak/Bears
Ears Ranger District of the US Forest Service for your winter enjoyment. Up on the pass the routes
are not groomed and have sections of steep ascent and descent. Routes are marked with blue diamonds on trees.
Relaxation & Recreation: Casino Time.....
Espanõla Casino
Espanõla, New Mexico
Big Rock Casino is in Espanola, New Mexico and is open 8:00am-4:00pm mon-thu, 24 hours fri-sun.
The 18,000 square foot casino features 400 slots and seven table games. The property has three restaurants.
Outdoor Tip: Series on High Altitudes
Prevention of Altitude Illnesses
Basic Treatment of AMS
The only cure is either acclimatization or descent. Symptoms of Mild AMS
can be treated with pain medications for headache and Diamox. Both help
to reduce the severity of the symptoms, but remember, reducing the symptoms
is not curing the problem. Diamox allows you to breathe faster so that you
metabolize more oxygen, thereby minimizing the symptoms caused by poor
oxygenation. This is especially helpful at night when respiratory drive is decreased.
Since it takes a while for Diamox to have an effect, it is advisable to start taking it
24 hours before you go to altitude and continue for at least five days at higher altitude.
The recommendation of the Himalayan Rescue Association Medical Clinic is 125 mg.
twice a day (morning and night). (The standard dose was 250 mg., but their research
showed no difference for most people with the lower dose, although some individuals may need 250 mg.)
Possible side effects include tingling of the lips and finger tips, blurring of vision, and alteration of taste.
These side effects may be reduced with the 125 mg. dose. Side effects subside when the drug is stopped.
Contact your physician for a prescription. Since Diamox is a sulfonamide drug, people who are allergic
to sulfa drugs should not take Diamox. Diamox has also been known to cause severe allergic reactions
to people with no previous history of Diamox or sulfa allergies. Frank Hubbell of SOLO in
New Hampshire recommends a trial course of the drug before going to a remote location
where a severe allergic reaction could prove difficult to treat.
More on this subject next week...........
The 4-in-1 Digital Tire Gauge
This little tool can be a lifesaver in many different ways.
The 4-in-1 Digital Tire Gauge measures tire pressures up to
150 psi with high accuracy. The tool also boasts an escape
hammer that is capable of breaking auto glass in an
emergency. There is also a built-in flashlight and a razor
sharp blade. This tool could make a real difference in an
emergency. The whole thing is small enough to tuck into the
glove compartment. You will need two AAA batteries because
they are not included.
The 4-in-1 Digital Tire Gauge retails for $19.99 as item
number 219719 from Improvements Catalog.
Click Here To Visit Improvements
Until next time: Be Safe ~ Be Happy ~ Be Sporting!!
The New Free MountainGnome Auction Site!!
On The MountainGnome Auction, there are NO LISTING or BIDDER FEES!
You can buy and sell without the Ebay hassle!
Join now and start having fun!
We Are Looking For Sellers NOW!! Oh yeah, BUYERS TOO!!
Software, Articles, Web Sites and Tips helping YOU protect your PRIVACY!!
Article Submitted by: The MountainGnome
5th in a series of the money controlling men who own the banks and eventually everything!!
The Council on Foreign Relations
And the Trilateral Commission
The two organizations that run the United States
By: Melvin Sickler
CONTINUED NEXT ISSUE..........Due To Christmas.........
Basics of CRYPTOGRAPHY - Download or view this manual.
Check YOUR RIGHT TO PRIVACY for the latest Software,
PGP, MixMaster, Articles, Web Sites, Anonymous E-mail and protect YOUR PRIVACY!
Bed and Breakfast
Lodging by choice, not by chance...
The Cloran Mansion is a restored brick
ITALIANTE Victorian home built in 1880 by Mr. John Cloran,
an Irish immigrant who took passage to the United States on a steamer in May of 1841 with nothing
more than his perseverance, strong will, and sound common sense. The home is situated in Galena
on 1.5 acres and is adjacent to a 240 acre farm, far enough a way from the noisy traffic but just a
few short minutes to the many wonderful shops and restaurants of historic Galena.
Today, the mansion offers 4 rooms and Antonio's Cottage. Each room has a private bath,
central air conditioning, mini refrigerator, cable TV with VCR, double whirlpool and fireplace.
