NOTE: We reserve the right to reject content that we consider unacceptable to our site.
- At the heart of liberalism really is a HATRED for God and a belief that government should replace God....Just Ask KATHY GRIFFIN!
Elk Buglers, Elk Teeth, Buffalo teeth, Bear Claws!
Please email with a price. NO REPRODUCTIONS!
The MountainGnome will be giving away one free pre-owned book weekly.
We will be picking one name from all readers who sign our guest book.
This weeks free book is THE SHACK - By Wm. Paul Young.

MountainGnome Guest Book
NEW! The MountainGnome has installed a FORUM for all of our readers and visitors!
Discussions on everything OUTDOORS.
Modern Firearms, Muzzle Loaders, Modern & Traditional Hunting, Fishing, Bow Hunting, Camping.
You can bring a new topic, bring some useful information for all.
- The ACLU… African Citizens Liberties Union, the Most Racist Organization in America - Amy Irene White
by Charles Hurt - The Washington Times
It’s not like they leave much room for doubt about how much contempt they hold for military service and the immeasurable sacrifice that comes with it.
Two of the Democratic Party’s last three nominees for president voted to send our troops to die and be maimed in a war they later determined was not worth it. For both John Kerry in 2004 and Hillary Clinton in 2016, that change of heart came just as soon as it became politically advantageous for them to cut and run.
President Obama, meanwhile, built his entire political career around promises to end the war in Iraq and withdraw all of our troops from harm’s way. Of course, he completely failed to deliver on that promise — but not before managing to give up so much hard-fought territory won by the blood and guts of our brave men and women.

Oh, and in the process he also managed to spawn a whole new terror network the likes of which this world has never seen before.
Thanks, Obama.
Now comes the fearless widow Carryn Owens, whose Navy Seal husband was the first American casualty under President Trump as Commander-in-Chief. The two-minute standing ovation she braved during Mr. Trump’s speech to a joint session of Congress this week surely made her husband just as proud of her as the entire nation is of him.
Hers were certainly tears of pain and prayers of agony. But they were also tears of fortitude. And prayers of an enduring spirit.
Carryn Owens, and her husband, Ryan, are the absolute best America has to offer. To send people like them into war for anything short of a mission absolutely worth it is a desecration of their sacrifices and a total dereliction of duty.
Any politician who makes that mistake should be hounded from public office forever. They should be forced to spend the rest of their lives cleaning bed pans in VA hospitals — except that service is a calling too noble for such low, selfish and thoughtless vermin.
You would think that someone as beautiful and strong and brave as Carryn Owens would be something above partisan hackery. Wrong.
Leftwing television gasbags pounced on the widow. The chronically unfunny HBO yapper Bill Maher called the moment that America wept with Carryn Owens “gross” and “shameful.”
“I wish she hadn’t allowed herself to be used as his prop like that.” Get that? Sliming Donald Trump is not enough for this singular dirt bag. He has to slime her to and treat her like some mindless dolt incapable of her own self-determination.
The incurable arrogance and stupidity of these people knows no bounds.
CLICK HERE to read the rest of this story!
Hornady Cuts Ties with New York Agencies After Government’s Anti-Gun Attack
Springfield Armory Goes Dickless… (Cuts Ties w/ Sporting Goods Retailer)
Mossberg Joins Springfield, Cuts Dick’s Off
Academy Takes Rifles Off Display, Daniel Defense to Sever Ties
The governor of Colorado, John Hickenlooper, a died in the wool liberal democrat, stated that since he legalized the sale of marijuana, the opioid use has gone down 6 percent, his statistics! Of course this is coming from another lying politician to cover his ass for the increase in drug usage, increase in crime, increase in traffic deaths, need I say more?!
Dear readers, the LEFT WING LIBERALS will be the destruction of this great nation! They do everything in their power to discredit and blame this great Country for the ills of the world!


