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PURCHASE YOUR RAFFLE TICKETS BELOW Additional tickets can be purchased @ $2.00 each Event Dates: Jan. 31 - Feb. 07, 2022 ************* Early Setup: Jan. 28, 2022 ![]() See Sidebar For More Information. Rendezvous Flyer |
![]() ALL PRODUCT CUSTOM MADE IN THE USA. Starling has just about any light & sound kits you will need for any of your models. Make your models come to life with Starling Technologies kits. DON'T SEE WHAT YOU NEED? WE CAN BUILD A CUSTOM KIT FOR YOUR PROJECT! |
Starling Technologies Products Brings Your Projects To Life! For all of you MODEL BUILDERS we provide many types of services and products for the modeler and hobbyist! Star Wars - Star Trek - War Of The Worlds and many, many others! If you're looking to enhance your Sci Fi models try their latest custom built and fully assembled L.E.D. Boards. STARLING TECHNOLOGIES™ is constantly creating new and innovative product lines for model builders worldwide! You can also get these boards in kit form for the more advanced builder.
We sell worldwide! A MUST SEE!!
Folks, please be patient. We are going to be acquiring more products in the near future, including long guns, period clothing, custom made accessories like possibles bags, scabbards, bullet starters, ball bags, etc. Products are all custom made here in Colorado. Please check back often. |
Click the pic on the right
to view/buy the great Patch Lubes, Rust Inhibitors, Felt Wads, custom made Buffalo Powder Horns, Muzzleloaders, and many Accessories! Black powder info on the perfect load and bullet for your muzzleloader! This site is loaded with great tips for the black powder enthusiast!! Plus a really great Forum for all, hunting, muzzle loaders, black powder, ballistics and a great deal more. Also a great new patch lube that keeps your barrel from rusting - check it out! FREE CLASSIFIEDS! JOIN THE FUN TODAY!
Elk Buglers, Elk Teeth, Buffalo teeth, Bison Horn Caps! Vintage and New/Used MuzzleLoaders Please email for a quote or your asking price! |
News-Gear-Modern & Traditional Muzzleloading-Modern Firearms-Ammo
![]() These days, it does seem a bit strange that many of the muzzleloading seasons are still referred to as the "black powder seasons", and muzzleloading guns are commonly referred to as "black powder guns". That stems from muzzleloaders, as we once knew them, being developed around loading and shooting that explosive mixture of sulfur, potassium nitrate and charcoal - a.k.a. black powder. While the growth in the number of muzzleloading hunters in this country has slowed down considerably since the muzzleloading boom of the 1980's and 1990's, there are still somewhere in the neighborhood of 3- to 3 1/2-million muzzleloading hunters in the U.S., and several hundred thousand more across Canada. Even so, the fact is, very, very few of them actually could be called "black powder burners". The majority of North America's muzzleloading hunters came into the sport in order to take part in the special muzzleloader big game seasons being established in the U.S. and Canada - and likely as much as 90-percent of these new muzzleloading hunters chose the newer in-line rifle models over the traditionally styled reproductions of flintlock and percussion rifles from the late 1800's and early 1900's. They also went with more modern powders - first with Hodgdon's Pyrodex, and then moved on to Triple Seven...and recently more have moved on to another modern black powder substitute - Blackhorn 209 Continued... ![]() 2,000 feet per second, Zero over-penetration to date, and 30% less recoil makes the Torch™ the ideal round for people who prioritize effectiveness, safety, and stability. Torch™ ammunition penetrates barriers, but when it hits a soft target, the bullet explodes into a starburst pattern transferring 100% of its energy, creating devasting trauma and multiple wound channels and greatly reducing over-penetration. Check the specs on thier web site... ![]() Many muzzleloader seasons open during the best days of the year, and they can be your best chance at bagging a big buck. States like Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia and Oklahoma open during the heat of the rut. Midwest powerhouses like Iowa, Illinois, Ohio and Missouri have late-season opportunities in December and January. But just because there’s a gun in your hand doesn’t mean you’re carrying a modern firearm. Follow these 12 tips to become a better muzzleloader hunter. (1.) Choose the Right Gun Muzzleloaders are like shoes. The best options are custom fit to you. Things from terrain to shooting skills to budget are factors when selecting the right gun. Get a muzzleloader with the proper length of pull for you, a trigger that you like, and that’s of a comfortable weight and barrel length for your style of hunting. Here are a few good options. Thompson Center Triumph Bone Collector: Best suited for those who want a great do-all muzzleloader. Traditions Vortek StrikerFire: Best suited for those wanting a full-featured firearm CVA Accura Prairie Rifle (PR): Best suited for hunts where a longer barrel is necessary. CVA Wolf: Best suited for hunters on a budget. These chairs are great for rendezvous, camping, etc. Compact and easy to setup. FEATURED UPCOMING RENDEZVOUS We will only feature Mountain Man Rendezvous that are scheduled for at least "3" days. For Directions go to: RMNR - JULY 09-16, 2021 ![]()
Tale of the Three “Bar”s; Joe Meek and John Hawkins go hunting Griz "There are certain periods when human patience can no longer endure indignity and oppression. The spark of liberty then kindles into a flame..." |
Always be sure to have the means and skills, to start a fire in a survival situation!
