The MountainGnome will be giving away one free pre-owned book weekly.
We will be picking one name from all readers who sign our guest book.
This weeks free book is THE SHACK - By Wm. Paul Young.

MountainGnome Guest Book

- When you enter an area that says "GUN FREE ZONE", YOU become the victim!
Welcome to The MountainGnome
We will introduce you to some of the best hunting, fishing, skiing, vacation destinations in the U.S.A.!
The MountainGnome will bring to you great products, including, high power firearms, muzzle-loaders, various powders, ammunition, and many other products.
There is something for just about everyone.
The MountainGnome will also have available modern, vintage and antique firearms for sale. There is a literature section with reviews of some great reading material. There is a cooking section with great recipes, including, wild game recipes.
You will also find a section for U.S. Stamp Collectors.
The MountainGnome is updated on a weekly basis and the older issues will be archived and available for you, the visitor.
As always we welcome and encourage your feedback.
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NOTE: We reserve the right to reject content that we consider unacceptable to our site.
The article below was found on The Liberal Gun Club web site.
You're asking why would I put this article on our conservative site. Well, the fact is, The Liberal Gun Club philosophy pretty much runs hand in hand with conservative views!
Though our views on other subjects, like abortion, immigration, may differ, theirs and our views on gun control are very much the same!
School Shootings and Banning Assault Rifles
by Michael Tinker Pearce, 19 Feb. 2018 - LIBERAL GUN CLUB CONTRIBUTOR
I try to avoid politics here, but sometimes I can’t. Any mass-murder spree is horrific and tragic, and school shootings are particularly awful. We are the only nation in the developed world that regularly experiences these tragedies. Semi-automatic military-style rifles (commonly and incorrectly called ‘Assault Rifles’ in modern parlance) are used in almost half of these mass-killing sprees.

