- When you enter an area that says "GUN FREE ZONE", YOU become the victim!
We started the MountainGnome back in the winter of 1999. My inspiration for starting the newsletter was a young man named Chris Pirillo who owns the website
The LockerGnome. That winter brought us a lot of snow here in the foothills of the Sangre DeCristo mountains of Colorado. We proceeded to acquire many fine readers through the years, but times changed and I went to different careers that took most of my free time. I saved to disc all of those old issues from the beginning. Recently I stumbled in to the old stored directory and started opening many of the old issues. The old issues brought back so many great memories of the past and all of our wonderful readers and sponsors. So I thought, why not, I'm retired now and it would be great to bring back the website and update the site for young and old alike!
We hope you will come back often to see more of the new content we will be adding to our site.
Black Powder & Muzzleloading articles and products!
Ammunition reloading articles!
Hunting Articles!
We will be adding interesting new products for you the reader.
"The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government -- lest it come to dominate our lives and interests." - Patrick Henry

Lubing conical bullets - The easy way
by Jonathan Koziol
First thing, we need to take a look at the bullet lube you plan to use.
How hard or soft is it?
A lot of folks use Bore Butter for this process. I personally find it way to soft and runny in warm weather and no longer use it. If you do use it, add small amount of beeswax to thicken it a bit.
Folks often resort back to animal fat and beeswax. Crisco and beeswax makes a decent bullet lube, but with beeswax, it can get pretty hard and difficult to clean out at the end of the day. I've also found that it can leave behind a sticky tar like feel in the bore where the projectile sits on top of the powder charge.
Looking at todays prices for TC Maxi balls, I was amazed to find that our local Big R store had them for $24 for a package of 20! $24!! I remember a handful of years ago when they were in the $12 range!
Those of us that reload and cast our own ammo, balk at the idea of paying well over $120 for a Lyman mould and handles. Well, at $24 for 20 bullets, those handles and bullet moulds now seem like the cheap way to go!
Now looking back at all the times you've spend money on the TC Maxi balls or even the Hornady great plains bullets, do you remember opening the package only to find the lube on the bullets in a nasty dried out state that crumbled off the bullets easily? I remember those days, and always swore at the makers for using such a hard beeswax or paraffin wax and it not sticking to the bullets. Plus the poor lubrication it offered while sliding down the bore.
So how do we go about lubing our conical bullets the easy way, with the lube of our choice?
First, figure out if your lube is right for conicals. A simple Crisco/Beeswax combo mixed 60-40 or even 50-50 will do the job for starters.
For my bullets I use Frontier's Anti-Rust & Patch lube. This lube is mainly used for wiping rifles down inside and out to prevent rust, and used for shooting patches with round balls. It is however, firm enough to be used for conical bullets and is a lube that will NOT dry out and fall off once the bullets have been lubed. It also does not contain paraffin wax or even beeswax. Full melting point is a little over 100 degrees which means you can hunt without fear of the bullet lube melting and contaminating your powder charge.
I first start out finding a container large enough to hold all the bullets I plan on lubing that day.
I place those bullets into the container, leaving enough space in between to cut them out.
Next, I take my preferred lube, melt it down to a liquid state and carefully pour the lube into the bullet container and fill it up to the last loading band. A little extra never hurts as the cutting process will remove most of it.
Once the lube has been poured, you can either place the container into the Fridge or just allow them 24 hours to cure in the open air.
Now, lets look back to your lube... Is it going to get HARD or will it be semi hard? If its a hard mix lube, cut the bullets out of the lube while its in a semi hard state, otherwise, you will have to melt the bullets/lube and start over again.
Now, lets look back to your lube... Is it going to get HARD or will it be semi hard? If its a hard mix lube, cut the bullets out of the lube while its in a semi hard state, otherwise, you will have to melt the bullets/lube and start over again.
