![]() ![]() ![]() Rifle Builds, Information on lubes, bullets, muzzleloaders, maintenance, histories, and so much more... ![]() Firearms, Traps, and Tools of the Mountain Men : A Guide to the Equipment of the Trappers and Fur Traders Who Opened the Old West ![]() Step back in time and learn how to relive the American frontier. Stop by and visit our friends at ![]() |
Elk Buglers, Elk Teeth, Buffalo teeth, Bison Horn Caps! Vintage and New/Used MuzzleLoaders Please email srk48@protonmail.com for a quote or your asking price! |
MODERN & TRADITIONAL MUZZLELOADING ![]() By Traditional Muzzleloader Written descriptions of how the original muzzleloading rifles were loaded are extremely rare and lacking in details. Perhaps no one at the time saw any reason to record such mundane activity. As muzzleloading guns fell out of use in favor of breech loading cartridge rifles what was once common knowledge was simply lost to the passage of time. When the revival of interest in the old muzzleloading rifles occurred myth and folklore filled that void and much of it became accepted practice in the loading and maintenance of these firearms. When interest in muzzleloaders began to exceed the supply of original guns and parts, manufacturers began producing “replicas” of black powder rifles to meet the demand. These manufacturers typically recommend a ball ten thousands of an inch smaller than the bore of the rifle with a patch ten thousands inch thick. For a .50 caliber rifle that would be a ball .490 in diameter and a patch .010 thick. They may also recommend a minimum and maximum amount of powder to load in the gun. These recommendations are considered a safe place to begin but they are usually not the most accurate load. Casual shooters will typically purchase balls of the recommend size along with precut, pre lubricated patches and go shooting. If the accuracy achieved by this loading method meets your expectations you can stop reading here and save yourself much time and effort. On the other hand, you will not see shooters at organized competitions loading their rifles in this fashion. Experienced muzzle loaders who shoot competitively and serious black powder hunters know that muzzle loading rifles are capable of outstanding accuracy and reliability when they are loaded and maintained properly. Finding the most accurate load for a muzzleloading rifle requires an understanding of all the variables involved and a systematic approach for isolating and testing each of those variables. This process is often referred to as “developing a load” or “working up a load”. Continued... Putting Meat On The Table: CVA Accura MR-X ![]() The CVA Accura MR-X Muzzleloader uses the new CVA X-Treme stock with an adjustable comb to fit any shooter and optic selection. This is a great feature to help hunters obtain a proper cheek weld regardless of whether they’re using open sights or a scope. Additionally, the CVA Accura MR-X comes with a Bergara barrel featuring a Nitride AND CeraKote finish on the exterior for even better corrosion resistance than a typical stainless steel barrel. Though it’s not totally corrosion proof, this Nitride and CeraKote finish is still extremely durable and resistant to corrosion, which is especially nice for hunters who live in wet climates. If that weren’t enough, like the Paramount, the 26″ long barrel for the Accura MR-X is free-floated and has a threaded muzzle to accept the new Paramount Muzzle Brake. As you can imagine, these rifles have excellent accuracy potential and are great options for hunters who want great extended range performance without stepping up to the heavier and much more expensive CVA Paramount. In fact, CVA even offers a full money back guarantee for their Accura rifles if they aren’t the most accurate muzzleloaders you’ve ever shot. This is one of the best muzzleloaders CVA currently produces for all around elk and deer hunting and is well suited for hunting hunting whitetail deer east of the Mississippi as well as pronghorn, elk, and mule deer out west. The CVA Accura MR-X comes with a Quake Claw Sling, a Durasight scope rail, an accessory kit, and a carbon fiber collapsible ramrod. Finally, the Accura also has a lot of the same features that make the Wolf a great muzzleloader like the Quick-Release Breech Plug, fully ambidextrous stock, and simple break open action.