We have a problem in this country, and it’s not guns. We have created a toxic culture that spawns spree-killers. We need to address that fundamental truth. It’s not going to be easy, pleasant or fun but it has to be done or the killing will not stop. We cannot simply dismiss this as a ‘mental health’ issue; this is inaccurate and unnecessarily stigmatizes the mentally ill. Most school shooters have not been diagnosed with a mental illness. Oh, don’t get me wrong- they are not ‘right in the head.’ But generally speaking they are neither clinically nor legally insane.
No, they do not share commonalities like Satanism, Heavy Metal music, Goth Culture or violent video games. Mental-health professionals actually maintain that playing violent video games provides an outlet for aggressive impulses and may actually help prevent violent outbreaks. Nothing so simple.
I am not a mental health professional or a sociologist; but you don’t need to be a pilot to recognize that a plane has crashed. I don’t know the answers here- but I know that we need to ask the right questions before we’ll have a chance of finding out.
The simple and easy response here is to blame something, anything- to do something. Anything. In this case to ban ‘assault rifles.’ If this were possible it would prevent mass shooters from using them. It won’t stop them from killing people; the most common mass-shooting weapon is actually a handgun, so I imagine they’ll use those. They are at least as easy to get as semi-automatic rifles. Banning those is problematic; in Heller Vs. DC the Supreme Court ruled that individual Americans had the right to possess arms for ‘lawful self defense’ and that handguns could not be banned as a class because they were ’eminently suited to that purpose.’ Limit the weapons available, limit the number of bullets they can hold… the ideas go on and on. But banning tools is like slapping a band-aid on a sucking chest wound- beyond giving the illusion that you have done something it’s not going to help the root cause.
Not to mention that in places where people have trouble getting guns- or where the would be at too great a risk of being shot- people use bombs. ‘It’s a lot harder to make a bomb than it is to get an assault rifle’ is the standard argument. Hogwash. I could root through my kitchen cupboards and come up with a bomb in less than thirty minutes- and anyone with internet access could do the same. Google is a weapon of mass destruction in the wrong hands…
Did you notice that I said ‘If this were possible’ regarding banning assault rifles? Because I am not sure it can be done with any level of effectiveness. The previous ‘assault rifle ban’ had the primary effect of making these weapons more expensive. It did not take them off the streets and it didn’t keep people from obtaining them. Proponents of the ban point out the decrease in homicides, but in fact they were decreasing before, during and after the ban at about the same rate. The ban had no chance of being effective because it didn’t do what it said- it did not ban these weapons, merely made them tougher to import and more expensive to buy.
To have even a chance of being effective a ban would need to take away the guns that are already out there, and the logistics of that are nightmarish because we don’t know how many there are or who has them. At a (very) conservative estimate there are over 8,000,000 AR15-based rifles out there, then there are all the millions of AK-based rifles and other platforms that are in private hands… I’m going to go with tens of millions of guns that fit the current definition of an ‘assault rifle.’ That’s the legal ones, which are the only ones that you can get rid of by legislation. Legal property, legally purchased by American citizens. Can you spot the problem with confiscating them?
Yep. It’s unconstitutional- it violates some of those pesky civil rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights. OK, so buy them back at fair market value. Oh, and hire people to accept them and dispose of them properly- and maybe some more police to make sure they don’t just turn around and sell them on the black market. If we can spend billions to subsidize profitable businesses and military adventures overseas surely we can spend a paltry few billion to save our children. Of course there is precious little interest in saving, caring for or educating our children under the current regime… OK, that was a cheap shot. Doesn’t mean it’s not true.
OK, we have established a pool of money to buy back the guns. How do we find them, who is going to do it, and what do we do if people aren’t inclined to volunteer them? Go door to door and forcibly search houses without a warrant or probable cause? We’re going to need more police. A lot more police. Maybe we should encourage children to rat out their parents? Pay rewards for people to turn in friends and family members? Yeah, that’s totally the precedent we need in this society. That won’t piss people off enough to cause acts of violence and rebellion.
Oh, and since those police will be looking for people with assault rifles they are going to need military grade body armor, flash grenades and what? Say it with me now… assault rifles. Not a fan of ‘militarized’ police? Tough- because that’s what it will take.
‘But law abiding citizens will turn them in!’ Yep, some will- but some will consider keeping them an act of civil disobedience; we have a long and storied history of this in America. You’re going to have to track those people down, take their guns, arrest them and put them in jail. People will get shot. Some of them will be formerly law-abiding citizens responding to what they perceive as an injustice and government overreach. Some of them will be cops. Everyone that dies will be someone’s child, someone’s parent, sibling or spouse. It’s going to be a mess. But in the end we will get most of them.
Congratulations- but we’ll still be living in a toxic society that breeds spree killers- and we cannot ban household chemicals, fertilizer, fuel, laundry detergent, pressure cookers, plumbing pipe, trucks and cars, machetes (which have been used as a weapon of mass-destruction in Africa,) and all the hundreds of other items that can be used to kill a lot of people in a hurry… but we will have the militarized police to try, and we’ll have to do something with all those militarized cops…
Yeah, this will end well.
Maybe it would be simpler to find ways to keep people from wanting to kill a bunch of people in a hurry… like studying and dealing with the real causes of the problem.
Let me add this disclaimer- when it comes to this sort of rifle I can take ’em or leave ’em. I’m not a crusader for them, I don’t love them and haven’t made a hobby- let alone a lifestyle- of them. My main concern with banning them is that it will give too many people the illusion that they have done something useful to address the problem without actually accomplishing anything useful.
The governor of Colorado, John Hickenlooper, a died in the wool liberal democrat, stated that since he legalized the sale of marijuana, the opioid use has gone down 6 percent, his statistics! Of course this is coming from another lying politician to cover his ass for the increase in drug usage, increase in crime, increase in traffic deaths, need I say more?!
Folks, as we all know, the Democrats and Liberals always use fear as a way to forward their agenda's!! Never offering any concrete evidence and always denying what is fact!


