- As long as there are tests, there will be prayer in public schools
We started the MountainGnome back in the winter of 1999. My inspiration for starting the newsletter was a young man named Chris Pirillo who owns the website
The LockerGnome. That winter brought us a lot of snow here in the foothills of the Sangre DeCristo mountains of Colorado. We proceeded to acquire many fine readers through the years, but times changed and I went to different careers that took most of my free time. I saved to disc all of those old issues from the beginning. Recently I stumbled in to the old stored directory and started opening many of the old issues. The old issues brought back so many great memories of the past and all of our wonderful readers and sponsors. So I thought, why not, I'm retired now and it would be great to bring back the website and update the site for young and old alike!
We hope you will come back often to see more of the new content we will be adding to our site.
We will be adding interesting new products for you the reader.
Folks, in todays society there are liberals (basically socialist/communists) and just plain really bad teachers that try to teach our children and older students that everything that America did or does now is terrible. These liberals want nothing more than to see this great Country and its history destroyed! PLEASE teach that this was and will be again the greatest nation on earth. These liberals want to tear down all of our great traditions/holidays and trash them and anyone who doesn't think their way!

Flintlocks & Poor Weather
This is and always will be a touchy subject to the die hard flint lock hunter. Any time you talk flintlocks with a croud, you will hear the typical, Flintlocks in snow! No way, its hard enough to get them to fire when its dry out, you are just asking for tag soup.
Tag soup, is of course, where you draw your big game tag, go hunting and come home with nothing but sore legs, a stiff back and not one piece of meat to show for all the effort you put into your hunt. Tag soup keeps you warm on a cold winter day while you sit out a snow storm and reflect back to that hunt and how you got skunked.
Some like to make a big issue over flintlock's in poor weather. Die hard fans go to the most extreme to make sure everything is just right, but in the end, it boils down to plain common sense and a little ingenuity. What causes a Flintlock to be so unreliable in poor weather conditions? READ MORE.... And remember to join the folks at Frontier Muzzleloading!
Black powder info on the perfect load and bullet for your muzzleloader! This site is loaded with great tips for the black powder enthusiast!! A really great forum for all, hunting, muzzle loaders, black powder, ballistics and a great deal more. Also a great new patch lube that keeps your barrel from rusting - check it out! FREE CLASSIFIEDS! JOIN THE FUN TODAY!
- Share your stories and opinions with us.....Submit Article

Folks, here are some great books to read, while relaxing in the evening........

by Adam Makos
Devotion tells the inspirational story of the U.S. Navy’s most famous aviator duo, Lieutenant Tom Hudner and Ensign Jesse Brown, and the Marines they fought to defend. A white New Englander from the country-club scene, Tom passed up Harvard to fly fighters for his country. An African American sharecropper’s son from Mississippi, Jesse became the navy’s first black carrier pilot, defending a nation that wouldn’t even serve him in a bar.
While much of America remained divided by segregation, Jesse and Tom joined forces as wingmen in Fighter Squadron 32. Adam Makos takes us into the cockpit as these bold young aviators cut their teeth at the world’s most dangerous job—landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier—a line of work that Jesse’s young wife, Daisy, struggles to accept.
Folks, we came a long way since this time period, however, it only took Obama 8 years to divide this Country racially again!
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You can also get these boards in kit form for the more advanced builder.We sell worldwide! A MUST SEE!!
"Scattered @#$%ing showers, my ass!" - Noah, 4314 BC

Visit Green River for more Information........
Green River
With its beautiful scenery, rugged outdoors and abundant recreation, Green River attracts thrill-seekers and nature-lovers of all stripes. From world-class fishing and wildlife watching to family sports complexes, river rafting, kayaking and swimming, you will find everything you need to enjoy this unique corner of Wyoming.
About Green River, Wyoming
John Wesley Powell recognized the beauty of Green River in 1869 on his way south to the splendor of the Grand Canyon. But today, Green River is a recreational hot spot, offering both indoor and outdoor fun year-round and a chance to see Wyoming’s diverse wildlife. Enjoyed by go-getters and naturalists alike, the area’s natural beauty is carefully preserved in public lands with many trails, parks and rock formations to enjoy.

Every week read about the latest developments in privacy software for the home, internet, e-mail..etc..Is the government sticking their noses to far into your private life? Find out more...
Software, Articles, Web Sites and Tips helping YOU protect your PRIVACY!!
BASICS OF CRYPTOGRAPHY - Download or view this manual.
Open PGPOpenPGP is a non-proprietary protocol for encrypting email communication using public key cryptography. It is based on the original PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) software. The OpenPGP protocol defines standard formats for encrypted messages, signatures, and certificates for exchanging public keys.
Beginning in 1997, the OpenPGP Working Group was formed in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to define this standard that had formerly been a proprietary product since 1991. Over the past decade, PGP, and later OpenPGP, has become the standard for nearly all of the world’s encrypted email.
As an IETF Proposed Standard RFC 4880, OpenPGP can be implemented by any company without paying any licensing fees to anyone.

Have a special recipe you want to share?
Please e-mail us at
- 1 cup oleo or 1 cup butter
- 1 1⁄3 cups sugar
- 6 eggs
- 1 1⁄2 cups flour
- 1 1⁄2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1 ounce anise flavoring
Let mixture cool.
Add eggs and flour.
Add baking powder and anise flavoring.
Add additional flour as needed to make soft dough.
Refrigerate dough to make it easier to work with.
Drop by spoonfuls onto your pizzelle iron.
Cook 1 minute or until lightly golden brown.
Let them cool before stacking, this will help make your cookies crisp.
For more great recipes go to
- Have trouble sleeping? We have sermons -- come hear one!