To cut the bullets out cleanly, I used a .50cal Thompson Center QuickShot loading tool. Most of us call them speed loaders. These, have a nice narrow end that slips over the nose of the bullet and easily cuts through lube and bullets the bullet right out. The QuickSot Loading tool Holds premeasured powder charge, projectile and priming in a waterproof container. Can be used with patch and ball, Maxi-Ball or Maxi-Hunter or any other conical bullet. Note the top flap on the speed loader. It can hold either a 209 primer, #10 or #11 percussion cap or even a small amount of 4fg priming powder for you flintlock! Very handy little gadget that speeds up the reloading process in the field.
Align the speed loader over the top of the bullet and press down straight to cut the bullet free of the lube.
Once you pull the bullet out of the lube, use a old rag or paper towel and wipe the base of the bullet clean and then use a short starter to push the bullet out of the speed loader. It is that easy! Your bullets are now lubed with your choice of lube!
If you have a supply of store bought bullets and do not like what they are lubed with, you can place those bullets into a pan and place it over a heat source and allow it to gently melt off. Pluck the bullets out once they are free of lube, and start the lubing process with a lube you can count on!
And while you're there REGISTER with the folks at Frontier Muzzleloading!
NOTE: This article and many other interesting articles can also be found at the BACKWOODSMAN MAGAZINE.
Click the pic on the right to view/buy the great patch lube and rust inhibitors! Black powder info on the perfect load and bullet for your muzzleloader! This site is loaded with great tips for the black powder enthusiast!! A really great forum for all, hunting, muzzle loaders, black powder, ballistics and a great deal more. Also a great new patch lube that keeps your barrel from rusting - check it out! FREE CLASSIFIEDS! JOIN THE FUN TODAY!
Internal Lock Polishing: $45.xx. CVA/Traditions/Siler/L&R locks only. I will polish all moving/mating surfaces and lock plate for a smooth grit free feel. This speeds up lock time and makes it butter smooth.
Trigger Polishing: $20.xx. Work would include the internals of the lock, the double set triggers MUST be polished for a smooth crisp, grit free feel!
Accuracy Bedding: $60.xx. Needed just like a center fire, your wood stock muzzle loader is actually prone to the tang screw/s loosening due to the weaker wood actually pulling the metal parts up and into the wood under heavy recoil! Loose tang screws are a dead giveaway of this happening only after a few shots, killing your accuracy.
Wet Weather soaking your wood stock also is a common problem. "In order to do the job correctly you will have to send your complete muzzle loader so I can bed all parts as one for the best accuracy possible."
Coning the Muzzle: $35.xx. This procedure in present day is known as "coning”. It was known in the 19th century as a "relieved" muzzle and also as a "funneled" muzzle. Once the rifle has been “coned” it can be loaded rather easily without using the short starter.
Barrel Browning: $65.xx. I use nothing but the best to brown all muzzle loader barrels. It’s a slow process which generally takes 3 to 5 days to complete properly. This included sights, tang, screws, etc. If it deals with the barrel/attachment. It is included in the price.
Browning Accessories: Contact for price! Butt plate, trigger guard, nose cap, patch box, Etc. Just let me know what all you have and I will work on a price for you.
Stock Refinish: $125.xx. Have an old beauty of a muzzle loader but the stock is looking a little beat up? No problem! All finishes are hand rubbed from the low gloss, matte to high mirror gloss, I can do it in whatever finish you want. Walnut normally does NOT get stained unless the owner wants it reddish or almost black. Good walnut normally never needs staining.
Brush the Brass: $25.xx. To rid that beautiful rifle of yours and that ugly shiny cheap looking brass, I can also provide a Brushed look to your rifles furniture that will age nicely and cut that cheap shininess out! Stop scaring game with that mirror! It’s a hunting rifle, not a beauty pageant!
NOTE: For additional information on our services, please contact the following email address: FrontierMuzzleloading @
- Share your stories and opinions with us.....Submit Article
The above states DO NOT recognize any other states concealed carry permits! Until they change their SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST agenda's, We at the MountainGnome ask you the hunter, fisherman, sportsman to spend your money elsewhere!

Folks, here are some great books to read, while relaxing in the evening........