Internal Lock Polishing: $45.xx. CVA/Traditions/Siler/L&R locks only. I will polish all moving/mating surfaces and lock plate for a smooth grit free feel. This speeds up lock time and makes it butter smooth.
Trigger Polishing: $20.xx. Work would include the internals of the lock, the double set triggers MUST be polished fora smooth crisp, grit free feel!
Accuracy Bedding: $60.xx. Needed just like a center fire, your wood stock muzzle loader is actually prone to the tang screw/s loosening due to the weaker wood actually pulling the metal parts up and into the wood under heavy recoil! Loose tang screws are a dead giveaway of this happening only after a few shots, killing your accuracy.
Wet Weather soaking your wood stock also is a common problem. "In order to do the job correctly you will have to send your complete muzzle loader so I can bed all parts as one for the best accuracy possible."
Coning the Muzzle: $35.xx. This procedure in present day is known as "coning”. It was known in the 19th century as a "relieved" muzzle and also as a "funneled" muzzle. Once the rifle has been “coned” it can be loaded rather easily without using the short starter.
Barrel Browning: $65.xx. I use nothing but the best to brown all muzzle loader barrels. It’s a slow process which generally takes 3 to 5 days to complete properly. This included sights, tang, screws, etc. If it deals with the barrel/attachment. It is included in the price.
Browning Accessories: Contact for price! Butt plate, trigger guard, nose cap, patch box, Etc. Just let me know what all you have and I will work on a price for you.
Stock Refinish: $125.xx. Have an old beauty of a muzzle loader but the stock is looking a little beat up? No problem! All finishes are hand rubbed from the low gloss, matte to high mirror gloss, I can do it in whatever finish you want. Walnut normally does NOT get stained unless the owner wants it reddish or almost black. Good walnut normally never needs staining.
Brush the Brass: $25.xx. To rid that beautiful rifle of yours and that ugly shiny cheap looking brass, I can also provide a Brushed look to your rifles furniture that will age nicely and cut that cheap shininess out! Stop scaring game with that mirror! It’s a hunting rifle, not a beauty pageant!
NOTE: For additional information on our services, please contact the following email address:
REGISTER with the folks at Frontier Muzzleloading and view the thousands of interesting articles!!
NOTE: This article and many other interesting articles can also be found at the BACKWOODSMAN MAGAZINE.
Click the pic on the right
to view/buy the great patch lube and rust inhibitors! Black powder info on the perfect load and bullet for your muzzleloader! This site is loaded with great tips for the black powder enthusiast!! A really great forum for all, hunting, muzzle loaders, black powder, ballistics and a great deal more. Also a great new patch lube that keeps your barrel from rusting - check it out! FREE CLASSIFIEDS! JOIN THE FUN TODAY!
- “ This gun is liberty; hold for certain that the day when you no more have it, you will be returned to slavery.”
The BuckSkinners
Tools and Supplies: A rasp, coarse and fine files, needle files, scraper, drill, hacksaw, wood-saw, various grades of sand paper and coarse and fine steel wool are all that is necessary to create a powder horn. A disc sander and Dremel tool are useful as well.

The Horn: The horn may be from either a cow or buffalo (bison). Cow horns can come in various colors ranging from whites and cream to browns, greenish-grey and black. Buffalo horns are ebony black in color. Horns which are curved in a single plane are best because they can be worn on either the left or right side. Horns which have a slight curve in a second plane can be acceptable but make sure it curve matches the side you intend to wear the horn on. Horns which are corkscrew shaped should be avoided for making powder horns.
Trimming the Base: The first step in working a buffalo horn is to remove the lowest part of the base where it flares out and is attached to the buffalo’s skull. This portion of the horn really can’t be used as it tends to be much thinner that the rest of the horn, and it would be difficult to incorporate this shape in the construction of the powder horn. Try to cut off this flared portion as close to perpendicular to the horn axis at the base as possible. A fine toothed saw, such as a hack-saw, or band-saw works well for this task.
NOTE: For complete instructions with clear informational image go to THE BUCKSKINNERS.
- Share your stories and opinions with us.....Submit Article
- Drug addiction reduces a man to a mindless and ridiculous thing, and creates social parasites and criminals...
The above states DO NOT recognize any other states concealed carry permits! Until they change their SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST agenda's, We at the MountainGnome ask you the hunter, fisherman, sportsman to spend your money elsewhere!