![]() ![]() The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies |
TREASURES OF READING ![]() Folks, here are some great books to read...THIS IS A MUST READ! ![]() by William W. Johnstone (Author) ...the natural enemy of every free man is his government When the Jensen family sends a new generation out into the world, they always keep the home fires burning . . . and rifles loaded . . . just in case they bring trouble back with them . . . SHOT THROUGH THE HEART Smoke Jensen’s daughter Denny can outride, outrope, and outshoot any man who gets in her way. But being a pretty woman, Denny sometimes attracts the attention of unsavory suitors. Like the lecherous Count Malatesta. Denny met the seductive Sicilian on her trip to Europe, and almost fell head over heels for the swindler. What’s he doing in America? Seems the heartbreaking hustler has huge gambling debts to pay off, and a deadly scheme to scam money out of the Jensens. But Denny’s got a plan, too . . . to shake off this silver-tongued stalker no matter what it takes, from a ghost town shootout to a blood-soaked showdown at the Sugarloaf Ranch. Alert: Where there’s Smoke, there’s gunfire . . . …Order yours today!". GO TO OUR NEW BOOKS PAGE. LOADED WITH SCORES OF GOOD READING! LIVE FREE......READ HARD..... |
![]() Every week read about the latest developments in privacy software for the home, internet, e-mail..etc..Is the government sticking their noses to far into your private life? Find out more... Software, Articles, Web Sites and Tips helping YOU protect your PRIVACY!! CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE PRIVACY PAGE! |
- " The Second Amendment is in place in case they ignore the others."
![]() Visit Us At: SOUTHERN COLORADO ELECTRONICS WE ALSO BUY USED LAPTOPS. Send images, descriptions, and condition of your laptop for a quote to: |
Visit Us At:
![]() SELLING: U.S. Stamp Collection. VALUE OF COLLECTION: USING SCOTTS CATALOG: $20,500.00 Each stamp is housed in a Scotts stamp mount. Stamps also housed in Mystic Stamps ~ American Heirloom Premium Padded Albums. To View Every Stamp - Condition - Value: See The Entire Report on This PDF File. To "MAKE OFFER" contact: |
Why You Need to Try Black Bear Meat Now ![]() Enjoy this modern recipe for "Hickory Glazed Salmon". Colonial Food during the 17th century was quite different than what we eat today. Religious beliefs, location, and harvest played a role in what was available and how much they ate. In some cases, food was scarce and many early colonists endured possible starvation and malnutrition. As the population increased and colonies became more developed food became less of an issue and each region began to develop their own unique flavors.
Preparation and Cooking Instructions: |
![]() This comment was made by an eBay seller, and if you read the new greed rules by eBay, they win...YOU LOSE! craigkevin Thrill-Seeker 22047 feedbacks 10-15-2020 12:45 PM Beware of following scenario. Buyer claims item not received, though tracking shows it was. Claim immediately ruled in seller favor. Next day buyer supposedly files dispute with financial institution. Ebay asks that you provide tracking, even though you already have. Since the process seemed a bit different than before Managed Payments, I spoke to Ebay CS rep. She told me they forward tracking to the financial institution, but result is out of their hands. What? You follow the stringent Ebay rules so that you think you are protected and this is what you are told? Ebay CS being what it is, I iniiated another phone call, thinking the previous person was typical of the uninformed service in general. This time I was told same thing, and furthermore, if found in buyer's favor, a $20.00 fee is assessed to seller. Again, I say, WHAT? You follow the rules, and they hang you out to dry? Two thoughts: 1. Prior to MP this would not happen. When Paypal managed payments and this happened, they covered you with their Seller Protection. Ebay is not. 2. Not only is ebay not protecting you here, they are actually charging you $20.00 if the case goes buyer's way!!! Let that sink in. Buyer gets item and money returned. Ebay collects fees plus $20.00 for their involvement. You, seller, get screwed. This is simply legalized theft! NOTE FROM MG: I read the eBay new rules, and you the seller are going to get nailed for everything, especially if you sell or buy outside of eBay, or you don't meet their performance standard, one of many other ways they can take your money.....YOU LOSE. I also quit selling on eBay!!! PAST TO PRESENT
Pemican is the perfect survival food and easy to prepare. It was amazing to me how many years shelf life it has, and the many cooking uses also. By Jas Townsend & Son.