Losing The Right To Hunt ...... by Toby bridges ![]() We're closer to losing all opportunities to hunt than many of you may realize. There are many people ... anti-hunting organizations ... and state, federal and global agencies which are hell bent to eliminate hunting. And, yes, some of those "agencies" include a number of so-called "Game & Fish" departments. How they are accomplishing a well funded effort to put an end to hunting just may surprise you. This article shares a look at a new 2022 website which aims to counter the efforts and lies of that anti-hunting movement. Note from MountainGnome Online: We have an old saying in the hunting, farming, and ranching community about these over populated predators..."SSS"!! Continued... ![]() Misconceptions: A talking head on outdoor TV puffs his chest and declares, “Man, the full moon is the worst time to hunt!” Sounds pretty good, and you buy it. Your daddy told you never to overhunt a spot, and you never doubt Pops. Stands to reason that if another hunter tromps too close to your treestand, your day is ruined, right? Uh, no, to all three of the above. Let’s change your thinking on some misguided beliefs about big deer and how to hunt them. 9.) Hunt a buck on his scrape line between feed and bed. I cannot honestly say I have ever shot a buck on his scrape line. I might have, I just don’t know. I’m not even sure scrape lines exist. The more I hunt whitetails in different terrains across the country, the more I believe that scraping is more random and scattered than on some particular line of travel. I don’t scout for scrape lines anymore. From Halloween through Nov. 15 or so, I look for a ridge, draw, or creek bottom pocked with a dozen or so dark, stinky scrapes, along with shiny rubs. I set a stand or blind and sit there a few days. If I don’t spot much, I scout for new scrapes close by. In a study on the rut behavior of wild, hunted bucks, University of Georgia researchers found that while some scrapes go cold overnight, multiple bucks might eagerly paw new scrapes only 100 to 200 yards away. That goes to my theory that scraping is random, a sign of bucks checking various areas for does while venting pent-up sexual energy. Stay flexible and mobile, on the lookout for the next cluster of fresh scrapes. Your odds are much better this way, rather than trying to hunt a buck on a line of scrapes that may or may not exist. PURCHASE THIS ANTIQUE AT BUCKSKINS & BLACK POWDER BLACK POWDER BARREL TWIST RATE BASICS by Black Powder TV |
Modern Firearms For Sale:
![]() As they become available to us and are resonably priced, we will put them up for sale. ![]() A licensed FFL dealer/person will need to email us a copy of their FFL. Payment methods and instructions are found on our FIREARMS SALES PAGE |
FEATURED UPCOMING RENDEZVOUS *** COMING RENDEZVOUS EVENTS *** Contact Us To Add Your Rendezvous Click Image Image Below For Complete Brochure ![]() Click Image Image Below For Complete Brochure ![]() Click Image Image Below For Complete Brochure ![]() ![]() WE ADD NEW RENDEZVOUS AS THEY BECOME AVAILABLE TO US Mountain Men and Life in the Rocky Mountain West Wages & Benefits-Fort Lancaster 1842: The American frontier, said Frederick Jackson Turner, was “the meeting place between savagery and civilization.” "There are certain periods when human patience can no longer endure indignity and oppression. The spark of liberty then kindles into a flame..." |
MODEL BUILDER'S KORNER ![]() ALL PRODUCT CUSTOM MADE IN THE USA. Starling has just about any light & sound kits you will need for any of your models. Make your models come to life with Starling Technologies kits. Don't see what you need? We can design it. CONTACT:stan@starling-tech.com ![]() Custom Built in the USA. For those of you who have put off building your 1/350 KBOP for the right time, your time has finally come. Starling Proudly introduces not only our first complete lighting kit, but the only available Plug-n-Play AMT 1/350 KBOP Lighting kit. We go E/FX™ all the way with this kit. This complete kit features Torpedo sound and visual effect as well as Engine effect, taken from Star Trek III The Search for Spock, mimicking the scene where the KBOP destroys the USS Grissom that is orbiting the Genesis Planet. This is one awesome kit, easy to install with very limited soldering and no electronics skills necessary. You will be able to attach a 9v battery and test the kit right out of the box. Detailed instructions include many photos and techniques on light blocking, drilling windows and installing fiber optics. |
LITERATURE CORNER TREASURES OF READING ![]() Folks, here are some great books to read...THIS IS A MUST READ! Terror In The Ashes by William W. Johnstone (Author), J.A. Johnstone (Author) ![]() After returning law and order to America, the Rebel army sets out to liberate the world in the New York Times–bestselling author’s post-apocalyptic series. Ben Raines and his army have reclaimed America from the savage armies of terrorists, lawless street gangs, and mutant cannibals. Now they have a new mission: to free the British Isles from evil oppression. After establishing a beachhead at the Irish seaport of Galway, Raines orders an armored assault to drive out the warlord Jack Hunt and his army of mercenaries. The Rebels’ search-and-destroy mission crushes enemy resistance . . . but Hunt’s reinforcements include the most hideous foe Ben Raines has yet faced. Raines and his Rebels must choose between saving themselves or sacrificing their cause to save the lives of innocent civilians trapped in a beleaguered land. …Order yours today!". GO TO OUR NEW BOOKS PAGE. LOADED WITH SCORES OF GOOD READING! "There are certain periods when human patience can no longer endure indignity and oppression. The spark of liberty then kindles into a flame..." —In a letter from Samuel Adams to his cousin John Adams, dated October 4, 1790 |
COMFORT FOOD ![]() from The Mount Vernon Inn Restaurant George and Martha Washington welcomed thousands of guests to Mount Vernon and were well known for their boundless hospitality, frequent and memorable parties, and the wide variety of culinary treats served. This was only possible because of the work of enslaved butlers, housemaids, waiters, cooks, and others. Explore recipes and learn more about food culture at Mount Vernon. Enjoy this modern Brunswich Stew recipe.