Folks, we'll be traveling to Illinois this winter to visit Karen's boys, and we'll be making a
stop, for at least a day or two, to relax at the Clorian Mansion!
Cloran Mansion
1237 Franklin Street
Galena, IL. 61036
Toll free: 866-234-0583
If you set your mouse above the lady and click it in throughout the
black area, you'll see how it works...
Contributed by Charlie Brown - Akron, Ohio........
From: The Hamilton Collection
Soaring Spirits
Sculpturally hand-cast of translucent crystalline, "Soaring Spirits" captures
the power and grace for which the bald eagle, our national bird, is known.
Flawlessly realized on an impressive silhouette of an eagle's wing, each plume
is realistically defined in finely etched detail. Fully dimensional and crystal clear,
the form and medium allow light to dramatically infuse the wing from every angle.
Designed by award-winning artist, Larry K. Martin, this piece is hand-cast and
hand-crafted with meticulous detail and rich, true-to-life colors. A hand-numbered,
limited edition, it comes with a Certificate of Authenticity and is the premier issue in
our On Eagles' Wings Collection. Displayed upon a black wooden base,
this inspiring piece is self-standing and is approximately 7-3/8" high.
Price: $39.95 US
Shipping: $5.99 US
Item No: 103592001
- Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children.
Submitted By: Charlene Valdez, from her son David who is a missionary in Japan...
Just a week before Christmas I had a visitor. This is how it happened. I had just finished the household
chores for the night and was preparing to go to bed when I heard a noise in the front of the house.
I opened the door of the front room, and to my surprise Santa Claus himself stepped out from behind
the Christmas tree. He placed his fingers over his mouth so I would not cry out.
“What are you doing...” I started to ask, but the words choked up in my throat as I saw he had tears in his eyes.
His usual jolly manner was gone--gone was the eager boisterous soul we all know.
He then answered me with a simple statement of “Teach the children.” I was puzzled. What did he mean? he anticipated
my question and with one quick movement brought forth a miniature toy bag from behind the tree. As I stood there
bewildered Santa said again. “Teach the children. Teach them the old meaning of Christmas --the meanings that Christmas
nowadays has forgotten.”
I started to say. “how can I...” when Santa reached into the toy bag and pulled out a brilliant shining star.
“Teach the children that the star was the heavenly sign of promise long ages ago. God promised a Savior for the world
and the star was a sign of the fulfillment of that promise. The countless shinning stars at night- one for each man--now
show the burning hope of all mankind.” Santa gently laid the star upon the fireplace mantle and drew forth from the bag
a glittering red Christmas tree ornament.
‘Teach the children that red is the first color of Christmas. It was first used by the faithful people to remind them of the blood
which was shed for all the people by the Savior. Christ gave his life and shed his blood that every man might have God's gift
of Eternal Life. Red is deep, intense, vivid, it is the greatest color of all. It is the symbol of the gift of God"
"Teach the children”, he said as he dislodged a small Christmas tree from the depths of the toy bag. He placed it before the
mantle and gently hung the red ornament on it. The deep green of the fir tree was a perfect background for the ornament.
Here was the second color of Christmas.
"The pure green color of the stately fir tree remains green all year around” he said. “This depicts the everlasting hope of mankind.
Green is the youthful, hopeful, abundant color of nature. All the needles point heavenward--symbols of man’s returning thoughts
toward heaven. The great green tree has been man's best friend. It has sheltered him, warmed him, made beauty for him”. Suddenly,
I heard a soft tinkling sound.
“Teach the children that as the lost sheep are found by the sound of the bell, it should ring for man to return to the fold--it means
guidance and return. It further signifies that all are precious in the eyes of the Lord.” As the soft sound of the bell faded into the night,
Santa drew forth a candle. He placed it on the mantle and the soft glow from its tiny flame cast a glow about the darkened room.
Odd shapes in shadows slowly danced and weaved upon the walls.
“Teach the children” whispered Santa, “that the candle shows man’s thanks for the star of long ago. Its small light is the mirror of
the starlight. At first, candles were placed on the trees--they were like many glowing stars shining against the dark green.
The colored lights have now taken over in remembrance.”
Santa turned the small Christmas tree lights on and picked up a gift from under the tree. He pointed to the large bow and said.
