![]() ![]() ![]() Rifle Builds, Information on lubes, bullets, muzzleloaders, maintenance, histories, and so much more... ![]() Tall, Tangled, and True Tales of the Mountain Men, 1805-1850 ![]() Step back in time and learn how to relive the American frontier. Stop by and visit our friends at ![]() |
Elk Buglers, Elk Teeth, Buffalo teeth, Bison Horn Caps! Vintage and New/Used MuzzleLoaders Please email srk48@protonmail.com for a quote or your asking price! |
MODERN & TRADITIONAL MUZZLELOADING ![]() By Toby Bridges The rifle in the photo at left is the same rifle, which I built with a custom cut 1-in-24 twist .50 caliber barrel during the early 1980's. The lock ... triggers ... and much of the furniture was salvaged from a factory T/C Hawken rifle which the previous owner had failed to properly clean at the end of a hunting season ... and the bore was ruined. During the 25 years following that build, I played around with a half-dozen so-called "drop-in" barrels of various calibers and rates of rifling twist on this same rifle. More Pyrodex was shot out of this rifle than real black powder. That mulie buck in the photo at left was taken with a 90-grain charge of Pyrodex RS and one of the 385-grain Buffalo Bullets swaged soft lead conical bullets. Hit squarely just to the rear of the facing shoulder at about 75 yards, the deer went less than 20 yards and went down. By now, most of you reading this know that the GOEX black powder manufacturing facility in Louisiana has shut down (or is in the process of closing). GOEX black powder has been the only U.S. made sporting black powder available in North America for quite a few years. With the Hodgdon Powder Company owned black powder division closing its doors, keeping a good supply of black powder on hand through the coming year could prove difficult ... and costly. In November 2021, the typical retail price for a pound of GOEX FFg ... FFFg ... or FFFFg ranged from about $20 to $25. At that time, imported Swiss black powder was selling for $30 to $33 per pound ... while the cost of Schuetzen black powder typically ranged from around $22 to $28. The biggest problem right now, here at the first of 2022, is just finding black power in stock ... JUST ABOUT ANYWHERE! Ever since news of the Covid breakout in January 2020, scalpers have run rampant in the shooting & hunting industry. I've heard from dozens of black powder burners across the country who had to fork out as much as $75 to $100 for a pound of powder in early fall 2021 ... in order to hunt with a muzzleloader this past season. Now, if you are a FLINTLOCK ONLY shooter and hunter ... the poor availability of black powder and price gouging are a real double whammy! However, If you shoot and hunt with a percussion ignition frontloader ... you have a couple of other powder options - Hodgdon's granular Pyrodex or Triple Seven black powder substitutes. Continued... Putting Meat On The Table: New Williams™ Western Precision Muzzleloading Sight ![]() The new Western Precision Muzzleloader Sight setup is a rear Williams WGRS peep sight, with a front globe sight including 6 different crosshair inserts. The new globe used in this sight setup is capable of mounting straight to the bore of inline muzzleloaders without the need for a dovetail adapter or base. This increases the rigidity of the sight, increases durability, and lowers the sight on the barrel for proper height alignment without shimming the rear sight. This new and simplified design is much better than anything else on the market, and will definitely be a hit with open sight muzzleloading hunters in California, Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington. There are six different reticles included in the Western Precision Muzzleloading pack. The reticle that is most advanced is a BDC-style reticle that offers an additional hold point for bullet drop. While this point will vary from gun to gun, we worked with Williams to use load data that was most prevalent in western muzzleloading. Using 110 grains of Blackhorn 209 and a 250-grain bullet, the additional sub-tensions will give you holdovers out to 200 yards. If you’re using a different load, you can easily go to the range and test the holdovers for your exact setup. In the coming months, the Muzzle-Loaders.com team will be developing additional data with various muzzleloaders to make these calculations easier for our customers. Williams Fine Crosshair Inserts "The customer service team at Muzzle-Loaders.com has received a substantial amount of feedback concerning open sight setups in the past, with a large number of hunters wanting to use a peep and globe setup. The biggest issue was having to "Frankenstein" a sight combination by purchasing multiple parts from multiple brands and then having a lack of elevation adjustment as the front sight was just too tall. This new Williams sight set significantly reduces the height of the front globe sight and since Williams has designed both halves of this set, the front and rear will perform perfectly together. Another feature that shooters wished for was an included fine crosshair insert that would allow for longer-ranged open sight shooting, since the crosshair or post would normally cover up the target." Caleb Andrews, Muzzle-Loaders.com Customer Service Manager If you’re planning a western muzzleloader hunt this fall, the Williams Precisions Muzzleloading Sight needs to be on your gun! This sight set is well made and sure to increase your accuracy and range when in the field. If you have any questions about this sight, please feel free to reach out to our customer service team at 1-855-236-5000, or email at sales@muzzle-loaders.com. BUY HERE.... Losing The Right To Hunt ...... by Toby bridges ![]() We're closer to losing