- Grandchildren are God's reward for not killing your children
Best of the Best! Moultrie combines the ultimate game feeder kit with a durable plastic, tapered hopper. The 30-gallon tripod holds up to 200 pounds of feed. Program your tripod for 6 feed times a day.
Folks, we have one on our property now and we were so impressed with the flawless way it worked, we now have plans to add at least 2 more! The Moultrie feeder really works effortlessly!

HD Vision Ultras are lightweight sunglasses with glare-blocking technology that enhances clarity and color. HD Vision glasses have a UV400 rating. Purchase HD Vision Ultras for just $10.00 plus $6.99 shipping and handling. Get a FREE 2nd pair of HD Vision Ultras, just pay an additional $6.99 shipping and handling. We'll send each set of two in the same color - your choice of black or tortoise shell. 30-DAY SATISFACTION GUARANTEE, LESS SHIPPING AND HANDLING. Canadian orders will have an additional $3.00 shipping and handling added. NJ/CA will have applicable sales tax.
Folks, these are really great for hunting, and in bright sun reflecting off snow(my opinion as a user)!
Folks, due to "HOPE & CHANGE"...."LOL"....The Mountain-Gnome is lowering prices on all items in all of our Shoppes! If you find an item you like, please feel free to make us an offer!!
Cherokee Wisdom
An old Cherokee chief sat in his reservation hut, smoking the ceremonial pipe, eyeing the two US government officials sent to interview him."Chief Two Eagles," one official began, "you have observed the white man for many generations, you have seen his wars and his products, you have seen all his progress, and all his problems." The chief nodded. The official continued, "Considering recent events, in your opinion, where has the white man gone wrong?"
The chief stared at the government officials for over a minute, and then calmly replied. "When white man found the land, Indians were running it. No taxes. No debt. Plenty buffalo. Plenty beaver. Women did most of the work. Medicine man free. Indian men hunted and fished all the time". The chief smiled, and added quietly, "White man dumb enough to think he could improve system like that."
What is the Difference between Black, Pyrodex, Triple Seven, and Smokeless Powders?
By Randy Wakeman
That is a question that often comes up at this time of year, and understandably so. Though classified by the DOT as smokeless propellants, most muzzleloaders can be safely fired with black powder, Pyrodex, Triple Seven, Black Mag3, Pyrodex pellets, and Triple Seven Pellets. Only the Savage 10ML-II was designed to be used with all of these propellants, just like other muzzleloaders, plus certain recommended nitrocellulose (smokeless) powders. Smokeless powders are non-corrosive, offer less recoil, and leave very little residue. Here is a quick look at the basics.
Go to GUNS AND SHOOTING ONLINE for the entire article!
SPONSOR: Welcome to The Powerbelt Forum. Providing a place for the outdoor public to discuss everything from ballistics, blackpowder, muzzleloaders, hunting, travel, classifieds and ... MORE!
- To all of our readers & visitors: Share your stories and opinions with us.....
- They walk among us, they REPRODUCE and they VOTE!!!
A VERY GOOD EXAMPLE OF THE KIND OF REPRESENTATION WE HAVE IN CONGRESS, A TRUE STORY:A noted psychiatrist was a guest speaker at an academic function where Nancy Pelosi happened to appear. Ms Pelosi took the opportunity to schmooze the good doctor a bit and asked him a question with which he was most at ease.
'Would you mind telling me, Doctor,' she asked, 'how you detect a mental deficiency in somebody who appears completely normal?'
'Nothing is easier,' he replied. 'You ask a simple question which anyone should answer with no trouble. If the person hesitates, that puts you on the track.'
'What sort of question?' asked Pelosi.
Well, you might ask, 'Captain Cook made three trips around the world and died during one of them. Which one?''
Pelosi thought a moment, and then said with a nervous laugh, 'You wouldn't happen to have another example would you? I must confess I don't know much about history.'
SPONSOR: Welcome to STARLING-TECHNOLOGIES. Providing custom computer systems. Linux OS information. Computer diagnostic and repair service. **PLUS** ..Antiques and more!!

Folks, here are some great books to read, while relaxing in the evening........

by John E. Baur
Begins with the transplantation of the European Christmas to America, and gives a taste of traditions and conditions of pioneers celebrating the holiday, with extracts of quotes and anecdotes from their journals. It is amazing to see all the hardships these pioneers endured through the harsh winters. What is interesting is some of the substitutions made when some of the tradional Christmas decorations were not available. These pioneers were truely an innovative bunch!
Folks, check out our past editions for more interesting reading. We will submit a new book for you to review in each updated edition of The Mountain-gnome. And as always, each edition will be archived.
Increase your customer base and advertise with The Mountain-Gnome!
America~A Bygone Era: History: America