“A bow is placed on a present to remind us of the spirit of the brotherhood of man. We should remember that the bow is tied as
man should be tied, all of us together, with the bonds of good will toward each other. Good will forever is the message of the bow.”
Santa slung his bag over his shoulder and began to reach for the candy cane placed high on the tree. He unfastened it and
reached out toward me with it.
Teach the children that the candy cane represents the shepherd's crook. The crook on the staff helps bring back the strayed
sheep to the flock. The candy cane represents the helping hand we should show at Christmas time. The candy cane is the
symbol that we are our brother’s keepers.”
As Santa looked about the room, a feeling of satisfaction shone on his face. He read wonderment in my eyes, and I am sure
he sensed admiration for this night.
He reached into his bag and brought forth a large holly wreath, he placed it on the door and said.”Please teach the children that
the wreath symbolizes the eternal nature of love; it never ceases, stops, or ends. It is one continuous round of affection.
The wreath does double duty. It is made of many things and in many colors. It should remind us of all the things of Christmas.
Please teach the children.”
Wishing You Peace, Happiness, and the True Spirit of Christmas
MERRY CHRISTMAS DAVID From your Mom, Dad and your entire family, and from all your friends!!
Send Us Your Short Article............
Submit Your Article Today...........
SPONSOR: Karen's Little Yorkie Shop
Karen's Little Yorkie Shop provides a variety of services. "Remington", who is a 3 lb. Yorkie, will be breeding soon, for small Yorkies!
Puppies will be reasonably priced. More products will be added as soon as possible. The site is presently under construction.
So, if you're looking for a small Yorkie to take home and love, visit the shop and put in your order.
E-mail Karen's Yorkies for questions, sales or anything else.
GUYS: Guy Guide To Ski Fun
If you're heading to the ski slopes this winter – you dog!
– don't forget your skin. A high SFP sunscreen will protect
against winter cold and UV radiation that comes from the
sun and is reflected off the snow. Coat your face and seal
your lips with lip balm. And don't wipe off the lotions
when you go indoors because the high heat/low humidity of
the cabin will dry out your skin.
Because higher altitude will dry out your nose dab a little
Vaseline inside your nostrils to prevent nosebleeds.
And finally, keep your innards moist in higher climates by
drinking plenty of water - not hot spiked cider - before,
during and after physical activity.
NOTE: Always Check with and follow the advice of your Physician!
GALS: Benefits of red produce
According to the authors of "The Color Code" strawberries
and raspberries contain ellagic acid, which some studies
have shown can protect against colon and esophageal
cancers. The also contain lots of vitamin C, folate and
Strawberries, cranberries, raspberries, cherries, red
grapes, beets, and red peppers are ALL potent sources of
antioxidants, which can keep healthy cells from turning
into cancer cells.
Tomatoes, watermelon, guava and pink grapefruit are rich in
a pigment called lycopene, which is a powerful anti-cancer
Source: "Nature's Best Medicine: Foods that Fight Disease"
by James A. Joseph, Ph.D., Daniel Nadeau, M.D., and Anne
Underwood. Family Circle magazine, April 2, 2002.
NOTE: Always Check with and follow the advice of your Physician!
- The first baby born on the Mayflower during its voyage to the
New World was named — Oceanus Hopkins. The second
child born after the ship set anchor was named Peregrine White.
BEAUTY: Lighten Up!
Have you wanted highlights in your hair but don't want to
pay to have it done in a salon? Try a sun-lightening
product for creating blond streaks and highlights. Try
creating more lights around your face for a natural effect.
Also try a homemade hair-lightening product made of equal
parts orange and lemon juice. Apply it to your hair on the
top layers and sit out in the sun for about twenty minutes.
Make sure you rinse your hair and condition it, as this
treatment can dry out your hair quite easily.
If the blues set in when the clocks roll back, you may have Seasonal Affective Disorder. Learn About Depression here.
"WinLinux 2003 was designed and built to be the easiest to use Linux system.
Its installation and configuration tasks are performed directly from windows as
easily as any Windows application. This version offers full compatibility with
RedHat 7.3, support for the rpm package system, an improved support for new
hardware tecnologies such as FireWire, USB 2.0, Bluetooth and ATA133. WinLinux
comes with up-to-date software, like Kernel 2.4.18, XFree86 4.2.0, CUPS 1.1.14,
KDE 3.0, KOffice 1.1, gcc-2.96, RealPlayer 8, AcrobatReader 5.0.5, The Gimp 1.2.3
and 1.0."