all opportunities to hunt than many of you may realize. There are many people ... anti-hunting organizations ... and state, federal and global agencies which are hell bent to eliminate hunting. And, yes, some of those "agencies" include a number of so-called "Game & Fish" departments. How they are accomplishing a well funded effort to put an end to hunting just may surprise you. This article shares a look at a new 2022 website which aims to counter the efforts and lies of that anti-hunting movement. Note from MountainGnome Online: We have an old saying in the hunting, farming, and ranching community about these over populated predators..."SSS"!! Continued... ![]() By Josh Honeycutt Warning: Get your brushes out. This article may ruffle a few feathers: There are myths out there in every facet of the world. And the deer hunting realm is no exception. The number of myths out there are many. And the deception is real. I’ll readily admit that I’ve believed in several of these at some point in my life. But education corrected my flawed perceptions, and I’m a better and more knowledgeable deer hunter and steward because of it. So I ask you, have you ever fallen victim to one of these tall tales? 1.) MYTH: Bucks contribute more to offsprings' antler potential than does. It’s a common misconception that bucks influence their offspring more than does do. That’s simply not true. The fact is that both bucks and does contribute approximately 50 percent of the genetic makeup of a fawn. Antler characteristics can be influenced by either one. Beyond that, which of the two will raise the fawn. The doe will. She’ll nurse it, nourish it, and raise it up. If for some reason that fawn has a hard life (late-born, the doe lacks milk production, the mother places it in low-quality cover, etc.), it’s on that doe. And research shows fawns that have a hard life produce subpar antlers as yearlings. And, on average, it tends to carry over each year afterward. So in essence, the doe plays a greater roll in antler production than bucks do. Another myth about fawns is that they don’t have scent when born. The truth of the matter is that they do. Don’t let someone try to convince you otherwise. Photo credit: Josh Honeycutt PURCHASE THIS ANTIQUE AT BUCKSKINS & BLACK POWDER Nitrating Paper for Combustible Cartridges by Eras Gone Historical Molds |
Modern Firearms For Sale:
![]() As they become available to us and are resonably priced, we will put them up for sale. ![]() A licensed FFL dealer/person will need to email us a copy of their FFL. Payment methods and instructions are found on our FIREARMS SALES PAGE |
FEATURED UPCOMING RENDEZVOUS *** COMING RENDEZVOUS EVENTS *** Contact Us To Add Your Rendezvous Click Image Image Below For Complete Brochure ![]() Click Image Image Below For Complete Brochure ![]() ![]() WE ADD NEW RENDEZVOUS AS THEY BECOME AVAILABLE TO US Mountain Men and Life in the Rocky Mountain West Literacy and Reading: The American frontier, said Frederick Jackson Turner, was “the meeting place between savagery and civilization.” "There are certain periods when human patience can no longer endure indignity and oppression. The spark of liberty then kindles into a flame..." |
MODEL BUILDER'S KORNER ![]() ALL PRODUCT CUSTOM MADE IN THE USA. Starling has just about any light & sound kits you will need for any of your models. Make your models come to life with Starling Technologies kits. Don't see what you need? We can design it. CONTACT:stan@starling-tech.com ![]() Custom Built in the USA. Peter White has shared his completed Moebius B9 robot. This beautiful build features the seamless bubble as well as the Starling B9 2.0 Life Force light and sound kit. Take a look at the realistic bulbs Peter was able to create in the bubble. AWESOME BUILD PETER :) This Light & Sound Kit is available at STARLINGTECH.COM Features: This amazing effect features everything a fan of Lost In SpaCe could want.
LITERATURE CORNER TREASURES OF READING ![]() Folks, here are some great books to read...THIS IS A MUST READ! Matt Jensen: The Last Mountain Man by William W. Johnstone (Author), J.A. Johnstone (Author) ![]() William W. Johnstone’s breathtaking Mountain Man series set the standard for Western adventure. Now a new saga begins as the adopted son of Smoke Jensen takes his place on the unforgiving and violent American frontier BORN TO BE BRAVE Matt Cavanaugh was nine years old when a band of outlaws slaughtered his family. . .Now Matt is 18, honed by hardship, steeped in survival and carrying the last name of the man who raised him: Smoke Jensen. With Smoke's wisdom, his own courage and just enough money to start a life, Matt Jensen begins a relentless hunt for the outlaws who murdered his family. Winston Pugh, their coldblooded leader, won't be hard to find; his scarred face gives him away. But Matt soon learns that there's more to vengeance than hunting a man down. And he soon discovers that true justice is waiting just beyond a town called Perdition. …Order yours today!". GO TO OUR NEW BOOKS PAGE. LOADED WITH SCORES OF GOOD READING! "There are certain periods when human patience can no longer endure indignity and oppression. The spark of liberty then kindles into a flame..." —In a letter from Samuel Adams to his cousin John Adams, dated October 4, 1790 |
COMFORT FOOD ![]() from The Mount Vernon Inn Restaurant George and Martha Washington welcomed thousands of guests to Mount Vernon and were well known for their boundless hospitality, frequent and memorable parties, and the wide variety of culinary treats served. This was only possible because of the work of enslaved butlers, housemaids, waiters, cooks, and others. Explore recipes and learn more about food culture at Mount Vernon. Enjoy this modern Beef Brisket recipe.