Internal Lock Polishing: $45.xx. CVA/Traditions/Siler/L&R locks only. I will polish all moving/mating surfaces and lock plate for a smooth grit free feel. This speeds up lock time and makes it butter smooth.
Trigger Polishing: $20.xx. Work would include the internals of the lock, the double set triggers MUST be polished fora smooth crisp, grit free feel!
Accuracy Bedding: $60.xx. Needed just like a center fire, your wood stock muzzle loader is actually prone to the tang screw/s loosening due to the weaker wood actually pulling the metal parts up and into the wood under heavy recoil! Loose tang screws are a dead giveaway of this happening only after a few shots, killing your accuracy.
Wet Weather soaking your wood stock also is a common problem. "In order to do the job correctly you will have to send your complete muzzle loader so I can bed all parts as one for the best accuracy possible."
Coning the Muzzle: $35.xx. This procedure in present day is known as "coning”. It was known in the 19th century as a "relieved" muzzle and also as a "funneled" muzzle. Once the rifle has been “coned” it can be loaded rather easily without using the short starter.
Barrel Browning: $65.xx. I use nothing but the best to brown all muzzle loader barrels. It’s a slow process which generally takes 3 to 5 days to complete properly. This included sights, tang, screws, etc. If it deals with the barrel/attachment. It is included in the price.
Browning Accessories: Contact for price! Butt plate, trigger guard, nose cap, patch box, Etc. Just let me know what all you have and I will work on a price for you.
Stock Refinish: $125.xx. Have an old beauty of a muzzle loader but the stock is looking a little beat up? No problem! All finishes are hand rubbed from the low gloss, matte to high mirror gloss, I can do it in whatever finish you want. Walnut normally does NOT get stained unless the owner wants it reddish or almost black. Good walnut normally never needs staining.
Brush the Brass: $25.xx. To rid that beautiful rifle of yours and that ugly shiny cheap looking brass, I can also provide a Brushed look to your rifles furniture that will age nicely and cut that cheap shininess out! Stop scaring game with that mirror! It’s a hunting rifle, not a beauty pageant!
NOTE: For additional information on our services, please contact the following email address:
REGISTER with the folks at Frontier Muzzleloading and view the thousands of interesting articles!!
NOTE: This article and many other interesting articles can also be found at the BACKWOODSMAN MAGAZINE.
Click the pic on the right
to view/buy the great patch lube and rust inhibitors! Black powder info on the perfect load and bullet for your muzzleloader! This site is loaded with great tips for the black powder enthusiast!! A really great forum for all, hunting, muzzle loaders, black powder, ballistics and a great deal more. Also a great new patch lube that keeps your barrel from rusting - check it out! FREE CLASSIFIEDS! JOIN THE FUN TODAY!
- “911 - Government sponsored Dial-a-Prayer."
Custom made .45cal Under Hammer Bench Rifle, Walnut stock, beautiful trigger and bore! Bore is pristine.
The action is custom made, so no name or makes on it.
Barrel, Converted 45-70 that is 30.5" long and 1 1/8" across the flats. 1:22 twist
Barrel Markings:
The rifle shoots lights out! 60-70 grains Pyrodex P, 460gr No excuse bullets are the only conical bullets I've shot so far but am now unable to handle recoil due to neck issues.
Rifle weighs just under 14lbs
A great looking, feeling and shooting rifle! I will never see another like it, but I have to start letting some rifles goes.
$400.00 SHIPPED
Comment From The MountainGnome: Folks, as you know the most important tool for the back woodsman/mountainman is his muzzleloader!
- Share your stories and opinions with us.....Submit Article
- "Only a government that is afraid of its citizens tries to control them!"
The above states DO NOT recognize any other states concealed carry permits! Until they change their SOCIALIST/COMMUNIST agenda's, we at the MountainGnome ask you the hunter, fisherman, sportsman to spend your money elsewhere!

Folks, here are some great books to read, while relaxing in the evening........

by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. (Author)
Donald Trump beat 16 Republican challengers and Hillary Rodham Clinton to win the presidency. Now he must beat the Deep State to keep his presidency. Here's how!
#1 New York Times bestselling author of UNFIT FOR COMMAND and THE OBAMA NATION Jerome Corsi uncovers the secret conspiracy to destroy the Trump presidency and what Trump must do now to prevail.
The truth behind how well-funded hard-left extremists, the mainstream media, and Obama/Clinton holdovers in the government bureaucracy have combined with clandestine forces within the US intelligence apparatus – the “Deep State” -- to block and undermine Trump’s every move. At 2:45 a.m. ET on Nov. 8, 2016, television networks announced to a stunned nation that Pennsylvania’s 20 electoral had gone for Donald Trump, making him the president-elect of the United States, defying all odds in a surreal victory that sent the Deep State into an immediate sense of panic.
By dawn on Nov. 9, 2016, the Deep State forces that expected Hillary Clinton to continue the leftist politics of Barack Obama were already planning Donald Trump’s demise.
What emerged from the hard left was a political strategy calculated to block Donald Trump from being inaugurated, and if that failed, to make sure Donald Trump would not long serve out his term as 45th President of the United States.
Investigative journalist and conspiracy expert Jerome Corsi goes into shocking detail about how this Deep State or Shadow Government secretly wields power in Washington, and why the Deep State is dangerous – capable of assassinating Trump, if efforts to impeach him or to force him to resign fail.
Corsi will also define a three-point strategy Trump -- as a political independent, opposed both by Democratic Party enemies and GOP establishment -- must employ to stay in office and have a chance of a successful first term in office.
NOTE: Folks, every book I review on The MountainGnome, I have read and give my honest opinion. This book is excellent reading IMO)!
Robby The Robot Life Force!!
Custom Built in the USA.