Serves 8-10 ![]() The New Heirloom Garden by Ellen Ecker Ogden |
U.S.A. GUN WORLD ![]() Everything from Firearms to Muzzleloaders & Accessories - Pistols & Long Guns Hunting Accessories, Clothing, etc. - Latest Hunting Information & Data - Much More! powered by Surfing Waves
U.S. STAMP COLLECTION FOR SALE ![]() Large U.S. Stamp Collection For Sale. Early to Present U.S. Stamps ~ Mostly Mint ~ in 8 Premium American Heirloom Albums! All Stamps in Scott Mounts. Also Comes With Large Quantity Of Over 90% Mint Doubles (Singles & Sheets & Plate Blocks & Souvineer Sheets) 2019 Scott Value Is $20,000 Plus - Not Including All Of The Doubles. I Am Taking Offers Contact: SRK48@PROTONMAIL.COM Download Complete Listing: U.S. STAMP PDF REPORT |
![]() MGO NEWS FEED ! Click Here |
PRIVACY INVASION UPDATES ![]() You should avoid Five Eyes countries as much as possible. Furthermore, even the nine and fourteen eyes alliances should be avoided where possible. 1.) New forms of domestic abuse enabled by tracking technology! 2.) ProtonMail's cooperation with Swiss authorities to out climate activist sparks outrage! 3.) WHY YOU SHOULD AVOID VPN's WITHIN THE FIVE-Nine-and 14 EYE's COUNTRIES! 4.) 5-Eyes, 9-Eyes, and 14-Eyes agreement explained. ![]() by Sean McGrath EPIC BROWSER Epic is a private, secure web browser that blocks ads, trackers, fingerprinting, cryptomining, ultrasound signaling and more. Stop 600+ tracking attempts in an average browsing session. Turn on network privacy with our free VPN (servers in 8 countries). We believe what you browse online should always be private. In incognito mode, you're still being tracked. Join hundreds of thousands of users who've chosen privacy. World Privacy Report Internet freedom is under threat around the world. ProPrivacy actively monitors the global state of privacy and provides expert advice to citizens. Explore countries below to get more details and review profiles of each nation. Continued.... W10Privacy Review W10Privacy is a free anti-spy tool for Windows 10, designed by German developer Bernd Schuster. The intuitive application is a single executable file designed to ease some pain caused when utilizing Windows 10, allowing users to change privacy settings, block advertisements and disable the Windows Update feature with the click of a few buttons. W10Privacy Review Continued... |
VENDORS ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Muzzleloader forums are usually a great source of friendship and a wealth of knowledge not only for beginners, but also the experienced shooter/hunter/sportsman. Usually you will find a variety of threads on many subjects involving muzzleloading, hunting, period clothing, and accessories. Usually there is also a thread for buying, selling, and wanted products. Unfortunately there are too many sites that really have no interest in the muzzleloading sport other than to make money! They will develope various threads that you have to pay to enter and post on!! We usually avoid those sites as they are there just for profit. A muzzleloading should provide you with everything you need to be proficient in your endeavors, wether it be just shooting, hunting, rendezvous, and other related endeavors you seek. Also on the pay site, you will find a lot of rash, gestapo, type moderators that just look for excuses to shame and/or ban members for trivial things that they have a personal dislike for!! NOW REMEMBER: Not all pay sites are like that, but there are far too many! We belong to many forums and we will join many more to review for our readers. Below we list those WE avoid andthose WE find to be enjoyable. The rest is up to your discretion. These are strictly our opinions. FORUMS WE USE: Buckskins & Black Powder Forum - ALL FREE Idaho Lewis’s Muzzleloading Forum - ALL FREE Buckskins & Black Powder Blog Paul Dobbins' Trapper Talk - Very Informative - Friendly Traditional Muzzleloading on the Cheap - Free - Friendly - Informative GON Forum - All Free - Seems Very Friendly - Informative FORUMS WE AVOID: The Muzzleloading Forum - To many Premium Pay Threads - moderators, so-so. Frontier Muzzle Loading - Many Pay Threads - Little Activity. So-so. |
![]() Paypal does not accept payments for firearms, muzzleloaders, firearms or muzzleloader raffles, bullets, accessories, due to their SOCIALIST ANTI-GUN POLICY! Current Payment Methods For Above Items: Personal Check - Money Order - ZELLE. Payments Made with ZELLE USE: srk48@protonmail.com Send Payments To: Stanley Koziol 24817 County Road 47.5 Boncarbo, CO. 81024 719-680-4568 |