1800's Western
by William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone
As winter descends on the great state of Texas, the Jensen family faces off with renegades, rivals, and one raging storm—in this special yuletide adventure from America’s beloved western storytellers…
While most folks are busy preparing for Christmas, the tightknit Jensen clan can only hope they’ll make it home. Luke Jensen is in San Antonio tracking down a dangerous outlaw. But when he finds the man leading a wholesome life—as a charity-working Hill Country pastor—Luke agrees to wait until after Christmas to bring him to justice. Meanwhile, Smoke and Sally Jensen head out from Fort Worth by stagecoach, only to be stranded by unrelenting rains—and stalked by a crazed Commanche killer. And in Austin, Ace Jensen falls head over heels in love with a girl he wants to marry. Unfortunately, she’s engaged to one of the outlaw gang that’s gunning for Luke’s bounty…
This year, the Jensen family is in for a stormy Christmas they will never forget—and one deadly showdown they may never survive…
NOTE:Folks, every book I review on The MountainGnome, I have read and give my honest opinion. This book is excellent reading and exciting (IMO)!
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
For the fans of Voyage to the bottom of the sea, we have a sound board with speaker that plays the iconic Sonar ping for your Moebius Sub.
New! Seaview Interior sound is available on request. Sound includes sonar ping in the background and computer blinps in the foreground.
New!! Improved boards are Louder and 3x clearer in sound quality.
For the fans of the Seaview from the series "Voyage to the bottom of the Sea " we have the Iconic sonar ping to add the finishing touch to your favorite 4 or 8 window Moebius Sub.
This sound board compliments the awesome Seaview Lighting Kits designed by "Just an Illusion". If you haven't seen these lighting kits you need to check them out HERE. He is now offering an 8 window seaview lighting kit for only $39.95 HERE.
New!Seaview Interior sound is available on request. Sound includes sonar ping in the background and computer blinps in the foreground.
Mount inside a hidden compartment in your sub, or create a custom housing.
And yes, it is the exact sound heard in the series.
Press the play button and the board will continuously play the sonar ping, press it again to stop.
Recording was taken from 20 ft away in another room with ceiling fans and computer fans running, to demonstrate volume as well as clarity of sound board.
Built with top quality components for longevity.
NEED SOME GREAT LIGHTING EFFECTS AND AWESOME SOUND EFFECTS?! Starling Technologies Products Brings Your Projects To Life! For all of you MODEL BUILDERS we provide many types of services and products for the modeler and hobbyist! Star Wars - Star Trek - War Of The Worlds and many, many others! If you're looking to enhance your Sci Fi models try their latest custom built and fully assembled L.E.D. Boards. STARLING TECHNOLOGIES™ is constantly creating new and innovative product lines for model builders worldwide!
You can also get these boards in kit form for the more advanced builder. We sell worldwide! A MUST SEE!!
"You want WHAT on the @#$%ing ceiling?"
- Michelangelo, 1566

Big Horn Outfitters offers first-class hunting and fishing adventures in the beautiful Big Horn Mountains of northern Wyoming. We offer 100% fair chase hunts for Antelope, Elk, Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Shiras Moose, Merriams Turkey and Prairie Dogs. Dustin DeCroo and Rich Sweeny are Wyoming natives and have spent nearly their entire lives in the Big Horn Mountains and surrounding country. Big Horn Outfitters is family oriented operation, dedicated to meeting each client’s needs. Whether you are looking for a trophy big game animal or a relaxing week of fishing in the scenic Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming, Big Horn Outfitters is the place for you!
We do our very best to maintain a family environment at our camps, kids are always welcome.
Our licensed, professional guides are knowledgeable and committed to making your hunt a success. These guides know the area and will do everything from field dressing to caping the trophies you harvest.
NOTE: We will no longer suggest Colorado, or any other state that legalized the sale of illegal drugs, as a hunting, skiing, vacation destination without warning you of the consequences!
Due to the legalization of drugs in the state: increases in crime, drug related shootings, increasing traffic deaths, increasing hit & run incidents, we feel your vacations are better spent elsewhere!!

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Have a special recipe you want to share?
Please e-mail us at
Heat a large container of ale or beer, about 3 or 4 pints. Add:
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/4 cup mixed spice (cinnamon sticks and whole cloves are also excellent)
- 2 or 3 small sweet apples, cut up
- 1 1/4 cup pineapple juice
- 1 1/4 cup orange juice
- the juice of 2 lemons
Place over a slow flame; then, before it begins to boil, take off the heat and whip up some cream. Let this float on top of the brew like foam. Put in a suitably large bowl (the more ornate the better) Now go out to a tree or trees with a few friends (these don't have to be apple trees, since all can benefit from a well-intentioned blessing, but it is traditional to wassail fruit-bearing trees) Wet the roots liberally with the brew. Pass the rest around and when everyone is thoroughly warmed up sing a wassailing song, for example:
Here's to thee, old apple tree Whence thou may'st bud and whence tho may'st blow And whence thou may'st bear apples enow. Hats full, caps full, bushel, bushel sacks full, And my pockets full too!
Lift your glasses to the tree and shout "Huzzah!" as loud as you can.
For more great recipes come back soon!
- People would say bad things about you, because it is the only way their insignificant self can feel better than you.
As you can see from history, and the present, this is exactly the way LIBERAL DEMOCRATS act towards everyone!