Folks, here are some great books to read, while relaxing in the evening........

Present Day
by William W. Johnstone with J.A. Johnstone
"God--Their God"
NYPD detective John Ward is all for religious freedom, but when he tries to bust a street vendor peddling phony Rolexes, he's suspended from the force--the latest casualty of political correctness. He decides to leaves the city and visit his ex-wife and daughter in Colorado. When he arrives in the peaceful town of Basalt, he makes a shocking discovery: certain foreigners are taking over, buying up buildings, purchasing land, setting up training camps and planning. . .what?
With Liberty And Justice For None
Like an army, they've descended on the town. They've set up their homes like military barracks, forcing their way of life on the community and bending our laws against us. Ward doesn't like the looks of it. And the deeper he digs, the closer he gets to the truth: The enemy is here, on American soil. And if we don't stand and fight--like our nation's forefathers--we can kiss freedom goodbye.
NOTE: Most folks don't think this could ever happen...just vote for another Liberal like Obama and see what happens!
NOTE:Folks, every book I review on The MountainGnome, I have read and give my honest opinion. This book is excellent reading and exciting (IMO)!
J2 Pod Engine Sound Effects Kit

Just Released!!
Introducing our Amazing New Life Force light and sound kit for the Pegasus model #9006 "War of the Worlds" Tripods ATACK diorama. The menacing Tripods set the city on fire with amazing lights and sounds!! We bring the Box Art to Life!! Check out the Video and Photos. :)
Starling proudly introduces our latest E/FX™ Life Force Light and Sound kit for the Pegasus model# 9006 "War of the Worlds" Tripods ATACK diorama. One awesome animation effect I am very excited to release, makes a stunning display:)
The menacing machines are attacking the entire planet, and one particular city has been set ablaze by 2 Tripods.!!
We've brought the box art to life :) Effect features fire and smoke on building and foundations. Both tripods are lit purple with white spotlights. One tripod has actively lit collection baskets while the other one fires lasers that have reactive fire on the street!! Sounds of Tripods sounding their Horns, screaming crowds, breaking glass and rubble, and synchronized lasers with sound, along with tripod walking sounds.
Two modes are included: Active animation mode with sounds, interactive laser fire via push-button. Quiet mode: all lighting animation without the sound.
Built with top quality components for longevity. Powered by 4.5v battery holder or optional wall adapter.
Our detailed instructions take you through the entire build with many photos and we'll show you how to camoflauge the switches:)
For the #9005 WOTW Tripod light and sound kit, please visit here.
2005 War of the Worlds Tripods ATTACK HD Video!
NEED SOME GREAT LIGHTING EFFECTS AND AWESOME SOUND EFFECTS?! Starling Technologies Products Brings Your Projects To Life! For all of you MODEL BUILDERS we provide many types of services and products for the modeler and hobbyist! Star Wars - Star Trek - War Of The Worlds and many, many others! If you're looking to enhance your Sci Fi models try their latest custom built and fully assembled L.E.D. Boards. STARLING TECHNOLOGIES™ is constantly creating new and innovative product lines for model builders worldwide! You can also get these boards in kit form for the more advanced builder. We sell worldwide! A MUST SEE!!
- Facebook is not your friend, it is a surveillance engine!