Preparation Instructions: Serves 6-8 ![]() Hot Cocoa Comfort by Michael Turback |
U.S.A. GUN WORLD ![]() Everything from Firearms to Muzzleloaders & Accessories - Pistols & Long Guns Hunting Accessories, Clothing, etc. - Latest Hunting Information & Data - Much More! powered by Surfing Waves
U.S. STAMP COLLECTION FOR SALE ![]() Large U.S. Stamp Collection For Sale. Early to Present U.S. Stamps ~ Mostly Mint ~ in 8 Premium American Heirloom Albums! All Stamps in Scott Mounts. Also Comes With Large Quantity Of Over 90% Mint Doubles (Singles & Sheets & Plate Blocks & Souvineer Sheets) 2019 Scott Value Is $20,000 Plus - Not Including All Of The Doubles. I Am Taking Offers Contact: SRK48@PROTONMAIL.COM Download Complete Listing: U.S. STAMP PDF REPORT |
![]() MGO NEWS FEED ! Click Here |
PRIVACY INVASION UPDATES ![]() You should avoid Five Eyes countries as much as possible. Furthermore, even the nine and fourteen eyes alliances should be avoided where possible. 1.) New forms of domestic abuse enabled by tracking technology! 2.) ProtonMail's cooperation with Swiss authorities to out climate activist sparks outrage! 3.) WHY YOU SHOULD AVOID VPN's WITHIN THE FIVE-Nine-and 14 EYE's COUNTRIES! 4.) 5-Eyes, 9-Eyes, and 14-Eyes agreement explained. ![]() by Sean McGrath EPIC BROWSER Epic is a private, secure web browser that blocks ads, trackers, fingerprinting, cryptomining, ultrasound signaling and more. Stop 600+ tracking attempts in an average browsing session. Turn on network privacy with our free VPN (servers in 8 countries). We believe what you browse online should always be private. In incognito mode, you're still being tracked. Join hundreds of thousands of users who've chosen privacy. World Privacy Report Internet freedom is under threat around the world. ProPrivacy actively monitors the global state of privacy and provides expert advice to citizens. Explore countries below to get more details and review profiles of each nation. Continued.... W10Privacy Review W10Privacy is a free anti-spy tool for Windows 10, designed by German developer Bernd Schuster. The intuitive application is a single executable file designed to ease some pain caused when utilizing Windows 10, allowing users to change privacy settings, block advertisements and disable the Windows Update feature with the click of a few buttons. W10Privacy Review Continued... |
VENDORS ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() Muzzleloader forums are usually a great source of friendship and a wealth of knowledge not only for beginners, but also the experienced shooter/hunter/sportsman. Usually you will find a variety of threads on many subjects involving muzzleloading, hunting, period clothing, and accessories. Usually there is also a thread for buying, selling, and wanted products. Unfortunately there are too many sites that really have no interest in the muzzleloading sport other than to make money! They will develope various threads that you have to pay to enter and post on!! We usually avoid those sites as they are there just for profit. A muzzleloading should provide you with everything you need to be proficient in your endeavors, wether it be just shooting, hunting, rendezvous, and other related endeavors you seek. Also on the pay site, you will find a lot of rash, gestapo, type moderators that just look for excuses to shame and/or ban members for trivial things that they have a personal dislike for!! NOW REMEMBER: Not all pay sites are like that, but there are far too many! We belong to many forums and we will join many more to review for our readers. Below we list those WE avoid andthose WE find to be enjoyable. The rest is up to your discretion. These are strictly our opinions. FORUMS WE USE: Buckskins & Black Powder Forum - ALL FREE Idaho Lewis’s Muzzleloading Forum - ALL FREE Buckskins & Black Powder Blog Paul Dobbins' Trapper Talk - Very Informative - Friendly Traditional Muzzleloading on the Cheap - Free - Friendly - Informative GON Forum - All Free - Seems Very Friendly - Informative FORUMS WE AVOID: The Muzzleloading Forum - To many Premium Pay Threads - moderators, so-so. Frontier Muzzle Loading - Many Pay Threads - Little Activity. So-so. |
![]() Paypal does not accept payments for firearms, muzzleloaders, firearms or muzzleloader raffles, bullets, accessories, due to their SOCIALIST ANTI-GUN POLICY! Current Payment Methods For Above Items: Personal Check - Money Order - ZELLE. Payments Made with ZELLE USE: srk48@protonmail.com Send Payments To: Stanley Koziol 24817 County Road 47.5 Boncarbo, CO. 81024 719-680-4568 |