Kits available for the Masudaya 16" & 24" Robby as well as the X-PLUS Robby.
Bring your POL810 1/12 scale Polar Lights Robby to Life with the Robby the Robot Life Force Plug-N-Play LED and Sound Effect Kit. The kit includes a High Quality sound board with 14 famous phrases synced to a flashing blue LED. Blinking lights are included for Blue "Weapons Neutralizers" as well as white LEDs for the "Analyzer Disk Beta" on robbies chest panel. Includes steady lit LEDs for various areas of Robby.
Just plug in some connectors, battery, and slide power switch on, no soldering required. This is as simple as a Lighting kit can be.
Install Circuit boards in the stand that is provided with your model or create a custom stand.
Photo etch kit from ParaGrafix will help to accurize your Robby. Click Here.
Robby model in video and Photos are not included in effect kit, they are for demonstration only.
NEED SOME GREAT LIGHTING EFFECTS AND AWESOME SOUND EFFECTS?! Starling Technologies Products Brings Your Projects To Life! For all of you MODEL BUILDERS we provide many types of services and products for the modeler and hobbyist! Star Wars - Star Trek - War Of The Worlds and many, many others! If you're looking to enhance your Sci Fi models try their latest custom built and fully assembled L.E.D. Boards. STARLING TECHNOLOGIES™ is constantly creating new and innovative product lines for model builders worldwide! You can also get these boards in kit form for the more advanced builder. We sell worldwide! A MUST SEE!!
- "When you remove the people's right to bear arms, you create slaves."