Linux Note: When downloading a linux .tar/ .gz or .rpm file, It is sometimes necessary to hold down the shift key while clicking on the file you want to download.
WINDOWS TIP: Cumulative Patch for Internet Explorer
Who should read this bulletin: Customers using Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.5 and 6.0
More Information | Download Patch
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installed applications and much more ! With RegSeeker you can search for
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My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY:
- "If I've told you once, I've told you a million times--Don't exaggerate!!!"
TIP: Turkey Gravy Tips
The best turkey gravy is made from pan drippings. Drain all
liquids from the roasting pan into a heat resistant bowl.
Allow to separate. Skim off the fat that rises to the top.
Place (about 4 tablespoons) in a saucepan. Over medium
heat, whisk in 4 tablespoons of flour. Cook for 3 minutes.
Whisk in the remaining pan liquid (add canned chicken broth
to bring the total to about 3 cups). Whisk to eliminate any
lumps. Simmer for 20 minutes, stirring frequently.
Cooking Websites: Recipes
Although it might be premature to call anything on the web
"classic", there are several sites I keep returning to over
the years. Epicurious ( has excellent
feature articles plus the Bon Appetit and Gourmet recipe
archives. The Food Network site ( ) is a great
page, especially when used with the television shows.
Recipe Source ( is the best site to find
many versions of the same recipe.
If you have a favorite recipe or a great cooking website, and you'd like to share it with our readers, you can send it to The MountainGnome.
Send your specialty to
Take a quart of joy and gladness --
A pack of folk and kin -- A dash of Christmas spirit -- And toss some laughter in.
Take a large amount of giving -- And spread it generously;
Read directions in the Good Book -- And apply them carefully.
Garnish well with human kindness, On crystal leaves of cheer,
And you'll have a batch of Christmas -- To last the coming year.
TURKEY CHOWDER: Makes Plenty....12
Note that you should use good table wine in this recipe. Don't use
"cooking wine," which contains a lot of salt.
- 1/4 pound bacon, diced
- 2 onions, chopped
- 1 carrot, chopped
- 4 ribs celery, chopped
- 1/4 cup flour
- 1 pound unpeeled red potatoes, diced
- 1 teaspoon dried thyme
- 1/2 teaspoon pepper
- 2 teaspoons salt
- 1 bay leaf
- 8 cups chicken or turkey broth
- 1 cup dry white wine
- 2 cups diced cooked turkey
- 2 cups heavy cream
- Chopped parsley for garnish
In large soup pot, brown bacon. Remove bacon and reserve; leave fat in
pan. Saute onions, carrot, and celery in fat until soft. Add flour;
cook 2 minutes. Add potatoes.
Remove from heat; stir in thyme, pepper, salt, bay leaf, broth, and
wine. Cook over low heat 45 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Add turkey and cooked bacon; heat 10 minutes. Add cream; cook 5
minutes (do not boil). Sprinkle filled soup bowls with parsley.
PETITE CHEESECAKES: Makes about 6 dozen
These tiny cheesecakes are elegant and delicious mouthfuls. They're
very nice on a tea table, or as a light dessert. They also freeze
well, so you can make a full batch and have them available as needed.
- 1 cup sugar
- 24 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
- 5 eggs, at room temperature
- 1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla
- 1 cup sour cream, at room temperature
- 1/4 teaspoon vanilla
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1 to 2 cups fruit jelly (any flavor)
Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Line mini-muffin pans with miniature
cupcake liners.
Cream sugar and cream cheese. Add one egg at a time, stirring well
after each addition and scraping the bowl. Stir in vanilla.
Pour batter into pans, filling each cup 3/4 full. Bake 30 minutes; do
not brown. Cool on wire racks.
Topping: Combine sour cream, vanilla, and sugar in a small bowl. Spoon
one teaspoonful of mixture onto each cake; spread to edge. Drop a bit
of fruit jelly onto each cake. Return to 300-degree oven for five
minutes to set topping.
Caleries per serving: "Don't Ask!! Enjoy!!
So until next time, REMEMBER: They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but then an entire life to forget them....Merry Christmas....
- The first novel ever written on a typewriter was Tom Sawyer....
Dedicated To The Memory of My Lovely Wife..Francie