By Christine Kreiser
The swine flu outbreak that now threatens to become a global crisis is eerily similar to the 1918 flu pandemic that killed 675,000 Americans. Conservative estimates put the worldwide death toll at 40 million. Health services were quickly overwhelmed while the U.S. government struggled to meet its obligations to provide men and materiel for World War I. With today’s underfunded health care system and massive government debt, are we in for a repeat of 1918? American History magazine’s story “The Enemy Within” looks back at those deadly days.
You'll find the "Rest of the Story & More" Here!
Outdoor Adventure: Magens Bay Beach, St. Thomas V.I.
Magens Bay Beach has been called one of the ten most beautiful beaches in the world by National Geographic Magazine.
It has a long and interesting history.
Local legend says that Sir Francis Drake used Magens Bay as an anchorage for his ships while he watched from a nearby hilltop for ships that he could plunder.
Later, the local sugar cane plantations used Magens Bay as a shipping point for sugar, molasses and rum. The remains of an old brick road cane still be seen from the south end of the beach. Later, Magens Beach was acquired by the Fairchild family and then donated to the people of the Virgin Islands for their enjoyment.
"Where did all those f__ing Indians come from?" - Custer, 1876

Visit for more Information........
Colorado Skiing And Snowboarding !
Learn why Copper mountain is the perfect vacation destination for Colorado skiing and snowboarding - located close to Denver in the heart of Summit County.
Why ski Colorado? Summit County, Colorado offers the longest ski season in the Western U.S. This season, Copper is open from November 6, 2009 through April 18, 2010. And Colorado is renowned for its sunny, blue-sky days along with some of the best powder in the world. Copper is one of Summit County's largest ski areas with over 2,400 skiable acres and averages 280" of snowfall during our ski season.
Copper has something for all ages and abilities. Their naturally divided terrain starts out with gentle, sloping runs on the west, and gets progressively steeper as you head east. And they've got several wide-open bowls for advanced skiers and riders. Copper also has one of the best terrain parks and pipes in Colorado.
Copper Mountain vacations are filled with plenty of rip time on the mountain, followed by a relaxing or rockin' night in The Village - the choice is yours. They've got a new village featuring plenty of incredible lodging options, shops, restaurants, bars and family activities. All of their lodging is just steps away from the mountain and gives you access to the Copper Mountain Athletic Club, featuring a 25-yard pool, weight room, cardio equipment, hot tubs, saunas and steam rooms. Click here for more lodging info, or check out their hot lodging deals.
Come to Copper Mountain Ski Resort for your ultimate Colorado vacation!
- In Scotland, a new game was invented. It was entitled Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden.... and thus the word GOLF entered into the English language.

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Cloran Mansion
Lodging by choice, not by chance... Galena, Illinois
A restored brick ITALIANTE Victorian home built in 1880 by Mr. John Cloran.
Today, the mansion offers 4 rooms and Antonio's Cottage. Each room has a private bath,
central air conditioning, mini refrigerator, cable TV with VCR, double whirlpool and fireplace.
- Have an interesting article?? Send it to
Which holiday plants are poisonous?
Contrary to a myth that refuses to die, poinsettias are not poisonous to humans. Consuming large amounts of any plant can cause cramping and diarrhea, but no one has ever died or become seriously ill from eating poinsettias. Your pets, however, may have a bad reaction if they munch on these plants, so you'd be wise to keep them out of Fido's range.
The plant really to beware of during the holiday season is mistletoe. While standing beneath it may earn you the pleasure of a kiss or two, ingesting the stuff will cause severe stomach cramps and diarrhea and even can be fatal. If you decide to hang a sprig over your doorway, make sure it's well secured and won't be knocked to the floor where pets and young children could happen upon it. Holly and pyracantha, also frequently used in holiday decorations, are toxic as well, so keep them out of reach.
If you suspect poisoning from any plant source, contact your local poison control center immediately. Add the number to your list of emergency numbers by the phone.
Also, keep in mind that even nonpoisonous plants can present hazards to young children. Check the soil in which they're planted to make sure it contains no rocks or solid items that your child could choke on or surface fertilizer that could be toxic. The most frequently overlooked plant-related hazard is actually that posed by heavy pots that could fall on your child. Never place a heavy pot on a stand that could be shaken or toppled by a determined toddler. And watch out for dangling leaves or vines that she could use to pull a large plant over.
- My mother taught me about HYPOCRISY
"If I've told you once, I've told you a million times--Don't exaggerate!!!"

Have a special recipe you want to share?
Please e-mail us at
Here's one that we call "Redneck Burritos", even though it isn't a burrito at all. This recipe feeds a small crowd.
Take a 10-15 pound snapping turtle and separate the meat from the shell then discard the entrails. In a large crock pot add water, a generous pour of salt, and a 1/4 cup vinegar to the turtle. Top off the crock pot with water. Cook covered on medium heat for 12-24 hours. Use another crock pot to soak and cook 2 cups of dried pinto beans at the same time. After everything has cooked to "mush", pour off the liquid and remove all of the turtle bones, and there will be plenty of them. Drain the liquid from the pintos and mash the turtle meat and beans together with a fork or food processor until they are completely mixed. Add chopped pickled jalepeno slices to taste, we like about 1/4 cup, two eggs, 1 1/2 cups of cornmeal, 1/4 cup diced onions, salt, pepper, and add milk until the mixture has a paste consistency. Form into patties and fry them in a greased skillet until they are lightly browned on both sides.
Keep a baseball bat handy to beat away all the folks coming back for a second helping. You'll want them all for yourself.- Don't wait for six strong men to take you to church
Sugarplums dancing through your head? Get in the festive mood at A Traditional Christmas.