Port of Cozumel
Although Cozumel is Mexico's largest Caribbean island (and its most populated), it wasn't until the 1960's that this once-sleepy fishing village became a tourist attraction in its own right, following a documentary in which Jacques Cousteau declared it one of the most beautiful areas in the world for scuba diving. These days, Cozumel is a major cruise port that welcomes more than one million cruise passengers each year and as many as eight ships per day. But even with all this progress, Cozumel has held onto its non-touristy side; only one-third of the island has been developed, leaving large stretches of pristine jungle and sandy beaches basically untouched.
SAFETY NOTE: Friends as with any vacation to the Caribbean, stay to high traffic areas! At night stay within your resort. Crime rates are high for robberies, assault and murder. However, just use common sense and you will have a fantastic time!!
Folks, if you have never taken a cruise, you are missing a great deal. Adventure, relaxing, educational and just plain enjoyable! There are many cruise lines, try them all! You'll be happy you did.
NOTE: We will no longer suggest Colorado, or any other state that legalized the sale of illegal drugs, as a hunting, skiing, vacation destination without warning you of the consequences!
Due to the legalization of drugs in the state: increases in crime, drug related shootings, increasing traffic deaths, increasing hit & run incidents, we feel your vacations are better spent elsewhere!!
7 Signs That Big Brother Is Watching You!
by David Gorodyansky
You’re being watched, listened to and monitored through your computer, phone and even TV. And it doesn’t stop there. You’re being told what to eat and what to buy. Whether you know it or not, Big Brother is watching — and here are seven signs that tell you how.
“Smart” televisions: they’re watching you watching them!
In the future, Big Brother won’t need to enter your home to bug your conversations, you’ll willingly do it yourself. Well, guess what — the future is now. “Smart” web-connected TVs are here. They recognize your face, listen to your voice, and send information to third parties. Of course, it is possible to disable data collection, but that immobilizes many of the high-tech functions, leaving consumers with a choice of keeping up with technology or keeping their information private.
Samsung apparently warned customers about discussing their personal information in front of their smart television set, says the BBC. But the warning applied to viewers who control their Samsung Smart TV by using the voice activation feature.
Samsung is not the first smart, net-connected TV to run into problems with data collection. According to the BBC, LG TVs also have smart capabilities that gather and process information via a third party.
Every week read about the latest developments in privacy software for the home, internet, e-mail..etc..Is the government sticking their noses to far into your private life? Find out more...
Software, Articles, Web Sites and Tips helping YOU protect your PRIVACY!!
BASICS OF CRYPTOGRAPHY - Download or view this manual.
The Ultimate Online Privacy Guide!
Edward Snowden’s NSA spying revelations highlighted just how much we have sacrificed to the gods of technology and convenience something we used to take for granted, and once considered a basic human right – our privacy.
It is not just the NSA. Governments the world over are racing to introduce legislation that allows to them to monitor and store every email, phone call and Instant Message, every web page visited, and every VoIP conversation made by every single one of their citizens.
The press have bandied parallels with George Orwell’s dystopian world ruled by an all-seeing Big Brother about a great deal. They are depressingly accurate.
Encryption provides a highly effective way to protect your internet behavior, communications, and data. The main problem with using encryption is that its use flags you up to organizations such as the NSA for closer scrutiny.
Details of the NSA’s data collection rules are here. What it boils down to is that the NSA examines data from US citizens, then discards it if it’s found to be uninteresting. Encrypted data, on the other hand, is stored indefinitely until the NSA can decrypt it.
The NSA can keep all data relating to non-US citizens indefinitely, but practicality suggests that encrypted data gets special attention.
If a lot more people start to use encryption, then encrypted data will stand out less, and surveillance organizations’ job of invading everyone’s privacy will be much harder. Remember – anonymity is not a crime!
You are being watched. Private and state-sponsored organizations are monitoring and recording your online activities. provides knowledge and tools to protect your privacy against global mass surveillance.
Privacy? I don't have anything to hide.
Over the last 16 months, as I've debated this issue around the world, every single time somebody has said to me, "I don't really worry about invasions of privacy because I don't have anything to hide." I always say the same thing to them. I get out a pen, I write down my email address. I say, "Here's my email address. What I want you to do when you get home is email me the passwords to all of your email accounts, not just the nice, respectable work one in your name, but all of them, because I want to be able to just troll through what it is you're doing online, read what I want to read and publish whatever I find interesting. After all, if you're not a bad person, if you're doing nothing wrong, you should have nothing to hide." Not a single person has taken me up on that offer.
Glenn Greenwald in Why privacy matters - TED Talk
Global Mass Surveillance - The Fourteen Eyes
The UKUSA Agreement is an agreement between the United Kingdom, United States, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand to cooperatively collect, analyze, and share intelligence. Members of this group, known as the Five Eyes, focus on gathering and analyzing intelligence from different parts of the world. While Five Eyes countries have agreed to not spy on each other as adversaries, leaks by Snowden have revealed that some Five Eyes members monitor each other’s citizens and share intelligence to avoid breaking domestic laws that prohibit them from spying on their own citizens. The Five Eyes alliance also cooperates with groups of third party countries to share intelligence (forming the Nine Eyes and Fourteen Eyes), however Five Eyes and third party countries can and do spy on each other.
NOTE: Visit the site to view some very interesting data on how private citizens are subject to mass surveillance in not only the U.S.A. but many other countries! CLICK HERE
NOTE: Folks, as of today, TOR is the best of the best for your PRIVATE internet browsing! No one has been able to equal this program!

Have a special recipe you want to share?
Please e-mail us at
by Charlyne Mattox
This hearty dish is proof that soup never goes out of season!
- 2 tbsp. olive oil
- 6 oz. fully cooked andouille sausage, sliced
- 2 small leeks, white and light green parts only, sliced
- 1 small fennel bulb, chopped
- 2 garlic cloves, chopped
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 small pinch saffron (optional)
- 1/3 c. dry white wine
- 1 (28-ounce) can diced tomatoes
- 2 (8-ounce) bottles clam juice
- 1 lb. mussels, scrubbed and debearded
- 1/2 lb. peeled and deveined medium shrimp
- 1/2 lb. skinless flaky white fish (such as bass, halibut, or cod), cut into 1-inch pieces
- 2 tbsp. chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
- Kosher salt
- Freshly ground black pepper
1.) Heat oil in a large copper pot or Dutch oven over medium heat. Add sausage, leeks, and fennel. Cook, stirring occasionally, until tender, 4 to 6 minutes. Add garlic, bay leaf, and saffron (if desired). Cook, stirring constantly, 30 seconds. Add wine and cook until syrupy, 1 to 2 minutes.
2.) Increase heat to medium-high. Add tomatoes and cook, stirring occasionally, until thickened, 9 to 10 minutes. Add clam juice and 3 cups water; bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium and add mussels; cook 3 minutes. Add shrimp and fish.
3.) Cook until mussels, shrimp, and fish are cooked through, 3 to 4 minutes. Discard bay leaf. Stir in parsley. Season with salt and pepper. Serve immediately.
For more great recipes come back soon!
- "To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens." – Adolf Hitler