Experience the thrill of stalking a 7 x 7 Bull Elk or bagging that elusive Trophy Whitetail Buck. Nestled in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains in Missouri, High Adventure Ranch offers all of the excitement of western big game hunting without the costs and hassles.
If you are looking for a truly All-Inclusive Hunting Package, you have come to the right place. Our normal hunting packages include (2) nights and (3) days lodging in our hunting lodge or in a private cabin, three home cooked meals a day, guaranteed hunting license, guide fee which includes field cleaning AND full meat processing (hand cut, vacuum packed and stored in walk-in cooler). From the time we greet you at our gate, to the time when you leave our ranch with your fully processed meat, we handle every aspect of your hunt.
NOTE: We will no longer suggest Colorado, or any other state that legalized the sale of illegal drugs, as a hunting, skiing, vacation destination without warning you of the consequences!
Due to the legalization of drugs in the state: increases in crime, drug related shootings, increasing traffic deaths, increasing hit & run incidents, we feel your vacations are better spent elsewhere!!
Congress voted to allow your internet service providers to sell your online activity to advertisers – here’s the simplest way to prevent that from happening.
Goodbye Internet Privacy, Hello Anonymous VPNs: How To Keep Your Browser History Private
Every week read about the latest developments in privacy software for the home, internet, e-mail..etc..Is the government sticking their noses to far into your private life? Find out more...
Software, Articles, Web Sites and Tips helping YOU protect your PRIVACY!!
BASICS OF CRYPTOGRAPHY - Download or view this manual.
The best free privacy software 2017!
Online privacy is a hot topic, with even world leaders weighing in on the subject. Many of the big-name websites and companies will track your activities to deliver targeted advertising, and can build up an astonishingly detailed profile including your interests, spending habits, age, location and more.
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See the guide to setting up and maintaining a
You are being watched. Private and state-sponsored organizations are monitoring and recording your online activities. provides knowledge and tools to protect your privacy against global mass surveillance.
Privacy? I don't have anything to hide.
Over the last 16 months, as I've debated this issue around the world, every single time somebody has said to me, "I don't really worry about invasions of privacy because I don't have anything to hide." I always say the same thing to them. I get out a pen, I write down my email address. I say, "Here's my email address. What I want you to do when you get home is email me the passwords to all of your email accounts, not just the nice, respectable work one in your name, but all of them, because I want to be able to just troll through what it is you're doing online, read what I want to read and publish whatever I find interesting. After all, if you're not a bad person, if you're doing nothing wrong, you should have nothing to hide." Not a single person has taken me up on that offer.
Glenn Greenwald in Why privacy matters - TED Talk
Global Mass Surveillance - The Fourteen Eyes
The UKUSA Agreement is an agreement between the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand to cooperatively collect, analyze, and share intelligence. Members of this group, known as the Five Eyes, focus on gathering and analyzing intelligence from different parts of the world. While Five Eyes countries have agreed to not spy on each other as adversaries, leaks by Snowden have revealed that some Five Eyes members monitor each other’s citizens and share intelligence to avoid breaking domestic laws that prohibit them from spying on their own citizens. The Five Eyes alliance also cooperates with groups of third party countries to share intelligence (forming the Nine Eyes and Fourteen Eyes), however Five Eyes and third party countries can and do spy on each other.
NOTE: Visit the site to view some very interesting data on how private citizens are subject to mass surveillance in not only the U.S.A. but many other countries! CLICK HERE
NOTE: Folks, as of today, TOR is the best of the best for your PRIVATE internet browsing! No one has been able to equal this program!

Have a special recipe you want to share?
Please e-mail us at
Makes 6 servings
- 1/2 (16-oz.) package cellentani pasta
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 1 medium onion, diced
- 1 green bell pepper, diced
- 1 (10-oz.) can diced tomatoes and green chiles
- 1 (8-oz.) package pasteurized prepared cheese product, cubed
- 3 cups chopped cooked chicken
- 1 (10 3/4-oz.) can cream of chicken soup
- 1/2 cup sour cream
- 1 teaspoon chili powder
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1 1/2 cups (6 oz.) shredded Cheddar cheese
- 1. Preheat oven to 350°. Prepare pasta according to package directions.
- 2. Meanwhile, melt butter in a large Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add onion and bell pepper, and sauté 5 minutes or until tender. Stir in tomatoes and green chiles and prepared cheese product; cook, stirring constantly, 2 minutes or until cheese melts. Stir in chicken, next 4 ingredients, and hot cooked pasta until blended. Spoon mixture into a lightly greased 10-inch cast-iron skillet or 11- x 7-inch baking dish; sprinkle with shredded Cheddar cheese.
- 3. Bake at 350° for 25 to 30 minutes or until bubbly.
- There are tens of millions of gun owners in this country, and not one of them will have an accident today. The only misuse of guns comes in environments where there are drugs, alcohol, bad parents, and undisciplined children. Period...